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Author Topic: Missing Entries in Chief/Stationary INIs  (Read 1157 times)

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Missing Entries in Chief/Stationary INIs
« on: January 21, 2016, 08:58:37 AM »

Hello all,

When running a few of  the CUP QuickPro missions, there appear to be missing object entries.  See this snippet of log code from a recent mission:
Code: [Select]
[2:54:31 PM] Loading mission QuickQMBPro/CUP-Monte_Cassino/CUP-Monte_CassinoRedNoneA00.mis...
[2:54:31 PM] Month = 6 , Hour = 12
[2:54:31 PM] Temperature -     0m = 27.0 .
[2:54:31 PM] Temperature -  1000m = 20.51001 .
[2:54:31 PM] Temperature -  2000m = 14.019989 .
[2:54:31 PM] Temperature -  3000m = 7.529999 .
[2:54:31 PM] Temperature -  4000m = 1.0400085 .
[2:54:31 PM] Temperature -  5000m = -5.450012 .
[2:54:31 PM] Temperature -  6000m = -11.940002 .
[2:54:31 PM] Temperature -  7000m = -18.429993 .
[2:54:31 PM] Temperature -  8000m = -24.919998 .
[2:54:31 PM] Temperature -  9000m = -31.410004 .
[2:54:31 PM] Temperature - 10000m = -37.899994 .
[2:54:31 PM] Temperature - 11000m = -44.39 .
[2:54:31 PM] Temperature - 12000m = -50.880005 .
[2:54:31 PM] Loading map.ini defined airfields:
[2:54:31 PM] WARNING: ObjectVACache_Clear()
[2:54:31 PM] WARNING: * Buf0 : Obj: 54,  Vert 801,  Ind 2838
[2:54:31 PM] WARNING: * Buf1 : Obj: 363,  Vert 27924,  Ind 67272
[2:54:31 PM] WARNING: * Buf2 : Obj: 103,  Vert 99875,  Ind 155367
[2:54:31 PM] Load bridges
[2:54:31 PM] Load static objects
[2:54:33 PM] fps:3 avg:54 max:326 min:1 #fr:15898
[2:54:34 PM] FM called 'FlightModels/P-51D-20NT.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[2:54:34 PM] FM called 'FlightModels/MotorF51.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[2:54:34 PM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 2
[2:54:34 PM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 2
[2:54:34 PM] Flight Model File FlightModels/P-51D-20NT.fmd contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
[2:54:34 PM] FM called 'FlightModels/P-51D-20NT.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[2:54:34 PM] Mission: Wrong chief's type [Vehicles.4-OpelBlitz6700A_fuel]
[2:54:34 PM] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
[2:54:34 PM] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
[2:54:34 PM] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$AxisBazooka' not found
[2:54:34 PM] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$AxisBazooka' not found
[2:54:35 PM] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$AxisBazooka' not found
[2:54:35 PM] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$AxisBazooka' not found
[2:54:35 PM] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Camion_SK' not found
[2:54:35 PM] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Camion_SK' not found
[2:54:35 PM] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Camion_SK' not found
[2:54:35 PM] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Arty_Barrage' not found
[2:54:35 PM] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Arty_Barrage' not found
[2:54:35 PM] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery85mm' not found
[2:54:36 PM] ERROR file: File users/0/Icons not found
[2:54:36 PM] Mission: QuickQMBPro/CUP-Monte_Cassino/CUP-Monte_CassinoRedNoneA00.mis is Playing
[2:54:38 PM] fps:29 avg:53 max:326 min:1 #fr:16043
[2:54:43 PM] fps:27 avg:53 max:326 min:1 #fr:16179
[2:54:48 PM] fps:29 avg:52 max:326 min:1 #fr:16320
[2:54:53 PM] fps:31 avg:52 max:326 min:1 #fr:16461
[2:54:58 PM] fps:29 avg:52 max:326 min:1 #fr:16613
[2:55:03 PM] fps:32 avg:51 max:326 min:1 #fr:16762
[2:55:08 PM] fps:32 avg:51 max:326 min:1 #fr:16885
[2:55:13 PM] fps:110 avg:51 max:326 min:1 #fr:17109
[2:55:18 PM] fps:39 avg:51 max:326 min:1 #fr:17506
[2:55:23 PM] fps:35 avg:51 max:326 min:1 #fr:17713
[2:55:28 PM] fps:28 avg:51 max:326 min:1 #fr:17867
[2:55:33 PM] fps:26 avg:50 max:326 min:1 #fr:18003
[2:55:38 PM] fps:27 avg:50 max:326 min:1 #fr:18139
[2:55:43 PM] fps:29 avg:50 max:326 min:1 #fr:18307
[2:55:48 PM] fps:27 avg:49 max:326 min:1 #fr:18461
[2:55:53 PM] fps:15 avg:49 max:326 min:1 #fr:18579
[2:55:58 PM] fps:20 avg:49 max:326 min:1 #fr:18686
[2:56:03 PM] fps:47 avg:48 max:326 min:1 #fr:18801
[2:56:08 PM] fps:86 avg:50 max:326 min:1 #fr:19638
[Jan 21, 2016 2:56:12 PM] -------------- END log session -------------

