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Author Topic: Campaigns question  (Read 831 times)

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ol' Navy

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Campaigns question
« on: February 09, 2016, 07:11:08 AM »

I play numerous ones at the same time (OK, well you know what I mean).  e.g. "Old" Monty BoB, new ones for CUP, a DCG one, a few DOF, etc.  Well, yesterday, for some reason, they all went away.  Gone!  When I went to the selection screen and clicked on Pilot Career, nothing was there.  Just the opportunity to start a new one.  Can someone here tell me where they might have gone, or better, where in the program they are stored/saved as you play them.  That will educate me so I can save them periodically as I play them, so I don't lose the whole things again.  I have a hard time shooting anybody down as it is, so I hate to see them go away.  The only thing I did prior to my campaigns disappearing, I think,  was to try and get that Darwin campaign squared away.  I can't do very much that is very much that you fellers would consider too technical so it has to be something simple, like me, I guess.  Thanks for any advice.


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Re: Campaigns question
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2016, 09:08:11 AM »

perhaps have you accidentally changed the pilot profile?
Campaigns and configuration are saved under a 'pilot' name. If you create a 'New pilot' everything is gone. Only by selecting the name of the 'pilot' you were flying with you can recover the campaigns.

In CUP main folder you can find a folder called 'Users'. Inside it, it must be a number of folders like 'doe', etc. They contain some .conf files such as 'campaigns', 'QMB' and settings. If you have these files, you must have all your progress saved. Just select the appropriate pilot until you find the 'missing' campaigns.

Hope this is your case. In the worst case you have accidentally deleted the 'Users' folders and I cannot give you a better advise. You can always make a backup of the 'Users' folders just in case you want to preserve them.
Good luck!


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Re: Campaigns question
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2016, 09:12:16 AM »

'ol Navy, not sure what happened there. If you used one pilot name for all of your campaigns, then unwittingly deleted that pilot (ie in the main screen under pilot, you hit "delete" instead of "select") then you would have lost everything.

To save a campaign at intervals copy to a safe place two folders, your campaign folder and your pilot folder.

As an example if you are flying a USMC third party campaign, go to missions/campaign/UM/your campaign folder (for instance, VMF214_campaign). If it is a dgen campaign it will look something like "dgen_VMF214_yourpilotname (eg 'ol Navy).

To save your pilot (with it's campaign information) go to "Users/pilotnamefolder (eg 'ol Navy). Or as SpongeBob said, just copy and save the whole users folder with all of your pilot's in it.

Hope this helps.

ol' Navy

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Re: Campaigns question
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2016, 01:47:20 PM »

Thank you very much.  Shoot, when I go to pressing buttons there is not much telling what I hit and do.  But I don't think I did that (messed with pilot names, etc), but......maybe.  It really puzzled me when they had gone away.  It was probably about time to get rid of the myriad campaigns I had started anyhow.  I can start fresh.  But now I know how to back them up, thanks to you guys.  Appreciate the help.
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