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Author Topic: US WW2 Air-Ground Ordnance Pack Updated 29/7/16 - Bombs, Rockets, Pyrotechnics and...Smoke Dispensers Ready to DL  (Read 41799 times)

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Bombs and other ordnance have always been a weak point in Il2, with a very limited range available and quite often a low historical accuracy. So, here's the (almost) exhaustive US WW2 Air-Ground ordnance Pack: Army and Navy Bombs, Frag and Incendiary Clusters, Daisy Cutters, Pyrotechnics and, though not really an air ground piece of ordnance, Smoke dispensers.
New Fuzes too barometric (aneroid), hydrostatic (depth) and proximity (VT), with an updated arming GUI.
Installation Notes:
1) The best is to keep the original name of these folders as the folder named !!_NewBarometric_HydrostaticFuzes must load before the _armsUS_WW2 folder
Remark: It is advisable to copy the gui.properties file from inside the !!_NewBarometric_HydrostaticFuzes/ gui_additions/i18n folder to the STD/i18n folder (instead of the same name file present there), as some installations of the game seem to load this file only when it is is this folder.
2) Copy the content of the folder named _armsUS_WW2_Planes inside the folder named !_AerialTorpedoesCods. This will allow to update the bomb bay of the B25J with its historical disposition). Although the mod by itself is independent form other mods, the cod files and 3Do fixes in this folder come a s a complement to my previous ordnance mods: Aerial mines and Aerial Torpedoes, that need therefore to be installed for correct full display.
3) This mod appears in 2 versions: one for 4.12, the other for 4.13. Download the version that suits you.
4) What's still lacking in this pack - the guided bombs: BAT, Azon and Razon that need to be rethought of  - their implementation by TD lacks realism, these are guided bombs, not rockets, and the fuel tanks used as fire bombs. This will come soon....
5) The mod includes cod files for "demonstration planes": SBD3 and SBD5, F4U1D, B25J, P47D27 P51DNA
As Usual:
This package is freeware.
This software may be freely used, copied and distributed with the following restrictions:
1) the present post must be included as a "Readme" text file.
2) DO NOT place these files anywhere that requires a fee for downloading.
3) DO NOT place any of these files in any commercial package or any CD collection without the authors consent.
Original 3dModel, Java Files etc..: Dreamk
Theses files should not cause any problems with your computer,  The plane was tested but use it at your own risk. No responsibilities for any damage to your computer.

Thanks to Oleg Maddox and Qtim for creating Il2 and opening the gates to Mod creation, and thanks to SAS for enabling modders to share their knowledge on Il2 modding.

The download links:
Version 1.2:
1) New Fuzes (Barometric, Hydrostatic, Proximity) and New Fuze Arming GUI (meters and feet) v1.2
4.13.1/ 4.13.2:
As previously written, it is recommended to  copy the new gui.properties file inside the STD/i18n folder instead of the current one
2) Air Ground Exhaustive Collection US WW2 v1.2
3) cod files and graphic fixes for selected planes  (both for 4.12 and 4.13)
4) US WW2 Fuzes: Names, Type, delay duration/ depth, arming time (minimal release height) - pdf file



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The Catalog:
Mark Series Bombs: 100lbs_MkI_MIV, 300lbs_MkI_MII, 600lbs_MkI_MII, 1100lbs_MkIII_MI, 2000lbs_MkI_MIII

HE Series Bombs: 100lb_HE_M30, 300lb_HE_M31, 500lb_HE_M43, 600lb_HE_M32, 1100lb_HE_M33

GP Series Bombs: 100lb_GP_AN_M30, 150lb_GP_T1, 250lb_GP_M57, 500lb_GP_AN-M43, 1000lb_GP_AN-M44
(and 1000lb_GP_AN-M65) , 2000lb_GP_AN-M34 (and 2000lb_GP_AN-M66), 4000lb_GP_AN-M56

Daisy Cutters Bombs: 500lb_GP_AN-M43_Rod, 250lb_GP_M57_Rod, 220lb_Frag_M88_Rod, 260lb_Frag_M81_Rod,
100lb_GP_AN_M30, 100lb_HE_M30_Wire, 300lb_HE_M31_Wire

ParaDemo Bombs: 100lb_GP_AN_M30_Parademo, 250lb_GP_M57_ParademoA (early, for any rack), 250lb_GP_M57_ParademoBL (late, for left rack), 250lb_GP_M57_ParademoBR (late, for right rack) , 500lb_GP_AN-M43_Parademo

