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Author Topic: SAS Engine MOD 2.8.20 western & JC's Merge Effect (Beta) Full-pack 25/Jul/2020  (Read 174011 times)

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~~ NOTICE: BAT users, do not add this! BAT already contains a more evolved EngineMod! ~~

Here is a private major update of SAS Engine MOD 2.7 ---- SAS Engine MOD 2.8.20 western Full-package.
Last main update is 25th/Jul./2020 .

When you'll face some compatibility problem with 2.8.19w , please test older generations 2.8.3w, 2.7.5w or 2.7.3w in Reply4.

Some planes exploding or game crashing may come from their flightmodel incompatibility or bad manner java codes on aircraft class or weapon classes.
Fundamentally each plane's side / each weapon's side rework is the best.
Engine mod cannot solve aircraft side java problems.

It needs SAS Common Utils. --- https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40490.0.html

This Engine MOD 2.8.19w needs new FuelTank codes when the aircraft has Air-Refuel function or uses special fuel display code in its cockpit. Old code aircrafts make compatibility problem and crashing.
The new patches to solve them is in my 3rd post.

Some old mods contain the classfile 22164244D5800CDC (FuelTank.class) and make conflicts today's Engine MOD 2.8.19w.
Search this filename and delete in your #SAS folder.
In example, "! 00_WeaponsPack" , "!_F16A&C" have it in each folder.

When you face crashing on F/A-18 or AV-8B+, F-16 in changing cockpit HDD screen with the loadout of droptanks, in somewhere of your #SAS folder, the classfile 22164244D5800CDC still exists and makes the conflict.

Old Missile.class also makes conflicts. Check 1C8CA74ED09F70F4 , 8A7D32CCADFC28DC , 26AB556A169AE702 , 16538F18B6A41E40 , FBF92726A3A9E5F8 and delete old files.

Old classfiles of Laser targeting, Radar targeting have serious unsafe problem.
I fix them in 2.7.3w on 18/Feb/2017 , but when old classfiles are rest in your game folder, they continue to make danger problems. Please delete these three classfiles from your game folder by yourself before installing Engine MOD.
 1BA17EC2269DE08A , B7210FEA03EED97A , E0E67F32DBEC4160
When you've installed those mod Jets folders, they may have them inside.
"! 00_WeaponsPack" , "!_F16A&C" , "L-39 pack" , "Su-25" or other I don't know.

About "! 00_WeaponsPack_Gen2016" and "!!!!_US_Marine_Aviation_Java_Pack" , please once delete and clean install latest versions (at least 24th/Nov./2017 ones).

Today's mod replaces i18n/ controls.properties and hud_log.properties (with their multi language files).
When you've touch those files already, please merge 2 into 1 with your hands.

Catapults.ini also has only minimum entries. You have to add your installed carrier catapult lines by yourself.

Old modded control keys (like refuel device, Rocket select) have to be assigned again.


Today's version has 6x different branches to enable others' visual or sounds effects only you need and want, and +2x your hand maid versions.
Please take care which one you choose.

To choose 3x different effect elements YES or NO are.....
 a) JapanCat's Merge visual effect --- Yes / No
 b) Full throttle flame visual effect --- Yes / No
 c) Pablo's cockpit sound effect --- Yes / No
----> Total 8x different branches!!

And when you report me the bug you face, please make clear which patch you use onto how modded game.


+ Simple Engine MOD 2.8.20w , no additional visual / sound effects version.


+ JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.8.20w, but no others.

==== patch 20210515 ====

Patch  20210515  by SAS~Storebror


updated version of the "Motor" class
The code contained a severe bug which would render all compressor steps on any piston engine aircraft useless.
The bug affected the "forcePropAOA" method.

hotfix for the "LandAux" class.
In it's current state in EngineMod, it causes log flooding once chocks are released and ground crew runs away from aircraft.
Reason is that per default, the human crew's meshes are scaled in Java, but scaling meshes with hardware shadows is prohibited in IL-2.
The workaround is to tell the game to ignore the shadow data

(added by SAS~vampire_pilot on behalf of SAS~Storebror - 2021 05 16)


Adding start-up and full-throttle flame visual effect.

+ Engine MOD 2.8.20w and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.


+ JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.8.20w and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.


