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Author Topic: Ostrava, Moravia / The Moravian Gate  (Read 20023 times)

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Ostrava, Moravia / The Moravian Gate
« on: September 22, 2016, 03:52:39 PM »

The Moravian Gate
This map is of northeast Moravia in Czechoslovakia (present day Czech Republic).

Spring and Winter maps are included.  And Summer map added 01/28/19.

The map can be used for battles in 1939 or even fictional 1938 scenarios.  However, the most heavy fighting took place in this region during Winter 1944 and Spring 1945.  The Russians advanced through southern Poland where heavy fighting took place in the area of Bielsko-Biala and Jasenica.  They then made an advance further north through Strumien and north of Ostrava - where they were again stopped by German defenses.  Meanwhile, Czech, Romanian and other Russian forces advanced through Zilinia, Slovakia westward to Prostejov - where the last tanks battle of the war occurred (in that area).  Simultaneously, the Russian and Czech Tank Brigade in the north attacked in the region of Opava, took Ostrava, and advanced southward toward Olomouc.

DOWNLOAD:  https://www.mediafire.com/?875ltnzta21plfh

January 28, 2019 added Ostrava_Summer map with new Summer-time textures.  (the previous Ostrava map has Spring-time textures).
Download Ostrava_Summer map:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/f3ut3x1ygy3agdm/Ostrava_SummerV1.1.zip/file
Installation instructions are in the "Readme" file.

Here is an alternate "actors" file that does not have Hangar_05...
Download: Ostrava v1.1 actors file:  https://www.mediafire.com/?8xyhf682hgo5ddr
...Just download and replace/overwrite the old actors file.
new edmap, on Flickr
Note:  A small portion of the southern part of the map, including Zilina, is not shown in the screenshot.

This map does not include any new objects.

Airfields were populated with Geezer's airfield objects - https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,50392.0.html

As far as I remember, many objects were copied from existing maps...
Berlin Reconstruction map by vpmedia:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,49139.0.html
Lynx's CSR map of Center_Europe - link:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,46994.msg522080.html#msg522080
Battle of Moscow map - map update link:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,34490.msg514076.html#msg514076
cyberolas' Stalingrad_RRR
cyberolas' Smolensk_RRR
The Donbass map

...if you are missing objects then most likely they come with those maps listed above.
If you do not have those maps then I suggest that you download those and install their new objects.

I made this map using the vp_Modpack (+ other maps added to it).

Paste the following lines in your all.ini:

cztx_Ostrava cztx_Ostrava/load.ini
cztx_Ostrava_Winter cztx_Ostrava/load_w.ini
cztx_Ostrava_Summer cztx_Ostrava/load_s.ini

Unzip the downloaded "Ostrava_v1"
Place the "cztx" folder with textures (inside your _Tex folder) Mapmods > Maps > _Tex
Place "cztx_Ostrava" folder into your Mapmods > Maps folder.

2016.10.05 19-23-27, on Flickr

Airfields were made using wartime documents, drawings, and photos.
You have an option for Winter airfield textures - Change the load.ini lines for Airfield0 and Airfield1 if you want the north/south & east/west airfields to look more like the Slovakia Winter map textures.

Olomouc Neredin airfield:
Olomouc Neredin by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Olomouc Novy Sady airfield:
Olomouc Novy Sady by CzechTexan, on Flickr

The next three airfields were main German bases during 1945.
Prostejov South
Prostejov south by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Prostejov West
Prostejov west by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Vyskov by CzechTexan, on Flickr

More screenshots can be found in the WIP thread https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,48888.0.html


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Re: Ostrava, Moravia
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2016, 05:00:21 PM »

Prerov by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Otrokovice by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Zilinia by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Dolny Benesov
Dolny Benesov by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Bielsko-Biala by CzechTexan, on Flickr



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Re: Ostrava, Moravia
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2016, 06:01:19 PM »

This seems to be a great month of new maps for the I2-1946+mods fans!

Thank you very much!

Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening ! Welcome to SAS1946


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Re: Ostrava, Moravia
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2016, 08:36:40 PM »

I have Quick missions made but they are on my other computer that just broke down.  I'll make them available when it gets fixed.

Above the battlefield of the last tank battle of WW2 near Prostejov...
Prostejov 2 by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Moravian hills...
Moravian Hills by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Frydek-Mistek by CzechTexan, on Flickr
FrydekMistek by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Ostrava 1 by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Jasenica by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Bielska-Biala by CzechTexan, on Flickr

near Zabrzeg
Zabrzeg by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Novy Hrozenkov
NovyHrozenkov by CzechTexan, on Flickr

Lipnik nad Becvou
Lipnik nad Becvou by CzechTexan, on Flickr


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Re: Ostrava, Moravia
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2016, 02:32:13 AM »

This looks very exciting. I am downloading it now.

David Prosser

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Re: Ostrava, Moravia
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2016, 04:35:44 AM »

I've just tried installing it twice. Both times the game can't find the Map2D.


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Re: Ostrava, Moravia
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2016, 09:17:59 AM »

Thank you CT !

Happy days in a Yak-3:



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Re: Ostrava, Moravia
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2016, 02:56:29 PM »

Totally mystifying. I install the map and encounter the 'no save' problem so I think an object is missing. I hit shift tab and look carefully but the console shows no error that I can see and certainly no missing object.


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Re: Ostrava, Moravia
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2016, 07:59:02 PM »

Shift+Tab will not show missing objects.
Use the Universal Static ini checker:  http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1427

In the following link, Asheshouse Post #5 gives instructions how to use it...

Objects should be in 3do folders but sometimes these 3do folders are in different places in your setup.
Here is another tip about 3do folders being in different places:

I'm guessing many people don't have objects found in the Central Europe map:

Hope that helps.   :-[


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Re: Ostrava, Moravia
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2016, 09:03:22 PM »

Also, Geezer's objects may be missing.  They come in the vp Modpack.

I used Geezer's airfield objects and hangars.  I didn't realize they were so new and most people who don't have the vp Modpack may not have them.  I never seen them before until this Ostrava map was almost finished - when I was populating the airfields!  Great looking objects, I must say!

David Prosser

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Re: Ostrava, Moravia
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2016, 05:07:13 AM »

That did the trick. The train stations are excellent. Blank airfields are good too. I'm using the summer version.


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Re: Ostrava, Moravia
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2016, 06:47:29 AM »

I forgot about the static.ini checker. I must be getting old. I am really grateful for the link to instructions for using it. I have always found it tricky to use in the past but the instructions have solved the problem. I have all the maps you mention but the problem seemed to be Geezer's objects. I have now downloaded them and solved 99% of the problem. What's left is Hangar_05 which I still cannot find. Where can it come from? I have got round the problem by inserting a copy of HangarFive renamed and now the map works fine and is a joy. I can't imagine my doing this will cause any serious problems but please let me know if I have made a dreadful mistake and my game is about to crash. if you happen to know the answer I would love to discover the origin of Hangar_05. Don't waste too much time on it though because everything seems to be working fine.

Many thanks for your help.
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