.... this is like the Cherry on top of the CAKE ! FANTASTIC!
Thank You once again Mister Geezer and Mission_Bug!
That is an excellent idea and very well created models too.
The models do look much better with the new head improvements and that particular change of using
them without the hats, is even better! --- We can finally have more civilian type human models!! Hurray!
AND I can also paint new skins on them to look like women factory workers and aviation mechanics!

One of my biggest wishes for this game for along time, is to add in some villages and cities people walking, to
make them look as if there is Life in it. The human models do not have to be "moving", they can be
static-model, but with the looks and poses as if they are walking, or doing something.
That is why I keep asking and requesting to have at least 2 woman 3d-models, no pants but with a skirt.
So I could make them into civilian types to add to villages, towns and cities. We could also include them in airfields
and factories, because a very big part of the work done in WW1 and WW2 was done by women.
Just in WW2 they built most of the airplanes and were also aviation mechanics.
We all know that the main thing in this game is FLYING, but it would be wonderful for us also to look down at
the ground when we are flying over a road or a village street, and notice there are people walking, or a few cars
placed on the street. ---> That there is LIFE in the landscape.
Because many maps we are using, when you fly over the villages and cities, all we see is houses and roads... NO people

The whole land looks dead.
No Life.
All of these new human models will bring life to our game - so it is a BIG Change in the way we also enjoy flying in IL2-1946+Mods !
So, I THANK YOU Mister Geezer and Mission_Bug Pete once again!