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Author Topic: VisualMOD causes starting problems  (Read 710 times)

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VisualMOD causes starting problems
« on: January 23, 2016, 04:52:21 AM »

Hello everyone

I have come  across lots of teething problems in the forum with PALS VisualMOD and it's a shame as it's a really great addition to the flying experience. Each time I try to run with it I get difficulties with starting up the sim, the icon fires  up in the quick launch bar and then disappears as if there is a barrier  to it running. Takes sometimes half a dozen attempts before the engine kicks over. That barrier comes from VisualMOD as when I deactivate it  in JSGME the sim runs perfectly correctly every time. I am wondering if there is a conf. setting I can adjust but I don't see anything obvious.

Wish it  worked as the change plane function is great  in a furball and the rearm & refuel function adds great atmosphere.

Any ideas anyone? And yes, I am running the one provided in CUP. The rest of the installation is 100% default. I will sort out the log file too.

EDIT: My logfile contains no data, not surprising because the sim didn't even get started.
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