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Author Topic: CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)  (Read 15790 times)

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Re: CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2016, 04:06:04 PM »

Hey sniperton - This is a current find testing the Fairey Swordfish:

The "$" $1_1xTorpedoMkXII for example in the weapons.properties file in this cases were causing errors because the "$" doesn't import to the allpayloads.dcg not the payloads.dcg files - thus causing a mismatch.

Outcome: user aircraft blowing up on runway and the culprit aircraft doesn't appear in game.
Solution: removing the "$" from the weapons.properties file.

what do you think?


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Re: CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)
« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2016, 05:35:13 PM »

Hey, old chap, we've got this in the weapons file:

Code: [Select]
SwordfishMkI.1_1xTorpedoMkXII           $1_1xTorpedoMkXII
SwordfishMkI is the plane, 1_1xTorpedoMkXII is the payload (internal designation), and $1_1xTorpedoMkXII is the localized display name how it should appear ingame. Can you really confirm that the localization name really affects how the thing behaves ingame?

Or is it a problem that DCG's allpayload file doesn't have it? Theoretically, it should be all the same what DCG has a localized name so far as 1_1xTorpedoMkXII matches the ingame name.


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Re: CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2016, 06:18:17 PM »

The second issue. The $ isn't showing in the dcg files. 😀
I am not sure the $ is necessary at all.


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Re: CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)
« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2016, 06:53:16 PM »

$ only signifies that the loudout hasn't been found in original weapons file (it has been added by code from the game files). Once you enable it as 'A/B/T/D', it should appear in the DCG files as well. Can you confirm that you have it enabled and it's still not showing?


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Re: CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)
« Reply #28 on: June 29, 2016, 08:55:45 AM »

sniperton - confirmed.

I don't think there is anything gained from knowing which load-outs the mod corrected.
If your mod added new load-out,identifying them would be significant to the "purist".  ;D


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Re: CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)
« Reply #29 on: June 29, 2016, 10:45:10 AM »

SwordfishMkI with 1_1xTorpedoMkXII works just fine for me. Your issue doesn't have to do anything with the $. The $ belongs to the localization string of the loadout (human readable equivalent for the internal loadout name). It's only displayed in the QMB, DCG does not use it at all. So it's normal that you don't have it in allpayloads/payloads.

Code: [Select]
  MAP Balaton/load.ini
  TIME 12.0
  CloudType 0
  CloudHeight 1000.0
  player 702sq00
  army 1
  playerNum 0
  Year 1940
  Month 6
  Day 15
  WindDirection 0.0
  WindSpeed 0.0
  Gust 0
  Turbulence 0
  Planes 4
  Skill 1
  Class air.Swordfish1
  Fuel 100
  weapons 1_1xTorpedoMkXII
  NORMFLY 114923.08 71353.85 500.00 224.00 &0
  NORMFLY 142153.85 83661.54 500.00 224.00 &0

Please check whether you have the compatibility mod 1.1 enabled via JSGME. I remember that torpedos were a problem child for Moe between 1.0 and 1.1, and maybe you're still using 1.0.



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Re: CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2016, 12:26:14 PM »

Ummm - thanks for researching this. I had  weapons $1_1xTorpedoMkXII - in my weapons.properties. Anyway - it's working! :) 


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Re: CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)
« Reply #31 on: November 05, 2016, 08:46:19 AM »

Hey Sniperton! Long time no see! I stumbled upon a loadout issue with the TYPHOON1BLate4Blade it turns out that 2XDT isn't a accepted loadout, 2xdt is the correct one. This is also the case for all the Typhoons and Tempests. Can you please fix this in your tool when you have the time :)

Work around:

If your aircraft blows up on the runway - cycle through all aircraft to check for a pink aircraft - in this case it will be the one of the Typhoons or Tempests that doesn't recognized 2XDT as the correct loadout for 2 x drop tanks.

- Close IL-2
- Navigate to the folder of the DCG Campaign you were flying [IL-2 MAIN FOLDER]\Missions\Campaign\DE\DGen_[Current mission folder]
- Find the most recent mission file YYYYMMDD##.mis and open it in your text editor of choice
- Search for the Typhoon/Tempest and find 2XDT and replace all instances with 2xdt
- Save file

This will allow the mission to start successfully without your flight blowing up on the runway then next time you run the mission. (NOTE: You still have to fix this in DCG)

To fix this issue in DCG - you have to edit the allpayloads.dcg and payloads.dcg files in DCG folder - I have 1 in my data folder and another in each third party campaign folders.


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Re: CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2016, 09:06:12 AM »

The problem is that there's a 2xdt for the US planes and a 2XDT for the Japanese ones.
But as I see in my generated weapons.properties file (timestamp 30 June 2016), they are all correct. Could you please check whether you have this file?


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Re: CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)
« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2016, 11:09:49 AM »

Thanks for your quick response!!! :)

Can you generate a DCG mission with that load-out using the Typhoon or the Tempest? I believe that some aircraft have their load-outs hard coded in the aircraft file. My weapons.properties is dated July but it has the same information as yours


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Re: CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2016, 12:04:09 PM »

My PC is fully messed up ATM. Anyway, DCG just uses what it finds in the allpayloads and payloads file. If you have the correct types in both, you'll be fine.

Please check [Il-2 412 CUP]\#WAW\STD\i18n\weapons.properties for:

A7M2.2xDT                               2x DT (300l)
TempestMkV.2xdt                         $2xdt

If you have the correct types, DIT should have converted them appropriately into DCG format. If there's a difference between weapons data and allpayloads data, please re-run DIT on them.

 So if you have those loadout entries correct in the weapons file, then there are two possibilities:



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Re: CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)
« Reply #35 on: November 06, 2016, 02:18:34 PM »

I decided to reinstalling your Compatibility Mod and redesignating all the outlying weapons from scratch in the available payload using IL-2 DIT - this way I will be in sync with anything you have coming down the pipeline :)

I know you asked me for my payloads.dcg and allpayloads.dcg awhile back - so now when I am done, I will shoot it over to you and I be sure the files will jive with the weapons.properties file that came with the Compatibility Mod.  ;)
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