Pappy Campaign ReadME
Pappy Campaign was built using CUP - World at War part 18, I do not know if other versions will work.
Download Campaign and Skin folder to your desktop.
Place Pappy Campaign folder in IL2/Missions/Campaigns/US
Copy and paste all skins from Pappy Skin Pack into your IL2/paintschemes/skins/aircraft folder. Do Not just drag the Pappy Skin Pack folders into your IL2
game (I don't want you to lose any skins). If you have copied and pasted the skins, and are asked to overwrite, that means you have those skins already
so saying yes to overwrite will not hurt your folder.
Credits for Skins;
Choose highest rank (COL) in order to be the flight lead. Turn OFF Instant Success, and Turn OFF map icons at a minimum.
This Campaign uses 3 different maps (included in CUP) Burma Lower 1942 by CzechTexan, Solomon Islands by Team Daidalos, and PNG 1943 by TomcatZombie/farang65
Please read each mission brief; at the end of the brief it will tell you which Skin to use (The F4U-1A folder is loaded with skins and almost all of them are
used at some point during the Campaign).
Each mission is takeoff and landing, some are taxi to takeoff and all have landings and taxi to parking for additional points.
With the addition of CY6's Command and Control - All missions employ randomizers. Every mission has random weather, and most importantly, every mission has
random enemy skills.
I hope you enjoy playing this campaign, and I hope it gives you some competition.