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Author Topic: CUP Module 03 #WAW SOUNDSET-03  (Read 5696 times)

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CUP Module 03 #WAW SOUNDSET-03
« on: January 26, 2016, 09:53:10 PM »


Grab yourself the new Soundset-03 for World at War!

This set combines the best elements from Tiger33's sounds and 'CUPSOUNDS' to form #WAW Soundset-03.  This is guaranteed to work and sound great with ANY aircraft in #WAW.

UnZIP/UnRAR straight to Il2 main directory and allow overwrite.   JSGME Activate.

(Pathway is ...Il2/JSGMEMODS/#WAW Soundset-03)

#WAW Soundset-03.ZIP



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Re: CUP Module 03 #WAW SOUNDSET-03
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2016, 02:18:51 AM »

Hello Simon

I don't know how this soundset differs from #02 but it sounds awful on my system. Your previous one was excellent in my opinion and the different engines really sounded as close to authentic as we will probably get in this sim but this new soundset somehow muffled and squashed all my sound. It came straight out of JSGME and I reverted to #02. Other users clearly may have a totally different experience.

I accept that it might be perfect on your system.


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Re: CUP Module 03 #WAW SOUNDSET-03
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2016, 03:29:46 AM »

Its all subjective isn't it Euan?

I know what you mean!  I also prefer the MUCH LOUDER Merlins and Jumos in Soundset-02, put together from CMMV's material.  However, some people find them too 'rattly' and harsh.  Soundset-03 is more conservative, comprising largely Tiger33's presets, but has a more comprehensive coverage.  I really like it.

All are way better than default.  ;D

We have found that it is usually necessary, under the new structure, to always JSGME activate one of the Soundsets.  Some aircraft types will not load at all otherwise.  There is room for a little 'tuning' on all the sets.  I think we should put them all up here and invite others to add their own.

Sticking with Soundset-02 is fine.  The only thing it may need in the future is wider coverage.  But new types added to it will not alter what is already there.



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Re: CUP Module 03 #WAW SOUNDSET-03
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2016, 03:30:34 AM »

Thank you again.
Works great here.


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Re: CUP Module 03 #WAW SOUNDSET-03
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2016, 04:20:53 AM »

Not possible to find the right words to say how thankful we are!  :-*
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Re: CUP Module 03 #WAW SOUNDSET-03
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2016, 06:14:23 AM »

I had another look at the sound on my install. I  checked the conf.ini and its major settings are as in the manual. Good. I then realized that I still had  the 69th Steerpots soundset loading and that was the cause of the muffled sounds  I was hearing with this  Soundset #03. The two must have countered each other. So I removed the Steerpots in my_presets/my_samples and just ran with your #03. The sound was good but somewhat subdued and slightly 'anaemic' if I may be so bold as to use that word. I then removed from JSGME the #03 soundset and replaced the Steerpots and what a difference. Such a strong and vibrant set of sounds across the board, puts me right in the cockpit aurally. Merlins and DBs are great in flyby too, merlins a-purring and the DB rattling like a bag of spanners as always.

I only fly with earphones so don't listen through any other kind of sound system but for me this 69th Steerpots really is the dog's proverbials!


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Re: CUP Module 03 #WAW SOUNDSET-03
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2016, 05:56:11 PM »

Monty, Thanks again for all your hard work! I am having problems with all WAW Sound-sets(1 thru 3), no 50. cal sound, other sounds drop out. I prefer #CUP Disable Sounds. I really like the way the whole game sounds this option enabled and do not have the missing sounds like I do with the three Sound-sets. If I use this, will it cause conflicts in #WAW? A long time ago, 4.10 era, I really liked Jivers Sound Mod and it always worked great. As always, thank-you for your generosity and help! PS, Thanks for the F4F-4 fix!


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Re: CUP Module 03 #WAW SOUNDSET-03
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2016, 08:51:26 AM »

Guys I don't know if this will help, but this was my experience with the new CUP soundsets. Somewhere in one of the SFS folders, I believe, is a set of presets overwriting the associated presets loading a Soundset with JSGME. I found that if I load #Cup Disable Sounds, then one of the Soundsets, I can get the presets from #WAW SOUNDSET-02 or 03 to apply. I don't know how or why, but this is what is going on with my install.


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Re: CUP Module 03 #WAW SOUNDSET-03
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2016, 03:37:00 PM »

Just an update. What I am using now is nothing enabled, no Sound-sets or Disable Cup Sounds in JSGME. I found in the CUP Tech Help forum section that Vpmedia  has put together a sound package using Jiver's Sounds and made it compatable for 4.12.2/Cup. I am using it in #WAW & #JTW. Sounds are really good and I have not seen any log errors relating to sound during game play. The Vpmedia package is well worth a shot. This is the link where I found his link for the download,  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,49038.0.html


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Re: CUP Module 03 #WAW SOUNDSET-03
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2016, 03:48:29 PM »

Sound Set 03 really does immense you in the sounds of WWII aircraft and weapons. I mean soundset 2 really helped with X-4 launch sounds. 3 does exactly the same, the only snag I had with Soundset 2 was it's interference with the Me-262's and the Go-229 fleet. Because they both had seperate sounds, I think a merging problem was the case here.

I mean the Me-262 had the same sound in set 2, but trying to overwrite it with the same sound caused confusion with the sound selection in-game. The Horten didn't have the problem yet the 262 did...
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Re: CUP Module 03 #WAW SOUNDSET-03
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2016, 06:28:15 AM »

Sound set 03 sounds great, i just wish i could hear the engine a bit louder, for me it feels like it's too quiet in the cockpit. Can i do anything about that? Like mixing the engine sounds from sound set 01 with the rest of the sounds from sound set 03?

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