Replace your current il2fb.ini contents with this:
; Modtype setting. Set the number of different Mod Types here.
; Mod Type No.1 (Zero-based Index = 0).
; Set short Name, Help text, Files folder name and Mods folder name.
Name=Stock Game
Help=Unmodded, untouched 'stock' game version.
; Mod Type No.2 (Zero-based Index = 1).
Help=SAS MODACT 5.3, mods reside in '#SAS' folder
; Mod Type No.3 (Zero-based Index = 2).
Name=Dawn of Flight 1906-1926
Help=Dawn of Flight 1906-1926, mods reside in '#DOF' folder
; Mod Type No.4 (Zero-based Index = 3).
Name=The Golden Age 1926-1936
Help=The Golden Age 1926-1936, mods reside in '#TGA' folder
; Mod Type No.5 (Zero-based Index = 4).
Name=World at War 1936-1946
Help=World at War 1936-1946, mods reside in '#WAW' folder
; Mod Type No.6 (Zero-based Index = 5).
Name=The Jet Age 1946-2016
Help=The Jet Age 1946-2016, mods reside in '#JTW' folder
; Startup Settings for the SAS / UltraPack IL-2 1946 Game Launcher
; Mod Type Setting:
; 0 = No Mods, Stock IL-2 1946 Server
; 1 = "Classic" Mod Style, i.e. modded files reside in "FILES" and "MODS" folder
; 2 = SAS Modact Modded game, i.e. modded files reside in "#SAS" folder
; 3 = UltraPack Modded game, i.e. modded files reside in "#UP#" folder
; 4 = Dark Blue World Modded game, i.e. modded files reside in "#DBW" folder
; 5 = Dark Blue World Modded game, i.e. modded files reside in "#DBW" folder
; default setting: 0
; Ram Size Setting in Megabytes.
; Be careful not to select too big size here.
; Above 512MB is risky.
; Above 1024MB is critical.
; Above 1800MB will most likely cause startup errors.
; default setting: 512
; Expert Mode Setting
; With Expert Mode enabled, the selector offers more setting options than
; than with default setting
; default setting: 0 (Expert Mode disabled)
; Memory Strategy setting
; This setting affects the way memory is being allocated for the Java
; virtual Machine. Balanced means that memory will be allocated in a
; blanced manner for heap, stack and objects.
; Heap only is the "old fashioned" way of binary edited il2fb.exe files
; where only the heap memory size is getting increased while all other
; memory areas remain untouched.
; Conservative is a setting right between Balanced and Heap only.
; default setting: 0 (Balanced Mode)
; Cached File Lists setting
; When this setting is enabled, IL-2 on startup does not scan the modded files
; folder anymore, but uses a filelist cache file for this folder if it exists.
; The filename for this cache file is "~wrapper.cache".
; Every time when you change something inside your modded files folder, you
; have to wipe this file for the game to recreate it with updated contents.
; default setting: 0 (Cached File Lists disabled)
; Multiple Instances setting
; Usually you can run only one single IL-2 instance at a time.
; When you enable this setting, you can run IL-2 multiple times in parallel.
; This is particularly useful for developing and debugging tasks.
; default setting: 0 (Multiple Instances disabled)
; Exit With IL-2 setting
; When enabled, IL-2 selector will quit when you exit the game.
; When disabled, you'll get back to the selector when you exit the game, in
; case you started it through the selector.
; default setting: 0 (Exit With IL-2 disabled)
; The following section holds additional parameters for the JVM,
; one parameter per line. Check Java 2 SE documents for applicable parameters.
Best regards - Mike