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Author Topic: Enhanced FPS Command Mod & Logging Tool v0.01  (Read 7119 times)

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Re: FPS Investigation
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2016, 09:37:33 AM »

Not offense, but that is impossible. My CPU is OCed to 5.0GHz with Nvidia GTX1070 and minimums are around 40fps because CPU limit. I have been using this track for testing purposes for years in different installations and hardware settings, with SLI,s and several CPU,s, and I have never got 74 fps (minimum) in that track. Moreover, I dont know any mate with that min in that track.

No offense taken. We have each seen different things and there has to be a reason that will explain it. I use effects=1 which probably makes a significant difference. I also use mipfilter=2 and force AF from the GPU settings. My screenshot later in the post has my settings in it.

One of the problems is that the live mesh of the destroyed vehicle is being replaced by the dead mesh at the exact same time as the explosion effect is being shown which is actually not one effect but three or more. If you take out an entire vehicle convoy like in the black death track its has a considerable fps impact. I noticed another problem when I changed all tank colums (in a dgen campaign template) into larger company strength columns which came with 4.11 or 4.12, with 30-50 chiefs on the map my fps when down from 75 to 20-30.  Increased smoke view distance, stuff imported from ToW, wrong mat files, large cockpit textures and too many buildings in one area of a map are also big fps killers. You really need to know what youre doing if you want to avoid all the traps.

^^ What he said. :D Also consider that being the tail-end charlie in an IL-2 means that all those bomblets that have to be created and destroyed are in your viewport and really hurt your framerate if they are modded to higher poly versions.

Found a coffee break today and worked on a little...

Excellent! The recent min feature and the logging will be super useful for me.

Here is a screen I just took of another run through Black Death. Didn't hit 70+ this time but still safely over 60. I activate fps START SHOW on 0:03 seconds to avoid the min:0 issue.



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Re: Enhanced FPS Command Mod & Logging Tool v0.01
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2016, 06:41:46 AM »

First WIP version 0.01 available in OP.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Enhanced FPS Command Mod & Logging Tool v0.01
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2016, 08:46:25 AM »

Thanks a lot for sharing Mike,

Here's the first run on a clean ModAct 5.3:

Settings were the same as my stock 4.12.2 run here




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Re: Enhanced FPS Command Mod & Logging Tool v0.01
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2016, 04:55:22 AM »

It's a bit of a mystery to me.
I've just performed the test on a completely different PC, an old i7-920 @2.66GHz, Geforce 210 (yess!!!), 12GB RAM triple channel.
I tried your conf.ini settings and mine, and in order to rule out the GPU as the bottleneck, I've run the test windowed at 200x150 pixel resolution (yes, indeed!).

This is the result:

Remember this was the initial test on my i5-2500K @4GHz + GTX 970:

Taking into account that two vastly different systems show the same lower limit of ~40FPS, I'm wondering how your system can have 70FPS at the same scene.

i7-920@2.66GHz = 1100 Passmark Single Thread Points = 40 FPS
i5-2500K@4GHz = 2000 Passmark Single Thread Points = 40 FPS
i7-?@5GHz = 2500+ Passmark Single Thread Points = 40 FPS
i7-4790K = 2500 Passmark Single Thread Points = <50 FPS
i7-4770K@4.3GHz = ~2600 Passmark Single Thread Points = 70 FPS ?????


Best regards - Mike
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Re: Enhanced FPS Command Mod & Logging Tool v0.01
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2016, 08:03:26 AM »

I just wish there were some fix for the problem that has pretty much ruined IL-2 for me. I like to collect planes and more planes in air.ini means less FPS. Now with 40" 4K display anything below 60 FPS hurts my eyes so much that I can't fly anymore with all the nice planes available in plane list. I'm wondering what's going on there with 10-20 more planes to air.ini capable of causing major FPS drop even when they aren't used in mission. Could it be something related to caches?


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Re: Enhanced FPS Command Mod & Logging Tool v0.01
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2016, 08:22:54 AM »

That effect has been excessively discussed elsewhere, just search the forums for "Java Wall".
The short conclusion is that at the moment nothing can be done about it.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Enhanced FPS Command Mod & Logging Tool v0.01
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2016, 11:10:34 AM »

Maybe the differences in performance lie outside of conf.ini?

Some points:
 - Your i5-2500K/GTX970 graph looks like it has either VSync+Triple Buffering or an adaptive VSync enabled. It would be interesting to see the result with VSync disabled.
 - Another setting I change in the IL-2 profile in NVidia Control Panel is setting the Power Management mode to Optimal Performance to prevent the GPU downclocking.
 - My RAM is running at 2133MHz 10-10-11-27-2T


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Re: Enhanced FPS Command Mod & Logging Tool v0.01
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2016, 02:08:56 PM »

Maybe this info is answer and may be usefull for us, win7/multicore CPU users, its about win7 "feature" known as "Core Parking".

I found this on the net, tried it and it works, all my cores are loaded equally during gameplay, not like i.e: first 100% and others 10% or idle (CPU bottleneck)

Code: [Select]
This tweak is only for Windows 7 x32 and x64, and has 2 or more cores, "logical" or "physical". It specifically balances core parking through registry values.
Windows 7 has a built in power saving feature that dynamically selects a set of processors to run threads based on the current power configurations you have set. These settings will try to honor your settings and choose which processors to run, allowing or forcing the remaining cores to idle in low consumption states. If you are maximizing your game performance and quality, in other words pushing it to the max, Windows 7 is likely still parking some of your cores or at least is not balancing the load sharing between them. Especially for the i7 machines.

How to Tweak
First, back up your registry (Ccleaner works well) AND create a restore point. It's easy to make a mistake, either way if the risk is too much for you and you don't know much about computers then DO NOT take the risk. This registry tweak only modifies the "Valuemax" in the registry which are used by Core Parking.
Step 1
a. click on "Start" ---> type in [Search programs and files] Regedit
b. In Regedit, Select Edit > Find (Ctrl + F > Find what: > and type "0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583" - no quotation marks
c. In the right pane, under Name column, you will see the Description "Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages allowed (in percentage)." This shows you what you are modifying.
d. Highlight by clicking on "ValueMax", right click and "Modify", change the Value data: to "0" to equal "ValueMin" and apply/OK.
Step 2
a. You must repeat Step 1 (the whole process) for each time it is found, which equals to how many profiles you have on your computer.
b. Go back up to Edit > Find Next (F3)
Step 3
a. Shut your computer down, power-off and cold restart. Do not do a warm restart.
Test out your computer, open your performance monitor or test it in game. You will find your cores more evenly balanced, FPS issues improved and no spiking.
P7a/P11c/f/g P24a/b/e/f/g PZL23/42 PWS-10/26 R-XIII RWD-10/14 GeeBeeR1/R2/Granville P-45 , WhippetMkI, Sdkfz-234/1/2, Kurogane, TKS, Wz.29/34 and some other shit XD
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