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Author Topic: CUP FMB BUG JU-88-A4  (Read 3400 times)

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« on: May 10, 2016, 03:32:03 PM »

HELLO: Thanks for a great experience with CUP. I'm relatively new to CUP, but a long time IL-2 fan.

I have discovered a BUG using the Full Mission Builder (FMB) platform when adding a particular aircraft (AI), the JU88-A4. Specifically, when I add the aircraft into a map, the 'View Object" window opens windows normally, as seen here:

The properties tab appears normally and I can change the various properties, such as regiment, weapons, skill, etc. as seen here:

Then when I go to the waypoint tab, interestingly none of the usual default items are filled, in such as altitude or speed, formation, etc. It is possible for me to fill in or use the appropriate drop downs to change those values, but as seen here the tab starts out with no fields filled in.

Then if you go to the Waypoint Options tab, there is nothing filled in and there appears to be some overtyping on the top two lines?

Next if you select an individual aircraft tab, this appears to be normal and you can make changes using the drop downs, such as skin, pilot, etc.

After building a flight path for a formation of JU-88-A4's and running the game, all appears to act normally, however, the BUG exhibits another strange characteristic. When you go back to the map, click on the any JU-88 waypoint icon and then select "view object", to for example make some changes to it. Instead of the normal multi tab "View Object" window, you get a "truncated" window that only has "Type, Properties, Waypoint & Waypoint Options" tabs.

There are no longer any of the aircraft formation member tabs. When you select the properties tab, everything appears to be in tact from the original selection; regiment, skill, etc, with the EXCEPTION of the "Weapons" field, which is now EMPTY.

Selecting the Waypoint tab reveals no changes, however, it is impossible to arrow forward or back to the other waypoints. I have never bothered to change anything in the Waypoint Properties tab, so I'm not sure if there are issues there.

The problem with this BUG is that it makes it extremely difficult to make changes to a JU-88 flight once you have built it since clicking on the waypoint icon and selecting View Object, always results in the "truncated" window and associated limitations. Furthermore, once you have built one formation of JU-88's and then attempt to add another formation; the same "truncated" View Object window comes up. After many hours of frustration and experimentation, I have found a rather laborious way to work around the BUG and that is to open the view object window, change the aircraft type to another aircraft, such as a JU-188. Close the view Object window, re-open it and change it back to a JU-88. When you do that, the normal View Object window with all the tabs appears. I can then make changes and close the window, save the mission and then go on. Also, I should note this is the only aircraft of many used that I have encountered this particular BUG.

BTW-the QMB interface has no issues using the JU-88 A4.

For reference here is my game and system information:

Game Specs: CUP Module 1. MME14, CUP Module 01 SAS-MME LATEST, C.U.P. - Module 03 - World at War WAW 20 + spitfire vb trop2, JSGME RESTORE POINT-CUP (latest)

JSGME options that I have enabled are as follows: CUP_00-Forgotten countries, CUP_01 Big Clouds by Manysh, CUP_02 KRONSTADT, CUP_02-TB Skies, WAW_Config-Ju-87-Bomb Release Gear, CUP_00PALsMission ProCombo-v4122, SAS_New Mod Wheelsby PA_Jeronimo, WAW_Soundset-01, SAS_FX_Small Collection, #SAS_German Gunpods by PA_Jeronimo

System: 6th Generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K quad-core processor [4.0GHz, 8MB Shared Cache]
C:512GB 3D SSD
E:2TB 7200 RPM SATA 6G Hard Drive
4GB Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 [DL DVI-I, HDMI, DP, DP, DP] (Resolution 3440 x 1400, refresh rate 59, graphics Memory 8073 MB)
32GB DDR4-2133 DIMM (4x8GB) RAM
Windows 10 Home 64-bit OS

I tried to search to various posts for a similar BUG, but came up empty. I'm not sure what other experiments to try to discover the source of the problem.

One other difference with the JU-88-A4 I have noticed with CUP, is the various weapons load outs that are available for this aircraft are different from the stock 4.12.2m or the HSFX modded game. For example you no longer have the 6 x SC250, or 4x SC500 + 10 SC50, etc. Not sure if that's related or not.

If anyone has any idea of what the issue could be or a fix, I'd be grateful, since the JU-88-A4 is one of my favorite choices for various AI formations in missions. I'm no expert at making changes to the guts of the game. Adding skins is about as deep as it goes for me and I had to be very careful when doing the multi-step CUP mod procedure, but somehow got that to work the first time...so if the fix is anything too involved, I may have to wait for the CUP developers to address it in a later update. On the other hand its possible this is something that I have done wrong.

Hopefully, I'll have better luck with this issue than the HE-111 skin BUG I reported earlier.

Thanks in advance for any help!



Captain Dawson

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« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2016, 04:37:58 PM »

Here's a possible reason...

I have experienced similar/related bugs before in CUP, with the JU-88, SM.79, Cant.5001, MC.202, Bf-109, Spitfire, and Beaufighter. In my case, it was apparently caused by running DBW and 4.10 missions in CUP. The individual flights were either unable to view/change properties and waypoint settings, or erased altogether. I'm not very well versed in how CUP actually works, but it's my guess that flight settings in older versions such as 4.10 don't work the same way as in 4.12.2.