SAP Bombs: 500lb_SAP_AN-Mk58, 1000lb_SAP_AN-Mk59, 2000lb_SAP_AN-Mk103

AP Bombs: 600lb_AP_M62, 800lb_AP_M61, 900lb_AP_M60, 1000lb_AP_M52, 1400lb_AP_M63

Bombs Clusters 1: ClusterM3_100lbInc_M47A1, ClusterM3_260lbFrag_M81, ClusterM3_100lbHE_M30, ClusterM3_90lbFrag_M82, 500lb_Frag_Cluster_M29 (and cluster open at its side), 100lb_Frag_Cluster_M28 (and cluster open at its side)

Frag Bombs: 220lb_Frag_M88, 260lb_Frag_M81, 4lbFrag_M83, 20lb_Frag_AN-M41, 23lb_ParaFrag_AN-M40,
[30lb_Frag_M5, 30lb_Frag_Mk5_Mod3], 90lb_Frag_M82, 120lb_Frag_M86 (Parafrag M86), Cluster_AN-M1,
Cluster_AN-M4, Cluster_AN-M3

Pyrotechnics 1 and Incendiary Bombs 1: 100lb_Flash_AN_M46, 100lb_Flash_AN_M46, Flash_M23A1,
100lb_Smoke_Streamer_M87, 500lb_Inc_AN-M76, 100lb_Inc_Mk28, 100lb_WPSmoke_AN_M47A3,
100lb_Inc_AN_M47A1, 100lb_IncMarker_AN_M47A2, 55Gal_Napalm

Incendiary Bombs 2 and Incendiary Clusters 1: AN-M69, AN-M54, AN-M52, AN-M50, Cluster AN-M6(34-AN-M50),
Cluster_AN-M7(128AN-M50), Cluster AN-M8(34 AN-M54), Cluster_AN-M9(128 AN-M54), Cluster_AN-M10
(51_AN-M52), Cluster_AN-M11(192_AN-M52), Cluster_Smoke_E44(14_AN_M77), Cluster_AN-M12(14_AN-M69)

Incendiary Clusters 2: Cluster_AN-M13(60_AN-M69), Cluster_AN-M17(110_ AN-M50), Cluster_AN-M18(38 AN-
M69), Cluster_AN-M19(38 AN-M69), Cluster_adapter_M23, Cluster_Adapter_M10, Cluster_Adapter_E6R2

Pyrotechnics 2: 250lb_Marker_TI_M89, 100lb_Marker_AN_M84A1 (this "black UW map" skin has been corrected in the
mod), Flare_M24, Flare_Mk8, Flare_Mk5, Flare_Mk4, Flare_Mk6, 45lb_Smoke_Mk12_Mod1, Flare_AN-M26,
Flare_Mk17, 50lb_Float_Mk1, 100lb_Float_Mk3

Smoke Tanks: SmokeTank_M33, SmokeTank_M10, Smoke_Mk6_Open, Smoke_Mk6, Smoke_Mk5

Navy GP Bombs: 100lb_GP_Mk1_Mod2, 100lb_GP_Mk4_Mod4, 500lb_GP_Mk12_mod2, 500lb_GP_Mk5,
1000lb_GP_Mk13_mod2, 1000lb_GP_Mk36, 1000lb_GP_Mk9, 2000lb_SAP_Mk103

Navy Daisy Cutters and AP Bombs: 100lb_GP_Mk4_Mod4_Daisy, 500lb_GP_Mk12_mod2_Daisy,
1000lb_GP_Mk13_mod2_Daisy, 1000lb_GP_Mk36_Daisy, 1000lb_AP_AN-Mk33, 1600lb_AP_AN-Mk1

Navy Frag Bombs and Clusters: ClusterM3_100lbInc_M47A1, ClusterM7_30lbFrag_Mk5, 30lb_Frag_Mk5_Mod3

Depth Bombs 1: 325lb_DC_AN-Mk17, 325lb_DC_AN-Mk17B, 325lb_DC_AN-Mk41, 350lb_DC_AN-Mk47,
325lb_DC_AN-Mk53, 350lb_DC_AN-Mk54

Depth Bombs 2: 650lb_DC_AN-Mk29, 650lb_DC_AN-Mk37, 650lb_DC_AN-Mk38, 650lb_DC_AN-Mk49,
Mine_Mk13mod9_L_Nochute (L = Land), Mine_Mk13mod9_L, Mine_Mk13mod9_L_Open

Anti Aircraft Bomb and Container: 5lbAA_Mk34, Container_Mk3_Open, Container_Mk3

Rockets 1: 3_5inch_FFAR_Mk1_AP, 3_5inch_FFAR_Mk3_HE, 3_5inch_FFAR_Mk6_WP, 3_5inch_FFAR_Mk8_AP,
5inch_FFAR_Mk1_HE, 5inch_FFAR_Mk1_HE_149, 5inch_FFAR_Mk1_HE_148, 5inch_HVAR_Mk5-6_HE, 5inch_HVAR_Mk2_AP

Rockets 2: 5inch_ATAR_MkI, 5inch_ATAR_RAM, TinyTim, 5inch_FFAR_Mk1_HE_USAF,
5inch_FFAR_Mk1_HE_149_USAF, 5inch_HVAR_Mk5-6_HE_USAF



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A big Thank-You! Now a huge variety to play with. Know what i am doing this weekend, he he


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Awesome! It would be great if we could also write messages on them! With the new ordinance cam from 4.13 it would make great movies. But no idea how difficult that mod would be ... So, I guess a crazy idea from a crazy user lol. Or it isn't?

