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Author Topic: Could I transfer over a il2 directory? Also crash when coop with b17's.  (Read 1102 times)

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I got mods working on my desktop, WAW and Jetage. So I wanted to transfer it to my laptop as well, and the mods no longer work. Is there anyway to get it to work without having to redownload and reinstall on my laptop?

The b17 crash occurs on my desktop when in coop. Works fine in singleplayer, crashes about 10 seconds into flight in coop.



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Re: Could I transfer over a il2 directory? Also crash when coop with b17's.
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2016, 06:44:57 PM »

bio,   members here are very helpful when they can, but you must also help us. There are guides that you need to read about how to post problems (logfile) that contains information that the really smart people here can read, understand what problems you are facing. 


For your post, so little is given that you will have people read your post but will be unable to answer.

What I understand from your post is.

1. You copied(?) Il-2 1946 from your PC to a laptop.  Did you copy the game with all of C.U.P. on top of it or did you copy a clean copy of Il-2 1946 onto your laptop?  C.U.P. goes on top of a clean copy of Il-2 1946 ver4.12.2.  I have not heard of anyone copying Il-2 C.U.P. in its entirely but I have heard someone saying they copied a clean version of the game onto a different computer and it worked.

2. If you already have Il-2 1946 C.U.P. on your PC, do you not also have the C.U.P. files also on the PC? Or are you asking if you need to re-download Il-2 1946 onto your laptop? Does this mean you have a Steam version of the game? If it is a downloaded version of the game, I suggest you go to the site where you downloaded the game and see if there are limits on the number of times you can download it. Also do a search for Steam & Il-2 1946 to see if there are any hits that talks about problems and solutions.

Take some time a read the "New Member Safety Area"  you will find a lot of "how to" that will help you - help you.



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Re: Could I transfer over a il2 directory? Also crash when coop with b17's.
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2016, 11:56:51 PM »

welcome to the forums, bio :D
i can't speak for the coop issue, as i haven't done any online flying for several months.
i can, however, answer your query on transferring the game - yes, you can freely copy the entire game folder as you like - you can have as many copies of IL-2 on your pc as you have hard drive space.. :D
depending on how different your laptop is, hardware-wise, you might have to make some conf.ini edits, but that's all.
no problem to even carry a copy of the game on a USB stick, to 'plug 'n play' wherever you are ;)

as Doug has mentioned, please take some time to familiarise yourself with the basics - most important topics are 'stickied' to be at the top of each forum section, and this is where most important info for newcomers will be.
especially when asking for help on game crashes, such as with your B17's - we will always ask that you post up the error log first - so please take the time to learn how to do that - it's impossible to offer any valid advice without us seeing the log, to identify the problem/s.
and if in doubt, feel free to post in the New Members area, where you will avoid any 'noob attacks' lol :D
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: Could I transfer over a il2 directory? Also crash when coop with b17's.
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2016, 02:36:28 PM »

Sorry for late reply, thank for all the replies as well.
This has been one of the friendliest forums I have seen and thank you for pointing me in the right direction, these forums seem like a maze to me (could be im dumb lol).

However I will clarify the problem a but more though SAS~Malone had it right.

I installed Mods to my desktops Il-2 1946 (Steam copy)
I installed CUP, SASMM, WAW, Jetage and they all work fine aside from the b17 crash so far.
I copied all the files from my desktop and put it in my laptop Steams directory for Il-2 1946.
When launching it off of my laptop it shows the splash screen, closes and shows me the settings again.

I don't have my laptop on my currently but I will in the next few hours so I will post the logfile then. I also noticed on my desktop there is a initlog.lst. Should I be posting that if the game doesn't launch fully?

Anytime I attempt to post the log it thinks its an external link, c o m. maddox etc.

Will try again once I get my laptop.

As said I will post the laptop logfile later tonight.

Thank you for the replies and helps so far.


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Re: Could I transfer over a il2 directory? Also crash when coop with b17's.
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2016, 06:38:35 PM »

Thank you for the help with pointing me towards the conf.ini. It solved my transfer problem, silly me but I had to change the resolution of the  confi.ini to get it to work just fine.

I looked around to see why I cant post the log file for the b17 because the forum thinks its a external link. I will have to wait until I post 5 times I think.

Thanks for the help so far.
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