Of note, there is a missing chief entry as well as some stationary entries.  These appear to be fairly standard entries, thus perhaps they can be verified/added if missing, in the CUP #WAW listings.  I did a search of the inis and indeed they were not found in my version which is latest 18B.  Additionally of note, in the FPS counts, you can see where i saw a significant FPS drop (FPS:15) when I looked at a town/urban area.  Not sure what would cause that heavy FPS loss?

PS:  thanks for the accolades Monty, yea the old Clean Modding Concept has come a long way and CUP is simply awesome with the concept as its bedrock!  Looking forward to continued refinement of this project as it really sets the bar for simply the vast wealth of content and ease of use for IL2 enthusiasts!



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Re: Missing Entries in Chief/Stationary INIs
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2016, 09:37:03 AM »

as i'm not yet using CUP, i can't really help, but am sort of 'happy' to see that someone else might be having problems with that OpelBlitz truck...
for a while there i simply couldn't understand why i seemed to be the only person in this entire community with that problem... :D
it might not be relevant to your install, but if you do a forum search for 'OpelBlitz' you should find a few threads of mine where i was tearing my head out over the freaking Opel truck, which was essentially causing several maps not to work for me.
vpmedia offered me a good solution, check out my threads on it for more details..
(i'm pretty busy with solving a Java issue right now, otherwise i'd have time to link those threads - they're quite recent. though - a few weeks back, at most)
good luck with it!
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: Missing Entries in Chief/Stationary INIs
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2016, 09:51:52 AM »

i believe for the OpelBlitz error along with the other stationary listings, are very simple fixes.  Basically adding the missing lines to the associated inis.

for example the error seen for the OpelBlitz is simply a missing chief reference to set up 4 trucks in a object output.  All the object (3do stuff) should be ok, its only the ini that requires update.  Same is likely true for the stationary findings.  Content is there (in 3do) but ini is simply missing the line.

I could edit on my side to test, though did not want to deviate from the stock CUP install to continue associated debugging for any findings.  However, anyone with latest CUP installed, could test by loading up the Quick Pro mission  CUP-Monte_CassinoRedNone to see if their log shows similar missing ini entries.



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Re: Missing Entries in Chief/Stationary INIs
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2016, 12:12:03 PM »

I get the same messages if I try to play my DBW missions in 4.12 modact. Those missing vehicles were never adopted for 4.12. The best way to fix is to use a text editor and find/replace the strings in all the mission files at once.  For example theres no [Vehicles.4-OpelBlitz6700A_fuel] in 4.12 but theres [Vehicles.OpelBlitz6700A_fuel]. I dont see any connection between this and the fps problem, since missing objects are discarded at the start of the mission.


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Re: Missing Entries in Chief/Stationary INIs
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2016, 03:03:10 PM »

I get the same messages if I try to play my DBW missions in 4.12 modact. Those missing vehicles were never adopted for 4.12. The best way to fix is to use a text editor and find/replace the strings in all the mission files at once.  For example theres no [Vehicles.4-OpelBlitz6700A_fuel] in 4.12 but theres [Vehicles.OpelBlitz6700A_fuel]. I dont see any connection between this and the fps problem, since missing objects are discarded at the start of the mission.

Indeed, the FPS loss must be associated with something else, likely a map object located in the town/village area. 

Though, i believe for these noted log errors, they can be resolved by simple ini entries?  For example the [Vehicles.4-OpelBlitz6700A_fuel] is simply a chief entry to create 4 trucks lined up?  Basically to fix it would be something like this in the chief.ini:
Code: [Select]
4-OpelBlitz6700A_fuel    ai.ground.ChiefGround 2 icons/car.mat

..... < further down in the chief.ini >


As for the stationaries, indeed, if not found in the technics.ini, then adding to stationary.ini would not help.  Review of the #WAW technics.ini, i did not find any matches.  Thus, as noted, best approach would be to update the CUP missions to remove those missing entries.

Though, still need to pin down what is causing the heavy FPS loss.  That little gremlin in my CUP install continues to elude.

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