Let me start by saying Thank you guys for C.U.P. I know it's a long labor of love so please don't take this as a whine session.
I starting the laboring task of updating DCG file up to WAW #18 with my Excel skills it's not so bad. I have ran into a problem that is a show stopper for the future of DCG and maybe UQMG as well.
1. The are several aircraft in the air.ini that don't have skin folders (...manually fixed using Tolwyn's .bat code to create them)
2. There are several aircraft in the air.ini file that are not in the weapons.properties and vice versa (e.g. I-16 Type 18,I-16 Type 24, I-16 Type 27 (etc..), P-51D30NA, P-51D25NA, P-51D20NT, All of the desert Spitfires - the David's: SpitfireLFIXe25lbsCWM66"DAVID" and Crazyflak's Seawolves as well)
I understand that some aircraft have armament built directly into the model but this means that those aircraft with out weapon entries in the weapons.properties file cannot be added to external mission and campaign generators.
Can we please have a universal way of adding the necessary entries into all files and for the mean time, can I send a file that I came up with to someone. We have 955 aircraft variants in WAW, so any help of the
30 16 7 I have found would be helpful.
I have the stats:
There are 16 Aircraft in the weapons.properties that are not in the air.ini file
Not in Air.ini DB3TP DB3TP_s FW-190V29 I-16type18-BS I-16type24Orig I-16type27 I-16type28
There are 191 aircraft in the air.ini not in the weapons.properties file
Not in Weapon.properties A_25_Shrike Autogyro Avia_B135 AVIA_B534_Float AVIA_B534R AVIA_B534Sea AVIA_Ba122 B_25D20 B_25D5 B_25J15 B_25J22 B_26B B4Y1 BP_Defiant Bu_181 Bv_141 Bv_237_B1 CA_133 CA_133T CA_148 Ca_309 Ca_310 CaudronCR714 CRPracer12 D1A1_IJN D1A2_IJN D4Y2 D4Y2S D4Y3 D4Y3S D521_ALA DC_3B Do_232 Do17Z_0 Do17Z_2 F1M F2G F4U1cage F6C4Hawk F8F2 F8F2Racer F8F2RB FI_103_V1 FI_103RIV FI_156U Firefly_MkV FL282 FOKKERG1 FW_190_SeaDora Fw_190_SeaFg FW_190_SeaJab FW_190V18 G50B GLADIATOR2MOD H6K4 Ha_1112_M1L HalifaxBMkI HalifaxBMkII HE_280 HE_60 He51C HellcatMkI HellcatMkIb HellcatMkII HellcatMkIII J1N1_F J2F_Duck_Super JU_188beta JU_388K JU_87D3j JU_87D5j JU_87G1j JU_88C6b JU_88R2 Ju_F13 JU_G38 Ju88G1_Stechmucke Ju88G1d KI_109_I KI_177 KI_177_Ko KI_201 KI_48_I Ki232 L_5_Float L_5A L18B L21B LA_7N Liberator_GR_V LINCOLN Lysander LysanderMkIII M33 M33_F M6A1 Martin_B_10B Martin_WH1 Martin_WH2 Martin_WH3 MB_152 MB_174 Me_262_HGIV ME_262HG_V ME_262HG_VB Me_509 Mitsubishi_Ki_2 Mk6 Monsoon MOSQUITO16 MOSQUITO2NF MOSQUITONF17AI8 MOSQUITONF19AI8 NC_900A5 NC_900A8 P_26 P_3 P_38M PA11 PA11 PA18 PA18B R_3LD R_3M5 R2Y1 S_31 S_AT6 S_SNJ3 S_SNJ4 S_T6 SB_2M100 SB_2M100ALate SB_2M103Erly SB2C_1C_USN SB2C2_USN SB2C3_USN SB2C4_Late SB2C5_USN SB2U_USN Sea_Avenger SeafangFMk32 SEAGLADIATOR3 Shackleton SI204 SM_S62 SPITFIRE5B SPITFIRE5B12LBS SPITFIRE5BCLP SPITFIRE5BLF SPITFIRE5BLFCLP SPITFIRE5BM4616LBS SPITFIRE5BT SPITFIRE5C2 SPITFIRE5C2FBLand SPITFIRE5C2LFCLPLand SPITFIRE5C4 SPITFIRE5float SPITFIRECAP SpitfireFIXcEarlyM61DAVID SpitfireFIXcEarlyM63DAVID SpitfireHFIXcM70DAVID SpitfireHFIXeM70DAVID SpitfireLFIXc25lbsM66DAVID SpitfireLFIXcCWM6618DAVID SpitfireLFIXcM6618DAVID SpitfireLFIXe25lbsCWM66DAVID SpitfireLFIXeCWM6618DAVID SpitfireLFIXeM6618DAVID SpitfireLFIXeM6625lbsDAVID SpitfireMkVc2cwLand SpitfireMKVc2Land SpitfireMKVc4CWLand SpitfireMKVc4xHLand Stranraer SU_2N TL21A TRIMOTOR TyphoonMk1a UHU V_156_F VG_33 WhitleyMkV WhitleyMkVII XC_47X YAK_7UTI Z26
I understand that some aircraft like the Z26 wouldn't have armament, but they still should be in the weapons.properties file as
Z26.none for sake of uniformity.