Hey SAS, I'm back with another JWV modification. This time I changed around my existing version of JWV India, and replaced the airfields with Soviet airbases used in Afghanistan. I will say, they're not complete copies and I apologize about that, I do the best I can

Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy my new version, this will probably also be the last JWV I release before I head off to college next week.
DISCLAIMERThe India map is not made by me, it is made by Agracier, original can be found here
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,31148.msg335057.html#msg335057I also made these with 4.12 with modact. I copied all the object sfs files from an old DBW install and put them into the SFS_AUTO folder. If you are using a DBW install or possibly even UP3 install, you should be able to install this no problem. I would also imagine if you have a CUP install, you will be fine
DOWNLOADhttps://www.mediafire.com/download/y1gy4nej90aeswj/TAM_india_V.2.rarALL.INI ENTRYTAM_india_V.2 TAM_india_V.2/load.ini I forgot to include this in the archive, try this entry and please report if it doesn't work
Herat Airbase

The airport was originally built by engineers from the United States in the late 1950s.[citation needed] During the 1980s Soviet war, it was heavily used by the Soviets to launch bombardment missions on Mujahideen rebel forces.[citation needed] The airport was a base for military fighters and transport aircraft (likely Antonov An-26, Antonov An-32 and Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21). During the late 2001 Operation Enduring Freedom, it was bombed by US and/or British aircraft.[citation needed] On 12 November 2001, the 2001 uprising in Herat broke out, and the Taliban were ousted from the area. Elements of the U.S. Army Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha 554 ("Texas 08") arrived at the airport soon afterwards, and in the words of the team's report: "...directly negotiate[d] with local commanders for the placement of multinational humanitarian assistance teams to be stationed" at the airport.[4] From 2002 to 2005, the U.S.-led coalition forces ran international operations at the airport.[citation needed]
In May 2005, responsibility was shifted to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), as part of the Stage 2 transition between the U.S.-led coalition and NATO. For 45 days a 47-person Tanker Airlift Control Element, primarily deployed from the 621st Contingency Response Wing, McGuire Air Force Base, N.J. prepared the airport for the arrival of 300+ Italian troops as they assumed leadership over ISAF operations in the western regions of Afghanistan.[5] For this particular tasking, they supported two C-17 sorties every day. They also assisted the Italian aerial port in servicing coalition C-130s that landed at the airport.
ISAF use has continued since 2005, joined by the Afghan National Army Air Corps, now Afghan Air Force, and the Afghan National Police. In recent years Italy has pledged 137 million Euros for the expansion of the airport.[3] As a result, the runway was extended and re-paved and a new international terminal, named after Captain Massimo Ranzani, a fallen Italian officer, was opened.[6] In 2011 and the airport became known as Herat International Airport.
Mazari Sharif

Mazar-i-Sharif airport was built in the 1950s by assistance from the Soviet Union during the Cold War, when the Soviets and the Americans were trying to spread their influence in the Middle East and South Asia.[7] Between the 1960s and late 1970s, for the first time large number of tourists began arriving to see historical places in the city.
The airport was heavily used in the 1980s by the Soviet forces from which it launched daily flight missions to hit targets in the Mujahideen controlled territories of the southeast. It also served as one of the main hubs for deploying troops from the neighboring former Soviet Union.


The Soviet military began building an airfield near the village of Shindand in 1961 and made heavy use of the base during the Soviet war in Afghanistan which ended in 1989.[2] It was captured by the Taliban forces in 1997, and the runway sustained massive damage during bombing when coalition forces initially entered Afghanistan in 2002. It was recaptured by elements of the 3rd Brigade, Central Corps, Afghan National Army, with advisors from the New Hampshire and Oregon Army National Guards, on 14 and 15 August 2004. Elements of the 3/4 CAV of the 25th Infantry Division arrived two weeks later to reinforce this force.

The airport at Bagram was originally built in the 1950s, during the Cold War, at a time when the United States and neighboring Soviet Union were busy spreading influence in Afghanistan. While the United States was focusing on Afghanistan, the Soviets were busy with the Island of Cuba and Fidel Castro. In 1959, a year after Afghan Prime Minister Daud Khan toured the United States, U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower landed at Bagram where he was greeted by King Zahir Shah and Daoud Khan among other Afghan officials.[5][6] The present runway, 10,000 foot long, was built in 1976. The airport at Bagram was maintained by the Afghan Air Force (AAF) with some support from the U.S.
During the 1980s Soviet war in Afghanistan, it played a key role, serving as a base of operations for troops and supplies. Bagram was also the initial staging point for the invading Soviet forces at the beginning of the conflict, with elements of two Soviet Airborne Troops' divisions being deployed there. Aircraft based at Bagram, including the 368th Assault Aviation Regiment flying Su-25s, provided close air support for Soviet and Afghan troops in the field. The 368th Assault Aviation Regiment was stationed at Bagram from October 1986 to November 1987.[7]
Wrecks of former Soviet and Afghan Air Force (AAF) aircraft line the runway at Bagram Airfield.
Some of the Soviet land forces based at Bagram included the 108th Motor Rifle Division and the 345th Independent Guards Airborne Regiment of the 105th Guards Airborne Division. Following the withdrawal of the Soviet forces and the rise of the Western-funded and Pakistani-trained[8] mujahideen rebels, Afghanistan plunged into civil war.