Wondeful Mod.......but if you change position/seat on the aircraft the game crashes,which is a pity,because the Mod is a real beauty,however,after reading some of the replies on here,it would seem,I am not the only one experiencing this bug.
As soon as I can I'll upload my log.
I stopped counting the problems you have!
You should make an appointment with a disenchanter! 
Well I'm not complaining,just informing the way it is......there is an issue with the operation of changing positions within the aircraft,period......surely this needs to be pointed out doesn't it ?
I am using a pretty standard version too,with 4.12.4 + Modact 5.3.......the Mod has been downloaded and set up as per the read me,but there is this bug that crashes the game......plus,I am not the only one who has had this problem with this Mod either,study some of the replies on this thread.
For your information,the problem I asked for your assistance with yesterday with the Yamato was where the text given within the Read Me for the use of the 'No Seaplane' version was incorrect,I solved it in the end,but this problem was in no way,because I had misread the Read Me or installed it incorrectly.........no,this was down to the information given to install it being incorrect.
No one wants to complain,but us new guys using these Mods are not totally stupid.....if the Mod has problems or the information given to install these Mods is incorrect,we will have problems installing them,and I don't feel the need to apologise for these problems as they have not come about from my input in any way.Had I misread the information or had installed it incorrectly I would be the first to stand up and admit my errors.
I have appreciated your help in solving some of my problems I have had,and would not want to inconvenience you in any way,but surely you can see some of these problems are not of my doing.
Sorry to use this thread to explain myself,but you are publicly stating on here,that I am becoming a problem,and I beg to differ......happy days