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Author Topic: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.  (Read 36013 times)

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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #72 on: February 16, 2016, 06:07:27 PM »

i only meant how hard to make them move, not actually walk with articulated limbs.... sorry for my confusing choice of words.  ;D

there are already some in one or more Mod packs that are in as vehicles and move along waypoints like a car or tank.

these just look nice, and i was thinking it would be cool to have them milling about near runways and such.
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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #73 on: February 16, 2016, 08:16:20 PM »

Good choice and idea Pete.

I really like them just as they are.

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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #74 on: February 16, 2016, 09:25:51 PM »

yes, indeed - to get anything to move in IL-2 requires an exponential amount of work compared to static only, and these should stay as they were intended - static figures just for populating scenarios.
those who are desperate for movement can simply add some of those moving soldiers we already have (tbh, those could really use a better figure than the current faceless badly shaped stock figures..)
these are just great as they are!
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #75 on: February 17, 2016, 12:56:32 PM »

Hello guys, I have now started to add the actual dead figures for all the objects you have seen so far. ;)

This is the British officer, he gets the honour of being first as I will just work down the list:

Nothing gruesome as you see, there is no intention of trying anything such as dismemberment, this is a game played by
all ages and even though the real world is a rather brutal place I see no need to bring it here.

The officer uses the normal texture, the usual way dead figures are done here is to make a texture that is slightly soiled
shall we say to give a impression of death and suffering trauma without getting too graphic, that I will leave to our resident
artists though.

The figure above is the static dead object that allows the user to populate his scene as though the conflict has already happened, below
though is the object in game play:

It would be nice if I could somehow reduce the flame effect as there is a little too much for such a small object.

The intention now is to work steadily through what I already have before adding anything else then I will post another update.

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #76 on: February 17, 2016, 01:43:44 PM »

 :D Hurray! The General is the first to get shot!
Good choice Pete !
Finally we can have a decent game where the commanders finally get what they
deserve. I have always hated those bastards. They get all the glory and the simple soldiers just
gets to die nameless.
These generals were responsible for sending all those soldiers over the trenches to die hopelessly.

That is a pretty good looking dead guy model  8)
He could also pass off as a sleeping pilot on his break. AAAHAHAHA
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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #77 on: February 17, 2016, 04:14:15 PM »

Max you crack me up, you have a very wicked streak in you. :D

This one has taken most of the night, this is the third attempt, DeadMechsResting:

With the larger pieces you are dealing with essentially three different models and you need to separate them into
distinct objects then do the changes before putting them back together as one unit, not easy to change the existing
pose of each figure but it is the best I could get.

The two poor hounds are also separate objects.

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #78 on: February 17, 2016, 05:34:37 PM »


It would be nice if I could somehow reduce the flame effect as there is a little too much for such a small object.

In the static.ini file look for the line:

Body            FuelSmall

and change it to:

Body            WoodSmall

This stops any smoke and fire. At least in my 4.12.2 heavily modded ModAct5.3



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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #79 on: February 18, 2016, 03:22:56 AM »

With the larger pieces you are dealing with essentially three different models and you need to separate them into
distinct objects then do the changes before putting them back together as one unit, not easy to change the existing
pose of each figure but it is the best I could get.

Very good work!   ;)


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #80 on: February 18, 2016, 06:24:02 AM »

 ;D     ;D
Hei..Mission bug're reaching impressive levels of realism !!
Of course I believe they are just as useful subjects without headgear, they are definitely better customizable in terms of nationalities !!
I take this opportunity to ask to Geezer, given that reads these posts, if it were so generous with us also post the files of the soldiers and vehicles prepared for the African theater in completion for "First Eagle" ... it would be a great addition to our other war scenarios !!

PS. I beg you to excuse my greed ... I know, it's so gross .. but you know, appetite comes with eating !!   :-|



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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #81 on: February 18, 2016, 07:14:35 AM »

Max you crack me up, you have a very wicked streak in you. :D

This one has taken most of the night, this is the third attempt, DeadMechsResting:


With the larger pieces you are dealing with essentially three different models and you need to separate them into
distinct objects then do the changes before putting them back together as one unit, not easy to change the existing
pose of each figure but it is the best I could get.

The two poor hounds are also separate objects.

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D

WOW man... you are on a roll, as they often say!.  8) Those are superb looking dead models.
I really like the model positions you did.
That long work has really paid off ! My enthusiastic applause to Pete and congratulations on a job well done!
Most people just dont understand what it takes to create these things for the game, let alone the long hours we
sometimes spend in doing them.
But I do and I admire all of your works of art. Speaking for myself, I usually do not mind doing my stuff for many
hours on end , because in the process I am always learning new things and also enjoying the good times spent
on doing them.
We all have that artists ambition, which must be fullfilled and we cannot sleep until its all created and finished!

Big Cheers to you Pete !
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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #82 on: February 18, 2016, 08:02:26 AM »

;D     ;D
Hei..Mission bug're reaching impressive levels of realism !!
I take this opportunity to ask to Geezer, given that reads these posts, if it were so generous with us also post the files of the soldiers and vehicles prepared for the African theater in completion for "First Eagle" ... it would be a great addition to our other war scenarios !!

Not at this time because:
- They ain't done
- It's a LOT of extra work to convert my files so you guys can use them.


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #83 on: February 18, 2016, 08:30:32 AM »

 :)        ;) 
Of course, of course dear Geezer, I take this opportunity to thank the wonderful works you have produced and for the opportunity that you have offered to our 3D masters can use them to our passion ...  Thank !

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