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Author Topic: Won't get past IL2FB Selector  (Read 2892 times)

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Re: Won't get past IL2FB Selector
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2016, 10:24:22 AM »

ok, you must use the selector inside modact but you have to use il2fb.ini from cup
I think the one inside MME06 will work


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Re: Won't get past IL2FB Selector
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2016, 11:13:55 AM »

Replace your current il2fb.ini contents with this:
Code: [Select]
; Modtype setting. Set the number of different Mod Types here.

; Mod Type No.1 (Zero-based Index = 0).
; Set short Name, Help text, Files folder name and Mods folder name.
Name=Stock Game
Help=Unmodded, untouched 'stock' game version.

; Mod Type No.2 (Zero-based Index = 1).
Help=SAS MODACT 5.3, mods reside in '#SAS' folder

; Mod Type No.3 (Zero-based Index = 2).
Name=Dawn of Flight 1906-1926
Help=Dawn of Flight 1906-1926, mods reside in '#DOF' folder

; Mod Type No.4 (Zero-based Index = 3).
Name=The Golden Age 1926-1936
Help=The Golden Age 1926-1936, mods reside in '#TGA' folder

; Mod Type No.5 (Zero-based Index = 4).
Name=World at War 1936-1946
Help=World at War 1936-1946, mods reside in '#WAW' folder

; Mod Type No.6 (Zero-based Index = 5).
Name=The Jet Age 1946-2016
Help=The Jet Age 1946-2016, mods reside in '#JTW' folder

; Startup Settings for the SAS / UltraPack IL-2 1946 Game Launcher

; Mod Type Setting:
; 0 = No Mods, Stock IL-2 1946 Server
; 1 = "Classic" Mod Style, i.e. modded files reside in "FILES" and "MODS" folder
; 2 = SAS Modact Modded game, i.e. modded files reside in "#SAS" folder
; 3 = UltraPack Modded game, i.e. modded files reside in "#UP#" folder
; 4 = Dark Blue World Modded game, i.e. modded files reside in "#DBW" folder
; 5 = Dark Blue World Modded game, i.e. modded files reside in "#DBW" folder

; default setting: 0

; Ram Size Setting in Megabytes.
; Be careful not to select too big size here.
; Above 512MB is risky.
; Above 1024MB is critical.
; Above 1800MB will most likely cause startup errors.
; default setting: 512

; Expert Mode Setting
; With Expert Mode enabled, the selector offers more setting options than
; than with default setting
; default setting: 0 (Expert Mode disabled)

; Memory Strategy setting
; This setting affects the way memory is being allocated for the Java
; virtual Machine. Balanced means that memory will be allocated in a
; blanced manner for heap, stack and objects.
; Heap only is the "old fashioned" way of binary edited il2fb.exe files
; where only the heap memory size is getting increased while all other
; memory areas remain untouched.
; Conservative is a setting right between Balanced and Heap only.
; default setting: 0 (Balanced Mode)

; Cached File Lists setting
; When this setting is enabled, IL-2 on startup does not scan the modded files
; folder anymore, but uses a filelist cache file for this folder if it exists.
; The filename for this cache file is "~wrapper.cache".
; Every time when you change something inside your modded files folder, you
; have to wipe this file for the game to recreate it with updated contents.
; default setting: 0 (Cached File Lists disabled)

; Multiple Instances setting
; Usually you can run only one single IL-2 instance at a time.
; When you enable this setting, you can run IL-2 multiple times in parallel.
; This is particularly useful for developing and debugging tasks.
; default setting: 0 (Multiple Instances disabled)

; Exit With IL-2 setting
; When enabled, IL-2 selector will quit when you exit the game.
; When disabled, you'll get back to the selector when you exit the game, in
; case you started it through the selector.
; default setting: 0 (Exit With IL-2 disabled)

; The following section holds additional parameters for the JVM,
; one parameter per line. Check Java 2 SE documents for applicable parameters.

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: Won't get past IL2FB Selector
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2016, 11:31:20 AM »

Got it working! Thanks to both of you! One more question (hopefully), is there any way to run the game so I have ALL of these aircraft in the same game instance? Or do I have to go to the selector every time I want to fly the different aircraft types?
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Re: Won't get past IL2FB Selector
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2016, 11:37:22 AM »

is there any way to run the game so I have ALL of these aircraft in the same game instance?
The short answer is "no".
We currently have a virtual "Java Wall" in the game's virtual machine that kicks in at a certain number of object (aircraft etc.) classes being available to the game at the same time.
The sheer overwhelming number of aircraft in CUP doesn't fit into that limited space by far.

do I have to go to the selector every time I want to fly the different aircraft types?
Yes, but there's a certain overlap between the eras for that reason.

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: Won't get past IL2FB Selector
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2016, 11:58:45 AM »

Ok, just wanted to know. Thank you guys again for your time.
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