Vehicle Model Re-textures + new DEAD versions - Part 1
I want to post and share with you guys and gals here some of my recent retextures for the IL2-1946+Mods.
These posts will be of retextures (skins) for ALL the Vehicles+Tanks+SPGs etc. etc. we have in our game.
They look nice as they are but some skins could use a little more detailing, so I am upgrading my personal game
to the next level by adding more eye-candy and some different skins ++ Plus some dead vehicle versions which many
did not have before.
This old game still has ALOT of potential to look even better.
If you like them use them, if you donĀ“t like them , do not use them. It is your personal modded game.
I am just sharing my stuff with you.
Each post below will have a skin package for a set of vehicles (or tanks or whatever I am retexturing).
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS for each package and make sure you already have this model in your game.
If you do not have these models, look in the forum and download it - These have been made available before and
they have been installed into many Mod-packages before.... example; VP-Modpack... C.U.P. Modpack... TFM modpack, etc.
Before you install any of these new skins + extras, you should already have the models and their needed ini lines
written down in YOUR Game.
You should have them working already, because my downloads will NOT have the complete things from the original download.
What you will get in my downloads are
new retextured skins + corrected alpha-channels + new dead model versions + new files with fixes to overwrite the
original files + new human model files and skins that go with these vehicles.
The only lines you will NEED TO CHANGE are inside the "Technics.ini" file - THAT is the only other important file in your game you
will be changing.
Its very easy.
Just follow the READ ME Instructions I have placed inside each download package.
If you have a request, just send me a PM and I will do it and post it in the next package.