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wow fantastic mod , great work ;D
i7-5820k CPU 3.30gHZ, 16 GB ram, RTX 2080 Graphic card, 49" CHG90 QLED Gaming Monitor, VKB- T-Rudders Mk.III pedals, VPC MongoosT-50 Flightstick with VPC Desk Mount, VPC Extensions Set with a thrustmaster warthog grip on the stick, saitek TPM System, thrustmaster warthog throttle,


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I forgot to upload this spreadsheet with the characteristics of the fuzes - you'll need it as a reference for best use of this mod:


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umm.. :o.....wow, i'm kinda speechless - this looks awesome, mate - thanks for sharing!  ;D
i'm interested to see how this plays out with the other arms loads in the game - should we be expecting some conflicts?
nevertheless, i'm going to try this out first opportunity - which, sadly, is only going to be late on Sunday, as I'm on duty and on a course over the weekend.
hopefully others can provide some feedback in the meanwhile?  8)
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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All I can say is FANTASTIC and a BIG Thank you DreamK

Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening ! Welcome to SAS1946


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Tried it in the new VP modpak, followed your instructions as far as copying the contents into the Aerial Torpedo mod..no show  :(  Any suggestions? The AT mod continues to work fine.....Well I got it now and all is good!.....did not have all three downloads in place....DUUUUUH!!......thank you for all that you have done to add to our beloved IL-2.

duffys tavern

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Thanks for all the hard work. Much appreciated.


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Anti-ricochet bombs:
The Parademo bombs were anti-ricochet bombs used successfully in rocky ground areas: Pacific coral atolls, Provence etc..
The M30 spike bombs was an anti-ricochet designed specifically for attacking railway lines and first used successfully as such in Burma.
Daisy Cutters:
The story begins with..the Australian in the Western desert in 1941-42. They successfully used there Extended rods fixed to Pistols No 27 on 250 and 500lb bombs. A highly unsafe device (as the safety of the fuze has to be taken away to install the extension rod, and pilots had therefore to take off with bombs armed), not intended to be an anti-personal weapon but to enable the bombs to explode over the ground instead of burying themselves in the sand.
Next step of the story - the New Zealanders. The RNZAF was under operational and logistic command of the US Navy, and therefore equipped with US Navy bombs and other equipment. Knowing about the Australian experience, they improvised the same device, using tent poles as extension rod, with this time the intention of thus making an efficient anti-infantry weapon, similar to the  efficiency of the Japanese "daisy cutters" (pack of mortar bombs used as air dropped bombs). The efficiency of this improvisation led the navy to devise a real extended fuze, the "Fuze Mk219 with extension rod for daisy cutters" classifying "top secret" so that, except a 1943 publication, this fuze is absent from further "regular classified publications" and photos of bombs with this device were censored  - on US Navy planes, as there are plenty of good photos of Navy bombs with this fuze on RNZAF Corsairs, using them against the Japanese in Bouganville.

The US Army took another approach to the subject and designed a real extension fuze, the M1A1, much safer, that began there a long career with the US Air forces. These fuze extensions could be combined in line to make an extension 3 ft long, 6 ft long etc., although during ww2, only a single instance was generally used.

These devices the previous improvisations such as barbed-wire-wrapped bombs

Then came in 1945 the first proximity fuzes. Their main shortcoming, a long arming delay, imposed by the fact that the US used massive multi layered bombing formations, and an armed proximity fuze does not differentiate between ground, vehicles, or...flying aircraft near by.  Bomb equipped with proximity fuzes were used efficiently against dug-in infantry positions, but also to clear vegetation in jungle areas and to blow out houses roofs in preparation to incendiary bomb attacks.


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Update in the first post:
1) Arming time (Minimal release height) of the Proximity fuzes corrected.
2) "Shudder" at the opening of the chutes in the parademo bombs corrected. The chute open smoothly now.
3) pdf file with a table showing Fuzes Names, Type, delay duration/ depth, arming time (minimal release height), instead of the more complex excel file.
4.13 version uploaded too.
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