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Author Topic: visualmod minimap does not show ships?  (Read 3047 times)

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visualmod minimap does not show ships?
« on: February 01, 2016, 01:24:01 PM »

previous versions of the visualmod modded minimap showed ships, but in my installation CUP WAW 16 it does not. Is this deliberate? Is there any way I can make it show ships?

Also is there anyway I can stop the animated camera views?

One final thing, if I enable "Map Fixes" to get Darwin to work, I get all sorts of visual bugs, such as upside down ships, planes about to take off floating in mid air and locking up when doing camera views on AI planes. Is this known?

Upside down ship!

floating zeke!


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Re: visualmod minimap does not show ships?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2016, 01:37:46 PM »

seeing that no-one has replied, does anyone else have ships showing in the minimap like in the 4.101 version? maybe benitomuso knows if there is something wrong with my installation?


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Re: visualmod minimap does not show ships?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2016, 04:28:46 PM »

Hi Jim, I am new to this game as well. I have my ships show up in the mini map in FMB. My Darwin map works as well. ( it didn't until a few updates ago!) I am running on CUP update 19. All is fine. I hope you have installed CUP over Il2 version 4.12.2. If so, someone else may assist you on what to do next.


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Re: visualmod minimap does not show ships?
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2016, 05:34:08 PM »

thanks for the reply gb027, so it must be something skewiff with my installation. And yes Darwin works fine now, I am running CUP (19) with MME (14) installed over a virgin 4.12.2 and the cup visual mod 9 (v4122).  Ships used to be displayed, but something has gone amiss, and I can't recall when it happened. it is very frustrating knowing something should work but not have any idea on where or why


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Re: visualmod minimap does not show ships?
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2016, 07:41:50 PM »

I've never seen a ship icon in any iteration of Il-2 on a mini-map. See screenshot of CUP Lexington Coral Sea QMB Pro mission below. The Wildcat is passing over the Japanese fleet but there's not a single ship icon on the map. And I've activated VisualMod 9 which certainly seems to work.

Did I do something wrong, or do I misunderstand the issue here?



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Re: visualmod minimap does not show ships?
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2016, 08:12:21 PM »

btasm, Look at where the orange arrow points



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Re: visualmod minimap does not show ships?
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2016, 08:48:03 PM »

Q for Jim DiGris and btasm- are you guys not possibly suffering from the same issue i've got recently with this aspect of VisualMod - for me, the problem isn't limited to ships not showing on the minimap, even worse for me is the fact that i can't view any ships through the Cycle Actors/Chiefs camera feature of the VisualMod - i can cycle through ground units such as vehicles, no problem, but not any of the ships.
this post refers: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,42495.msg544336.html#msg544336

at the time of posting that, it was just a problem with ships.
since i've moved to the updated VisualMod with the Ordinance cam feature, i am now unable to view ANY actors at all.
Pablo is usually quite good with helping with problems, but he must be quite busy lately, as he has been quite scarce.
(either that, or he's just tired of my constant problems, lol)

p.s: i must add that i'm not using CUP - my issues are on a Modact530 install, hence i'm not joining in this thread ;)
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Re: visualmod minimap does not show ships?
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2016, 06:22:53 AM »


I too am running CUP, Part 19, (over a virgin 4.12) all maps up to date and I have activated VisualMod 9 (v4122). But there are no ship icons on the mini-map. In fact, until I reviewed this thread, I thought that wasn't possible, just an unfix-able Il-2 glitch.

I even made sure that I had not accidentally turned on the "no icons" function in the "Difficulty" menu, which I had not.

Every other aspects of VisualMod9 run correctly. All other objects show on the mini map. Just not ships.

Perhaps someone else can weigh in.


I can cycle through all of the gazillion "actors", including (strangely enough) ships. The ships just don't appear as icons. Nor can ships be padlocked as in "Padlock Enemy Ground".



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Re: visualmod minimap does not show ships?
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2016, 02:49:59 PM »

SAS~Malone some other "glitches" or bugs I am experiencing with Ships.

1. sometimes I also can't view any ships through the Cycle Actors/Chiefs camera feature of the VisualMod, and sometimes when it gets to a "Carrier" it either locks up, or shows a view at sea level to the stern but will not move
2. sometimes ships are immune to hits from rockets and guns, the game acts like they aren't there, but the same ships will take damage from torps wtf
3. planes not spawning correctly on ships
4. ships not appearing even though present as a chief with a route in the FMB
5. ships "upside down"


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Re: visualmod minimap does not show ships?
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2016, 10:49:12 PM »

Jim, i can't say i've encountered many of the problems you've had yet, but your point 1 in above post is basically a permanent fixture with my install - i can never view ships through the Cycle Actors/Chiefs function, and when it sometimes does 'work', i get the same total freeze-up of my game.
your point number 3 is also something i encounter, although i suspect this might be an Engine Mod issue?
for example, on a Japanese carrier, i can only spawn 5 Zero's - the first flight of 4, all lined up bow to stern, and the behind them, the first plane of the second flight. the rest of the second flight, and any subsequent flights, all spawn in the air some distance off to starboard of the carrier, and proceed to to drop into the ocean on mission start.
so, a packed carrier deck is still a pipe-dream for me, lol
the more the merrier is my motto when there are problems (as some modders might get tired of the same old guy asking about problems), so any guys having similar issues should speak up.
in benitomuso's VisualMod 9 thread, for example, it's been mainly me asking about problems recently, i fear up to the point that he dreads seeing my posts - the latest issue i have has him stumped as well, it seems, lol
so yes, if there are others with similar issues, speak up, please - the more people indicating a certain problem, the better the chances of a solution. ;)
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Re: visualmod minimap does not show ships?
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2016, 05:18:09 AM »

People, I really don't remember how it worked. I developed this many years ago, when I was young.

I'm going to take a look to see what is going on.




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Re: visualmod minimap does not show ships?
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2016, 05:40:03 AM »

...many years ago, when I was young.

lol, old man Pablo :D

just guessing here, as usual, but wasn't it with 4.12.2 TD patch that the targeting system changed, so that we could now padlock ships (in the stock game)
so, i suspect a conflict appeared at this point, as you had already made it possible to padlock ships prior to this?
so something in the update possibly caused this?
then again, seems to only be a handful of people with this problem so far.
i wish more people would get involved at times like this, so we can get a better idea of how prevalent the problem is, or not....
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