Hello guys, the damage model you see will probably not be in the initial release that will be just the figures and shadows
as I said, it was there specifically to set it up in the folders to confirm it worked.

The actual damage models will most likely use the figures themselves with some of their parts altered and being laid down
as was the case with the cavalry, the objects such as ladders etc. will most likely be just placed on their side as though they
were pushed over, something suggested to me by by Stalker.
The buildings I feel could be best represented by damage textures, although I could also provide some damage to the 3D as
well, that has yet to be investigated.
And on to the lovely Lara, thank you very much Eugene for the OBJ file, greatly appreciated, although getting her dressed I
feel might be a touch awkward.

The model opens up fine in gmax, however, it looks like I will have to seperate her figure into multiple parts to get the many
textures on.

This gives you a idea of the work, all the various parts you see surrounding the box with the texture are Lara unwrapped, the
parts selected in red are for that texture.

Here we see the texture for the face applied, there are other bits using the same texture though and I will have to identify
them somehow.

I can see all these projects taking some time, I better finish the Junkers F13 before I get too involved.
Take care guys.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.