Fixing stock code bugs
- "Gears.nearGround()" flag bug
- Edit total weight calculation codes to reflect external fuel tank's fuel consumed amount. (fixed 25/Apr./2020)

Fixing Engine MOD 2.7 bugs
Code: [Select]
- Carrier Catapults powers
- Canopy closing in taking-off from carriers
- AI Jets behaviers
- AI crashing to the ground (Mountain pass problem)
- some MG bullets power around 20mm are too low
- Artillery stops to fire in being shot by enemy artillery
- "Open/Close Side Hatch" key bind is not saved to user setting file.
- fix the bug in pushing game speed lower key, the game makes an error when a catapult is used by an aircraft.
- Fixing Cockpit sound bug on Seaplanes.
- Fixing wings are folded in the mission spawning on Carriers, but when the deck is full and aircrafts become air-starting.
- "Dump Fuel" function enables total 3x dump points (visual effect points) on the aircraft.
- Drag chute's drag effect bug
- crash in Supersonic.class of OutOfBounce bug
- Recover missing G-Suite function
- Recover Bomb and Droptank drag auto calculation function of Stock 4.12.2m
- Very heavy aircrafts like Tu-95 can do level flight following mission waypoints.
- Heavy or Fast Jets can take-off smoother.
- Heavy or Fast Jets can land smoother.
- Recover lost Motor sound "my_preset" / "my_samples" function of Stock 4.12.2m
- 8x engines plane is correctly supported.
- "Radar Range Minus" key bind's internal number duplication.

Fixing old 2.7.x / 2.8.x version bugs
Code: [Select]
- Unlimited Ammo and Bomb select function combination bug of 13/Oct./2016. (fixed 03/Jan./2017)
- F9F2 or other cockpits make crashing. (fixed 06/Jan./2017)
- Fw 189 and Full Throttle Flame make crashing. (fixed 13/Jan./2017)
- reverting catapult push power calculating. (fixed 16/Jan./2017)
- Variable Geometry wing Inc - Dec keys sometimes make missing own current position. (fixed 08/Feb./2017)
- unsafe 'static' field usage. (fixed 18/Feb./2017)
- In 2nd / 3rd flight mission with DiffFM modded aircrafts, some aircrafts become exploding in its starting time. (fixed 19/Apr./2017)
- Beacons don't work. (occurred 19/Oct./2017, fixed 25/Oct./2017)
- TypeSemiRadar and TypeGroundRadar compatibility problem. (fixed 04/Nov./2017)
- Fix background noise sound about mod Jets in engines off. (fixed 24/Jan./2018)
- Laser guided anti-ground missile "Exception" error rarely coming. (fixed 08/Feb./2018)
- Not to collide Chock's ground staff models to the neighboring wing planes. And also not to disturb AI's Taxi to Take-off moving by Chock's ground staff models. Enable customize ground staff models use separated from Chock models. (fixed 12/Apr./2018)
- Full Throttle Flame effect was lost about versions released between 19th/Jan./2018 ~ 12th/Apr./2018. (fixed 16/Apr./2018)
- SeaPlanes + Chocks bug , AI Parking with Chocks make continuous scratch noise bug. (fixed 23/Apr./2018)
- AI landing speed and altitude control not to continue endless Go-Around in failing enough descending. (fixed 23/Apr./2018)
- No more Flashing NavLights in AI Jets Go-Around. (fixed 23/Apr./2018)
- Bomb select function becomes locked-up when one bomb is empty and another type bomb remains of 13/Oct./2016. (completely fixed 07/May/2018)
- Side Hatch HUD text. (fixed 07/May/2018)
- Heavy Jets keep their waypoints altitude and speed set. (fixed 26/Jul./2018)
- Minimap waypoints display. (fixed 08/Sep./2018)
- Jet engine Afterburner sound missing. (fixed 13/Feb./2019, occurred 08/Feb./2018)
- Carrier Catapult push power calculation to avoid gears breaking with heavier loadouts. (fixed 13/Feb./2019)
- Chock 3d models are shown on carrier decks. (fixed 13/Feb./2019, occurred 23/Apr./2018)
- AI doesn't fire IR-AAM to friendly in very short distance. (fixed 13/Feb./2019)
- IR-AAMs , Image guidance missiles are disturbed by clouds. (fixed 13/Feb./2019)
- Trigger 4/5/6 rockets use "Rocket Delay" seconds value as same as Trigger 2. (fixed 13/Feb./2019)
- AI Dive bombing stray bug. (fixed 04/Mar./2019)
- Bug on IK-3 or some more aircrafts , Players cannot get rid of Chocks in ground start missions with PALShowChocks=11/12/13 settings.  (fixed 08/Oct./2019)
- AI TypeHelicopter folding undercarriage in spawning on carrier decks. (fixed 08/Oct./2019)
- Finish unfinished 10x engines support. (fixed 18/Oct./2019)
- HUD log localization files small edit. (fixed 18/Oct./2019)
- Heavy Jets AI carrier landing process. (fixed 15/Jan./2020)
- Laser guided air-to-ground missiles' homing process. (fixed 25/Jul./2020)

