All of those will be in the next update.
Strictly speaking that's down to you Ashes, as Chief of C.U.P. Shipyards. However the purpose of Part-19 is just to fix everything up to this point. It is primarily an aircraft test and update with some JSGME features added.
Once Part-19 is released, and seen to be successful in resolving all aircraft in WAW, then it will be safe to add the new ships.
Asheshouse has, in fact, done a lot more than simply add some new ships. He and Pablo have put in many hours to actually resolve a new Ships.ini (+technics.ini and all that goes with it). The many different ship builders use a lot of separate resources and code. For the first time in Il2, Asheshouse and Benitomuso have actually cleaned up the Ships.ini and thousands of Classfiles relating to all of the ships in Il2.
This fantastic breakthrough will be the next thing but I am not going to mess with it in Part-19. Let's do one step at a time. Get Part-19 in there and stable, then all the new ships.
Meanwhile, our advice is; enjoy Part-19 - don't go in there and start moving things just yet...

vonofterdingen's Rabul campaign uses
"Moezillas Dry Dock mod" JSGME Option. None of the CUP Team were consulted over this JSGME Addon (I'm not hard to reach, the PM button is right there) which is extraordinary since it actually overwrites several of the Core *.INI files and adds classfiles to the #WAW mod folder.
I would advise that "Moezillas Dry Dock mod" is left well alone. Anything that references it will also be broken.
All of the simple and reversible JSGME Options recommended for C.U.P. -
DO NOT ALTER CORE FILES IN THE STD FOLDERBy this I am referring to the STD Folder within the Mod folder (#WAW/STD). You should NEVER apply a JSGME Option that overwrites core files in the STD folder because this is where changes and upgrades are carried out. The moment that STD folder is upgraded such options are obselete and enabling them subsequently will break your Il2.