Hello chaps, it's Captain Dawson!... With another wordy request!

Would anyone be interested in making a new skin for the Fokker G.1 in Spanish Republican Air Force colors? The G.1 to my knowledge has but a few paint schemes as of yet in IL-2, and I think this excellent fighter deserves a colorful new look.
When the Spanish Civil War started in 1936, all the Allies except the USSR cancelled most of their aircraft shipments to Spain, in the name of "Non-Intervention." This was a bad rap for the Republicans, since pretty much all they had in 1936 were obsolete French aircraft. The Russians shipped in SB-100s, I-15s and I-16s, but it was mostly a case of too little, too late.
However, (don don don!) the Netherlands had received a contract and payment from the Spanish Republicans for 26
G.1b WASPS, under the pretense of selling them to Finland. But then the Dutch government put an embargo on military sales to Spain, and the planes were never sent.
What if the Dutch had delivered the G.1s to Spain? They most certainly could have made a huge impact on the course of the air war over Spain. JU-52 bombers and Stukas wouldn't stand a chance against the G.1's 8 .30cals. The He-51s and Cr-32s used by the Nationalists would be left in the dust!

Wikipedia says about the paint scheme:
At its introduction at the Paris Air Show in November 1936, even before its first flight, the G.I was a sensation, appearing in a purple and yellow finish (evocative of the Spanish Republican colors, thought to be Fokker's first export customer). That's all I can find. Sounds like maybe Purple with Yellow trim and such, or maybe the other way around?

Of course in addition it would have the traditional Red wingtips, vertical Red tail stripe, and the Red, Yellow, and Purple fin flash. And black engine cowls. For example something like this:

or this:

Perhaps we could have a Purple and Yellow one with said color details, a Green with color details, and a desert splotchy one with color details.
If anyone has the time to consider this one, I'd really appreciate it!
-Captain Dawson