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Author Topic: CUP in Flash Hard Drive?  (Read 1865 times)

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CUP in Flash Hard Drive?
« on: February 11, 2016, 04:56:40 PM »

I am playing my CUP (all modules and up to date) in Vista 32bit.  Can i save it in flash hard drive?  If so, can i install it on later versions of Windows (8,9,10....11) at 64bit?  My CUP is at 55GB and i found a 64GB fkash drive.


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Re: CUP in Flash Hard Drive?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2016, 06:57:09 PM »

Most of us are using Windows 7 64bit and above and no problems playing.  As far as saving to a flash drive, I would recommend saving it as individual components:

1.  A clean Il-2 1946
2.  Mega-patch to 4.12.2
3.  SAS_MODACT_5.30
4.  C.U.P. installations files
5.  All read-me, Manuals etc.

I have heard someone copying a clean Il-2 1946 onto a new computer and it worked, copying a mod'ed IL-2 1946 may be a bit more problematic.

Test it on your new PC if you can before removing it from your Vista PC.


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Re: CUP in Flash Hard Drive?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2016, 07:23:48 PM »

Playing on USB flash drives are no recomended, but backing-up to USB flash drives are usable.

When your IL-2 1946 game folder is FREE from Windows's User Account Control and its Virtual Store function,
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_Account_Control )
the game program , game data and user save data are completely written in the game folder.
That is same for MOD packs like HSFX / UP / DBW / C.U.P.
You can make a complete back-up only copying the game folder to some external HDD or USB, Blu-ray Disc, and restore to another drive only copying the folder from an external HDD or USB flash drive to an internal HDD or SSD.

In that time, Windows Explorer's standard copy function (mouse drag-and-drop) makes changing the time-stamps of folders. You will lost "what folder is latest changed" information.
To keep the time-stamps of folders, we can use Windows' default command "Robocopy".



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Re: CUP in Flash Hard Drive?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2016, 11:50:31 AM »

Most of us are using Windows 7 64bit and above and no problems playing.  As far as saving to a flash drive, I would recommend saving it as individual components:

1.  A clean Il-2 1946
2.  Mega-patch to 4.12.2
3.  SAS_MODACT_5.30
4.  C.U.P. installations files
5.  All read-me, Manuals etc.

I have heard someone copying a clean Il-2 1946 onto a new computer and it worked, copying a mod'ed IL-2 1946 may be a bit more problematic.

Test it on your new PC if you can before removing it from your Vista PC.

I did save all of it the way you stated.  I have them on DVD-RW.  I'm just trying to stay away from reinstalling them again one by one.  It is a gruelling task.  Not to mention that you still have to fix it by deleting some files.  My CUP is in good condition.  If i can save them in one folder in a flash drive, it is just a matter of copy and paste or drag.  Simple install, isnt it?  Twice already that i reinstalled my CUP due to virus and my computer is really old.  So i am hoping that some tried it in a flash drive (not playing just storage or back up) and worked well for installation.  Thanks for replying by the way.


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Re: CUP in Flash Hard Drive?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2016, 11:56:51 AM »

Yes, you can copy your entire game folder to another location or computer without problems. Except that you will probably have to manually edit your conf.ini to be compatible with whatever desktop / laptop you put it on.


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Re: CUP in Flash Hard Drive?
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2016, 05:21:53 PM »

That's what I have done to install CUP onto my 3 friends computer. I Just copy onto a portable hard drive and copy to their pc's. I update the conf.ini to match their individual pc's. Works like a charm. 
I am sorry if my post was disrespectful to the makers of IL-2. My friends have bought original cd's for this game. In fact they have bought a few games in case one gets scratched. Pirating is not accepted in any form in my mind.  Sorry for my original post, for it didn't include a better explanation of what I was doing. .....


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Re: CUP in Flash Hard Drive?
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2016, 06:00:49 PM »

What exactly did you update or change in the conf.ini?


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Re: CUP in Flash Hard Drive?
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2016, 10:53:50 AM »

I managed to transfer a copy from my desktop to my laptop no problem, I just had to change my resolution to fit the laptop. You can change the settings like openGL or dx8wrap.dll in the conf.ini for the hardware. But given the size of the game, I hope that USB is 3.0 and not 2.0 or you will have better luck copying the game off the USB onto the computer you would like to play or your loading times will most likely be insane.


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Re: CUP in Flash Hard Drive?
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2016, 12:01:32 AM »

What exactly did you update or change in the conf.ini?

that can't really be 'exactly' answered, as any changes made are totally dependent on the system it's going on to, so might differ each and every time.
just take some time to learn what each conf ini setting is for (available in several open threads), and then you'll have a better idea of what might need to be edited.
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Re: CUP in Flash Hard Drive?
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2016, 07:33:00 AM »

Just as a sidenote, what I'm doing to carry a "portable" IL-2 from one computer to another (I'm doing this with 3 PCs to have the very same IL-2 games running everywhere except for my online UP3 installation) is to copy the whole IL-2 game folder on an external USB harddisk and only keep the conf.ini locally on every PC.
That conf.ini file resides in the very same location on every PC (I just created a folder "C:\IL2" which holds each PC's conf.ini) and in the USB disk's game folder there's a symbolic link to the "C:\IL2\conf.ini" file.

That way I can carry the USB drive from PC to PC and will always have the very same IL-2 game, but always with each PC's specific settings.

Best regards - Mike
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