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Author Topic: SAS Engine MOD 2.8.20 western & JC's Merge Effect (Beta) Full-pack 25/Jul/2020  (Read 173375 times)

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contact with ground makes the plane too stable, bad 3D I'd say..

Ah... so.... Possibility good.

About Real planes with their flight characteristics, relationships between ~~ G-Center / main gears' fulcrum / elevators' fulcrum and square ~~ make their taking-off rotation easier or harder.
The main gears' fulcrum is better to set near of G-Center for easy rotation.
Some fighters' elevator size (often made wider on product models than prototype) are decided by how to make enough tail-down effect for its take-off rotation , instead of Maneuver-ability in the air.
In developing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet , its main gears' fulcrum is set too backward and too near to elevators' fulcrum; it makes less tail down effect only by elevators. They make V style rudders pull inside to assist tail down in taking-off.

About flight sim 3d models and their flightmodels, each models' 3D Pivot x,y,z=(0,0,0) are better to be made equal to flightmodels' G-Center.
But it is not an obligation.
We can correct flightmodels' G-Center position by FM files' GCenter XYZ entries to set relatives (offsets) for the 3d model, maybe in IL-2 1946.
So, if the plane's 3D Pivot is made too forward than its real one , it makes too stable on the ground and inhibits rotation.
Need to Check real planes' flight manuals with a description where its G-Center existing (some illustration or value tables) and comparing 3d model Pivot (0,0,0) with FM GCenter offset values.

Another case , I talked.
Some Jets show rotation is made good in 6 or 10 degrees pitch-up but no lift until 320 ~ 340 km/h (even finally succeed to take-off without gears breaking) .... they might be less flaps lift effect.
It is also not Engine mod side one.
It's difficult to decide the best values of flaps for heavier jets. Big lift effect values of flaps make planes too unstable in low speeds or too big drag cannot keep approach speed even throttle opened.
IL-2 1946 is not designed for such planes.  :-|


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Well... the FM file only sets the CG for in-flight situation.

On the ground it works completely different.

Setting elevator size different also does not work - it then makes the plane too stable in flight.

(Not to mention FM on A-7 and F-8 have mistakes in polars.)
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New Engine mod 2.8.4w is released in 1st - 2nd posts.

Bug fixes:
- Not to collide Chock's ground staff models to the neighboring wing planes. And also not to disturb AI's Taxi to Take-off moving by Chock's ground staff models. Enable customize ground staff models use separated from Chock models.

New features:
- AI uses Chocks in parking time on the ground with Chock 3d models showing by conf.ini additional setting.
- Stationary Planes can use Chock 3d models , Stationary Planes can show some special styles like airbrakes or slats dropping.
- AI turns on Nav-Lights in taxing times not only take-off / landing.
- Ground AI's Runway lights turn-on keep seconds from Player's request can be set in conf.ini from 60 seconds to 1800 seconds.

Not new feature but small retouch .... AI's Canopy Open/Close behavior on Taxi to Take-off waypoints.

Known bugs waiting fixed:
(not a bug) - In moving Stationary Plane set position on FMB screen with Chock 3d visual enabled, Chock models are left on the first place instead of following the owner plane. Known issue only on FMB screen, but no damage to mission proceeding. No plan to fix (looks too difficult to do).
- Some Stationary Plane's Chock 3d models are set funny tilted. I cannot find the situation the bug comes. Hard to fix.

Description about New conf.ini ~ PALShowChocks entry setting values is in 1st post.



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[ Engine MOD 2.8.4w and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect. ]  412.2 SAS 5.3

Tested 2.8.4w full Throttle Flame; set the runway lights for 20 minutes ( 1200 ). Liked that.
Did not like PERSISTING BRAKE SOUNDS after AI planes parked and use chocks; so was about to turn it off...

.. then discovered full throttle FLAMES did not work any more... so I retro back to 2.8.3w to realize it did not work with that
version either, I simply had not noticed since I was using mostly JETs for a while...

.. first strange thing I noticed was a lot of smoke with IL-28 engines at high regime, oddly.

So now I am down to 2.8.1 and the throttle flames are back ! Cannot try 2.8.2w with flames, since I dont have it.

Have I missed something like flames throttle needs to be implemented ? ( some conf.ini setting to 1 instead 0 or something ??? ).

Rechecking install of 2.8.3, then 2.8.4. Would like a 2.8.2 just in case... will see where it goes.
.. will also re-upload this  flame version of 2.8.4 to be sure. Had to undo lot of recent mods, but return to 2,8,1 did it.


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Hi Hubberanz, I confirm your findings in heavily modded 4.12 modact 5.3. Just checked EM 2.8.2 with full throttle flames and it
doesn't work either. The flames are back with EM 2.8.1.


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I might not touch around Full throttle frame, some bad side effect came outside of my thought or my archiving mistake.
I'll check them (ftf and brake sounds) but need 1 week.


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So, how long would it take to make anti-shipping missiles interceptable?
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Hello western0221, thank you very much for your continued updates, really appreciated. 8)

I like the chocks on the statics, looks good, however, the only issue I have noticed so far is this which
I think might be a issue with the update:

Removing the Ranwers rabbit still leaves the chocks.

Did I make a mistake with installing your update?

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Thanks, mates.

Did not like PERSISTING BRAKE SOUNDS after AI planes parked and use chocks; so was about to turn it off...

I've confirmed this bug.
I can fix it at the next update.

Other reported things will be checked one after another.

I like the chocks on the statics, looks good, however, the only issue I have noticed so far is this which
I think might be a issue with the update:

Ah.... I designed Stationary Plane of SeaPlane , but not flyable SeaPlane.
I can fix it soon.


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Re: Optional mod of SAS Engine MOD 2.7.5 / 2.8.2 western
« Reply #261 on: April 16, 2018, 10:30:14 AM »

* Optional mod of SAS Engine MOD 2.7.5 / 2.8.2 western

This mod is an optional one for Engine MOD 2.7.5 / 2.8.2 western.
In ONLY the time you want , install it.

- Ordinance View mod

Add Ordinance View (cut-out from 4.13m stock game function).
This mod conflicts to Pablo's Visual mod V9. NO way to avoid that conflicting.
When you want to use Pablo's Visual mod V9, not to install this mod.
No future plan to solve the conflicting in my side.
Exclusive selection.

Dear western0221,

Thanks for yet another wonderful mod. Your constant efforts are very much appreciated!

As discussed here, please consider merging the Disable head-tracking in external views (use mouse) feature into your Ordinance View mod. The option should be user-configurable via conf.ini. If you compare both modded and stock classes, you will see little work is required to adopt it.

Thank you!
NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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.. then discovered full throttle FLAMES did not work any more... so I retro back to 2.8.3w to realize it did not work with that

This bug is confirmed.
2.8.2w_20180124 and later versions lost Full Throttle flame effects, the classfile is mistake overwritten by standard one.

Next release will solve it.


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Quick Full Throttle Flame classfiles' archiving fix is published about :
 - SAS_Engine_2.8.4w_full_20180416_FullThrottleFlame.7z
 - SAS_Engine_2.8.4w_full_20180416_PAL'sCockpitSounds_FullThrottleFlame.7z
 - MergeEffects_20151031R_Engine2.8.4w_full_20180416_PAL'sCockpitSounds_FullThrottleFlame

They are only remake archives, no code logic bug fixing.

Code logic bug fixing, implementing suggested things need more 5 or 10 days.
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