Hello guys, this thread will be used to post updates featured in the AviaSkins vehicle projects WIP.

WIP thread:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,51612.0.htmlAviaskins projects WIP release thread.
3d models: Dima (Partisan32) and others.
Textures: Stalker/Greif11.
Java slots: Pete Shaw aka Mission_bug. (Dumped 4.12 classes, some from earlier projects renamed)
Adding figures to the trams: SAS~Epervier.
Civilians textures by: LAL-ROne.
Gogol hooks: gio963tto ships
Link updated 5th July 2016.Please remove all previous folders and entries as there have been changes throughout the mod.
Mediafire link:
https://www.mediafire.com/?tcjbvva91troguvThe list of vehicles included with the above update:
BMP2 (Soviet armoured personel carrier)
BMP2_WAT (Amphibious version)
BRDM_2 (Soviet armoured car)
BRDM_2WAT (Amphibious vehicle, in Cars folder set as a ship)
GAZ69 (Soviet utility vehicle)
HUMVWEE (American military utility vehicle)
HUMVWEEgun (American military utility vehicle)
Lebedenko (Russian WWI prototype tank)
MS_1 (Small tank T-18)
T_80 (Soviet main battle tank)
Tram (Car version of tram for use in built up areas with no rail tracks)
TramS (Car version of tram for use in built up areas with no rail tracks)
TramS_R (Car version of tram for use in built up areas with no rail tracks)
Electric (Electric Locomotive version of the Tram
Electric_S (Electric Locomotive version of the TramS
Electric_S_R (Electric Locomotive version of the TramS_R
Update added 15th September 2016.This is a second link to the pack that includes all the items from the first link listed above
but adds additional vehicles, however the new items are not yet painted.
Mediafire link 2:
https://www.mediafire.com/?dsyu0f7y10767iyAdditional vehicles added :
ABRAMS Main battle tank of USA. (needs painting)
BTR_152 Soviet wheeled armoured personel carrier. (Needs painting)
FIAT_2000 WWI tank prototype. (Needs painting)
Garfod WWI armoured vehicle. (Needs painting, gun fires but unsure of direction as points
rearwards so do not know if IL_2 can do this)
M35 Modern heavy truck of the USA. (Needs painting)
M35gun As above but mounts a heavy machine gun.(Needs painting)
M113SeriesAPC Modern APC from the USA. (Needs painting)
MTLB Modern Soviet tracked assault carrier. (Needs painting)
MTLB_WAT Amphibious version of above.
Ostin WWI Wheeled aroured vehicle. (Needs painting)
PT76 Modern Soviet tank/Personel carrier. (Needs painting)
PT76_WAT Amphibious
T_10 Cold War Soviet main battle tank, The Josef Stalin I think. (Needs painting)
T_27 WWI small tankette with machine gun. (Needs painting)
TOPOLINO Automobile.
YAG6_2 Fire engine/appliance.
Repaint of Gogol river boats by max_thehitman:
https://www.mediafire.com/download/88ju25rm1j5zuly/Steamboat_Gogol_Skins_Static.7zONLY static-object version.
Aviaskins projects WIP YAG6_2 update 17th March 2017.
Mediafire link:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/vk3xh2eh9422bpw/Update%20YAG6_2%20for%20AviaSkins%20pack%2017th%20March%202018.7zAviaskins projects WIP Topolino updated 11th July 2019.

This is a update to finish the un-painted version of the Topolino in the second AviaSkins pack.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/k5i0qg8e6bja1sx/TOPOLINO_updated_for_AviaSkins_full_pack_11th_July_2019.7z/filePlease follow readme file in the download for instructions.
Files for entries can be found: #SAS/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects.
Thank you very much to all who have and continue to support this project, really appreciated.
Here are a few images of some of the types of vehicle included this project:


And tram:

There are moving, stationary and static versions of each type.
The BRDM_2 is a slightly different version to that already in the game so has been named differently to avoid confusion.
Versions of the tram are available as a car and a train.
Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.