C.U.P. DAWN OF FLIGHT PART-12*************************************************************
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Roland D.II gio963tto (slot by DreamK)
The Dawn of Flight Flightline comes of age!At last its here! This is very significant to me since it is the single aircraft that has so far eluded my attempts (and those of others) to get it working in 412 alongside the rest of the DoF Flightline. Its absolutely beautiful and difficult to takeoff and land without ground-looping which is just perfect. You need a good touch to fly this aircraft safely and that makes you feel like a proper pilot. Very very welcome, thanks Gio and DreamK for its own slot.
Issues;The cockpit flash is a bit heavy and affects the 'hood_summer.tga' in the cockpit. I would like to get rid of the flash but we can live with it until we have an upgrade.
The single 30Kg Bomb Option hangs below the aircraft without an obvious pylon or fixing. Again its a small thing, these bombs were often attached with simple strings anyway. None of these small things detract from a brilliant mod by gio963tto. I mention them so that everyone is aware.

Of course its not all about you! The AI have these and there is a good static model too, thanks to Mission_BUG. The LFG Roland D.II was introduced into service late in 1916 and is known to have been used by Jasta 25 at their Canatlarzi base in Macedonia in 1917. So expect to see this baby cropping up in late Palestine campaigns and over the Western Front too. Coming to a campaign near you...
WWI Weapons and Sounds updated.All DreamK loadouts re-tested. - All good!
Dawn of Flight has its own unique soundset and weapons.
SAS COMMUNITY UNIVERSAL PATCH - C.U.P.All mods in CUP are thoroughly credited.
CUP SFS-Mod integration is not 'theft' of mods.
SAS does not condone or practice restrictive modding.
C.U.P. Module 02 Dawn of Flight Pt-12https://www.mediafire.com/?nmauzzsr3s02t7vThis is Mission_BUG's latest (December 2015) upgrade for the Moraine Saulnier Series.
CUP Module 02 Dawn of Flight Pt-12Bhttps://www.mediafire.com/?45nodh7qupjuh38Heavier gun-sounds and improved engines by Alotef:
DAWN OF FLIGHT SOUNDSET-01https://www.mediafire.com/?ogskdnaas3jb254SAS~Monty27