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Author Topic: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.  (Read 35832 times)

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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #84 on: February 18, 2016, 01:09:32 PM »

Very good work!   ;)

Glad you are happy with the end result Geezer, it is always very difficult using the work of others because you are not sure
just what their feelings will be once they see the work they spent many hours on in a slightly different form. 8)

In the static.ini file look for the line:

Body            FuelSmall

and change it to:

Body            WoodSmall

This stops any smoke and fire. At least in my 4.12.2 heavily modded ModAct5.3


Thank you very much for the information Plowshare, that did the job, greatly appreciated. 8)

All the figures now have that entry, however, I left the barn as it was as there are usually combustables in most buildings. ;)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #85 on: February 19, 2016, 12:23:32 PM »

Hello guys, been a little sidetracked the last few days with real life issues and trying to sort a problem out but here is a little update. ;)

This is 'Mech on Stand' as a dead object:

And 'Mechs Waiting' also in their dead form:

The major pieces with multiple figures and objects are now done apart from the pilots with a map, some of the above
figures can actually be utilised as a dead model where we have them as individual objects so that saves a little time
and effort doing the same figure again. ;)

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #86 on: February 20, 2016, 12:39:36 PM »

I love those dead guys  8)  All the models look excellent and very well positioned.
Very useful for many scenes if they can be done as stand-alone static-objects.

For example, paint new skins on them to look like wounded soldiers near a
camp field hospital.
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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #87 on: February 21, 2016, 03:16:44 AM »

Hello Max, glad you like them. 8)

Because I am using a ready made piece of 3D it is not always possible to rearrange the limbs as I might like without completely
distorting the figure so it is very much a compromise and the object will probably not look completely authentic in the pose but
it is as good as I can get.

All the dead models would definately benefit from a skin that helps in the immersion factor as long as it does not get too extreme
with the blood and gore.

I could maybe post the current work to you, Stalker and vpmedia so you could each have a look and see if it stirs each of
your artistic talents.

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #88 on: February 21, 2016, 11:17:41 AM »

I managed to use some of the dead models from the multiple objects integrated into some of the individual ones. ;)

Here we see the live and dead versions of those individual objects:

One problem I was having was that when placed in a scene all the objects would remain in their alive state even
if they were near a object that was destroyed and it sort of looked odd.

My thoughts were that if I enlarged the hit box, '[CoCommon]' is the name of the technical entry in the mesh, of my
objects and put them up close to other objects then it might be possible for them to be destroyed at the same time, here
we see the set up for the experiment:

Unfortunately it did not remedy the problem as I thought, obviously the hit box of another model does not actually effect
another even if they cross but at least more of the figures were hit at a similar time from the incoming fire around them:

The ideal would be if all the objects could be hit together but it seems that is not possible, sadly the static objects
cannot be assigned Red or Blue as a side so only pick up damage if they just happen to be caught in the crossfire.

Even so I will leave them with that larger hit box as at least more of them do fall prey to bullets and explosions in
the area so it looks a little more realistic.

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D



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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #89 on: February 23, 2016, 02:39:26 AM »

Hello again guys, work is progressing fairly well apart from the odd hicup, I lost one of my figures so had to start again
with it to be able to make the dead model. ;)

Here we go, these are the two sets of walking figures with the new heads and their departed selves:

This leaves five objects I think still to do so hopefully it will be possible to provide a new upload within a week
then I will be able to move on to the other objects in the collection.

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #90 on: February 23, 2016, 03:11:55 AM »

I could maybe post the current work to you, Stalker and vpmedia so you could each have a look and see if it stirs each of
your artistic talents.

Of course, pm me the files and I can take a look at those damage textures :)


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #91 on: February 23, 2016, 03:50:25 AM »

Pete, i just wanted to check in with you regarding a post i made in another thread, which i suspect you haven't seen, and that is to ask about a sitting figure. one that can be used to fill the back of trucks with 'troops', vehicle 'drivers' and for any other scenario where a sitting figure could be used.
if we can get this useful figure, i can then add suitably textured ones to many of the vehicles we currently have, which have no drivers and so on.
i hope it's not a big ask, if it is then please ignore this, and carry on with what you have.
thanks mate :D
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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #92 on: February 23, 2016, 05:36:15 AM »

Of course, pm me the files and I can take a look at those damage textures :)

Hello Istvan, I will zip up what I have ready and send it to you to have a look at, not all the dead objects are done yet but the textures are in
there, I did not want to just post these to each of you earlier because I know you all have projects of your own and I did not want to distract
any of you from those.

Pete, i just wanted to check in with you regarding a post i made in another thread, which i suspect you haven't seen, and that is to ask about a sitting figure. one that can be used to fill the back of trucks with 'troops', vehicle 'drivers' and for any other scenario where a sitting figure could be used.
if we can get this useful figure, i can then add suitably textured ones to many of the vehicles we currently have, which have no drivers and so on.
i hope it's not a big ask, if it is then please ignore this, and carry on with what you have.
thanks mate :D

Hello Eugene, I do not actually create these figures I only alter them so they can be used in our game and there are limits to how much I
can alter them without deforming them, however, you could have a look at these:


The Quad driver looks rather nice and might be just what you require for a driver figure in various vehicles.  ;)

There is resting mechanic in this pack which I have separated from the original object he was part of, that might work in the back of a truck
as the sitting figure you want. :D

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #93 on: February 23, 2016, 06:09:14 AM »

Pete, those are exactly what i need!
silly me, i should've thought of looking through those vehicle packs, as some of them do indeed have a driver.
the sitting mechanic will also do the job nicely. consider my request fulfilled - thanks mate  :D
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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #94 on: February 23, 2016, 01:05:55 PM »

Pete, those are exactly what i need!
silly me, i should've thought of looking through those vehicle packs, as some of them do indeed have a driver.
the sitting mechanic will also do the job nicely. consider my request fulfilled - thanks mate  :D

Glad that sorts out your problem Eugene. 8)

Eventually the sitting mechanic will ship in various forms because I can add the new head and maybe besides the existing hat the
alternate version with a berry could be a option also as well as no hat at all, that though will not be in the next upload as right now
I just want to get the existing figures finished in their current guise and released. ;)

Here are another two now with the dead version of themselves, the NCO and new mech Waiting:

Just a few left now and then I can leave these aside for the moment and do the buildings and airfield utilities.

take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #95 on: February 24, 2016, 02:44:42 AM »

Hello guys, well I finally got to the end of the dead objects for the current figures you have seen so far. :o

Here we see the two pilots as the original object where they are a pair and their dead equivalent:

Here they are as individual objects:

And finally our man and his best friend:

In game test to confirm they work as they should:

Istvan has agreed to have a look at the dead textures for these but I will most likely upload them as they are now
as he can always add a separate download link for them when he is able. ;)

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D

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