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Author Topic: SAS Engine MOD 2.8.20 western & JC's Merge Effect (Beta) Full-pack 25/Jul/2020  (Read 174021 times)

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Hello, I do not know what topic to contact, but I ran into this problem, on the Yak-7B Late, the flame from the engine is not coming from the nozzles on the below, someone may have encountered a similar problem or know how to solve it.

Sorry for Google translator.
Sincerely, Hartmann84


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What version are you running? VP, Bat?
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Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


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I use HSFX 7.0.3 and VP, the problem is both there and there


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All your work is very nice, your planes are very nice and it is a great boon to the community but to be honest downloading this, that and the other is getting tedious now. Everyone is not as computer savvy as some. I have tried this for days and still cannot get the jets to actually go forward on an aircraft carrier, all the want to do is reverse off the edge.


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Hello Donaghy, I have tested 12 different carriers in my custom 4.12 install JTW Navy trials with Engine mod 2.7.3w full 20170218 + 20170312 patch and the only one I could find that launches backwards is the HMS Illustrious. Which carriers are you referring to?

These are the carriers I tested:
Nimitz cvn68
Hms Illustrious

Edit: I checked my catapult ini and noticed that the Illustrious did not have a line for jets so I added "catapultPowerJets  22" and now it launches forward. :)

Hope this helps.


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Western, could you have a look into the FMB section of the code and rise the date level up to some higher value? It's currently 1960 only :|
public static void main (String[] args){}


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Western, could you have a look into the FMB section of the code and rise the date level up to some higher value? It's currently 1960 only :|

Koty, I 100% agree your request.

But mission year scope maybe not limited in FMB class.
QMB and Single mission and other mission load / save classes may also use it, I don't know their total view.
And so .... considering how to avoid conflicting with Pablo's Mission Combo Pro.


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Dear creater of the engine mod, please kindly help me. I patched this up upon my VP mod, and I changed the name of the enging mod folder (!  Enging Mod) so that it loads first. But all the jets (from Me-262 to F-86) are being launched backwards from the catapult of all CV and CVE. Any clue about what could possibly go wrong?



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Hello It_eurofighter, I am not the creator of the engine mod but I may be able to help. The CV's and CVE's don't have a line in the catapult ini for jets and I think this causes them to launch backwards. I just added these lines to the EssexCV9 and the ShamrockBayCVE84 in the catapult ini and both of them now launch forwards.

catapultPower     22
catapultPowerJets 35
bSteamCatapult 1

Try this and see if it helps.It worked for me. :)


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It works! It works! It works!!! Bravo


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New full pack is released in 1st - 2nd posts.

Fixing Controls setting menu Typo (RADER ---> RADAR)
Containing new multi language i18n files French / German / Russian.

"Toggle Radar Mode" key setting is flashed in this version. You have to re-set it in Controls window.


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Hi Western. Thanks for all your hard work. Unrelated to your newest patch...

Question for U:
I noticed that friendly Beacons and Radio stations don't work when a friendly aircraft carrier is present in a mission ( cause carriers have their own radio-nav system... )
Same mission, flown from enemy side has access to Radio and beacons normally. Is there a way to turn off Carrier nav and restore normal beacons/radios when carrier is present  ?
( I was thinking conf.ini, controls, a particular classfile being responsible, or whatever might be the way to do it... )
I thought a "neutral carrier" would do the job,    but there is no such thing, only RED and BLUE...  > ..still true for chiefs.
Sometimes carriers are just there to be cosmetic activity, but that screws up normal beacons.

Little update: managed to make a stationary carrier neutral ( = 0 ; it can be use for take-off ); but it's a hostile ship  :P , so I put it to sleep for a long while...
 and Beacons are back red side. Hope blue side can attack it; wont defend itself of course, it's asleep.: some AA will be required. Chief friendly carriers are still an issue...
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