So my question to you is, are you using missions made in other versions, or is this BUG happening as you make missions in CUP?
"It's totally foolproof, until you mess something up." -Captain Dawson My OP rig: CybertronPC Palladium custom desktop computer, GPU: NVidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5, CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5 GHz 6M Cache Skylake Quad-Core, RAM: 8.00 GB, Motherboard: Intel H110 Chipset, SSD: 240GB, HDD: 1TB, OS: Windows 10


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« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2016, 05:31:34 PM »

Thanks very much for your reply!

I am only using IL-2 with CUP. My FMB missions were all built in CUP.

In fact, CUP is the ONLY Modded version of IL-2 that I have installed on my computer.

I do have a clean version of 4.13 installed on my computer, but I haven't really played it or even built any missions in it.


Captain Dawson

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« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2016, 07:04:39 PM »

Hmmm... If the missions are all made in CUP, not sure if I can help much. Of course you understand that with the huge amount of mods in CUP there are sometimes conflictions that can cause bugs. Sometimes the best option is to remake or mess around with the waypoints until you get it to work. Not fun, but it works. (Sometimes)

Anyone else have ideas?
"It's totally foolproof, until you mess something up." -Captain Dawson My OP rig: CybertronPC Palladium custom desktop computer, GPU: NVidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5, CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5 GHz 6M Cache Skylake Quad-Core, RAM: 8.00 GB, Motherboard: Intel H110 Chipset, SSD: 240GB, HDD: 1TB, OS: Windows 10


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« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2016, 09:59:36 PM »

 The AI only planes seem to be set up for QMB and it's pre made flights and are lacking default info for FMB.
Some random thoughts...
 1. I notice the 'AI Only' box is not checked in your example picture.
 2. I would try and figure out what texts are jumbled, it could give a clue were the conflict exist.
 3. Try plotting the flight data with a non-problem plane and then switch it to the AI Only plane.  Perhaps your flight data will persist.


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« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2016, 10:16:30 AM »

Thanks for the reply.

Checking AI only makes no difference in the BUG.

The waypoint option tab is unusual, because as I say, I never change that from normal, so its interesting that on its own it seems to be in 'patrol mode' with empty fields and the jumbled text.

If I plot data with an non-problem plane, then change to JU-88A4, that's fine, but then every time I wish to make some adjustment to that particular flight and flight-plan/waypoints, the only way to do that is to change the JU88 to some other aircraft, adjust the waypoints/options close out then open and change back to a JU-88.

That's not normally how the interface should work, so there is definitely an issue with the JU-88A4 and after additional experimentation, this seems to be the case using multiple maps.

I wonder if anyone else updated thru WAW 20 has had this issue in FMB with the JU-88?



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« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2016, 12:14:23 PM »

I can confirm your bug as you have described it.

What seems to be happening is that the weapon.properties, JU88A4 class file and the JU88A4 cod file are not in sync in terms of loadouts. This gives strange results in the UI and may result in some strange behaviour in-game. While checking this out I found that even the stock JU88A4 class file has some typos. The loadouts with 18xSC50 seem to load 28 SC50s and the 2xSC2000 loadout only loads 1 of these bombs. The cod file overrides loadouts of the same name and adds to the list otherwise. So you get extra loadouts in the UI which are not in the weapon.properties. I am looking at some stuff in this area and may take a look at all the WAW aircraft in the context of loadout synchronicity.


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« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2016, 02:25:10 PM »

Wow, I feel better knowing it's not just something I did wrong on the CUP installation or just my machine.

As a pilot, it's always frustrating when you report a aircraft maintenance discrepancy and the mechanics clear it by reporting: CND..could not duplicate.

It'll be interesting to know if there are other planes affected.

Hopefully, there is a fix down the road. Like I say, the JU-88 is a favorite AI plane for my missions.

Thanks very much.


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« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2016, 05:13:29 AM »

Here's a quick fix:


 -- Put the #WAW20_JU88A4Fix folder in your JSGMEMODS folder and activate through JSGME.exe
 -- Make a backup copy of \#WAW\STD\i18n\weapon.properties
 -- Copy the contents of _add_weapon.properties.txt over the existing entries for Ju-88A4 in \#WAW\STD\i18n\weapon.properties

 -- Deactivate #WAW20_JU88A4Fix mod through JSGME.exe and delete #WAW20_JU88A4Fix folder from JSGMEMODS folder
 -- Restore backup copy of \#WAW\STD\i18n\weapon.properties



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« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2016, 06:41:38 AM »

Wow, again. I just installed that quick fix...I can't believe I was able to do it without screwing it up, but a quick check seems to confirm that it works. Thanks a million!


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« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2016, 09:21:50 AM »

Now I know why pilots usually have a laptop in the cockpit  ;D


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« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2016, 09:48:53 AM »

Well, that's one of them anyway...Now, if someone could tell me why I have issues with skins on certain HE-111's, I'd really be happy!


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