New feature
Code: [Select]
- Ready to Jet Blast Deflector of Carrier deck (24/Jan./2014)
- Ready to ILS/TACAN (21/Apr./2014)
- Ready to new cruise missiles Tu-95 carrying (17/Oct./2014)
- AGM can shoot to bridges (17/Oct./2014)
- containing BT~wasted's CounterMeasures (17/Oct./2014)
- some unguided Rockets shows thier names on HUD when selected (Su-25's S-8/S-13/S-25/Kh-25MR) (17/Oct./2014)
- High speed jets care not to crash when they are shooting ground targets by machine-guns and rockets (12/Nov./2014)
- Rockets (unguided) can have an additional parameter in thier classfiles decreasing drop rate by gravity
  (modelize modern rockets with SPINNing)  (12/Nov./2014)
- Ready to S3's F/A-18 and AV-8B+ pack (29/Dec./2014)
- Extend Artillery fire range upto 60,000 meters (25/Jul./2015)
- Easy to make a taxing-turn under 30km/h for Jets' heavy loadouts (25/Oct./2015)
- modern carriers' catapults work in full power in any mission year (as default) (15/Dec./2015)
-- When  "CatapultReferMissionYear=1" line is written in conf.ini [Mods] section , catapults' power is decreased by mission year in 2 steps earlier than 1953 or earlier than 1946 for backward compatibility.
- Steam Catapult smoke effect is shown in any mission year. Each carrier has Steam Catapult or not is written in Catapults.ini (In example USS Essex CV9 had Hydraulic pressure catapults from the first to Korean war era, for it "bSteamCatapult 0" is right. And in Vietnam war era after SCB-125 angled deck modernized, Essex had Steam catapults .... so "bSteamCatapult 1" is set in its Catapults.ini entry.) . "bSteamCatapult" line works only for Visual effect, nothing for pushing power (it is written as catapultPower and catapultPowerJets lines).  (15/Dec./2015)
- Players can manipulate flaps control about the aircrafts having 3x positions "Raised / Take-off / Landing". (20/Dec./2015)
- AI can treat flaps correctly about those 3x positions and/or specific degrees flaps (non FBW modern Jets like MiG 21 and A-6). (20/Dec./2015)
- increase flaps up/down speed about modern Jets in high speed. (20/Dec./2015)
- fix the bug in pushing game speed lower key, the game makes an error when a catapult is used by an aircraft. (20/Dec./2015)
- when aircrafts have an afterburner function (its throttle can be increased upto 110%) , AI waits the thrust power is enough increased in launching by a catapult on carriers. (20/Dec./2015)
- make a "Limiter" code in Gear.class to avoid strange bouncing on the ground (AI often makes it on heavy jets) (09/Jan./2016)
- ready for 3 or more Ejection Seats (09/Jan./2016)
- ready for future easy expansion of new Ejection Seat models (09/Jan./2016)
- merging Pablo's Cockpit sound mod and/or full-throttle flame visual mod  (11/Jan./2016)
- AI's throttle code of taking-off from carriers (04/May/2016)
- expanding Smart Analog axis function to 8x engines with 4x axis (04/May/2016)
- add new Wing Sweep Analog axis , V/STOL Jets can use it for nozzle rotating (04/May/2016)
- add new differencial gear brakes Analog axis (04/May/2016)
- Pylons and Rocket launchers can have their own weight and drag values (04/May/2016)
- Importing Stock 4.13.2m's Bomb Release Mode function (21/Jul./2016)
- New "Select Bomb class" function. It needs aircraft side special Java codes and limited aircrafts are available (21/Jul./2016)
- Rocket release mode is separated from Bomb Release Mode  (21/Jul./2016)
- Merging Mike's Stab4all function with Enable/Disable selectable in conf.ini (22/Aug./2016)
- New FuelTank code enabling air-refuel (23/Sep./2016)
- Flap can have 4x or more steps (14/Oct./2016)
- merging Pablo's Chocks and Gears mod (03/Jan./2017)
- merging Pablo's Cockpit sound mod ver. 25/Dec/2016 and full-throttle flame visual mod (13/Jan./2017)
- Rocket Fire mode +1: Ripple pairs (14/Jan./2017)
- Cockpit compass can follow Carrier's ILS or TACAN when she has it (18/Jan./2017)
- Less verbose FM loading log (21/Jan./2017)
- Additional control keys for Formation lights and Anti-Collision lights for future mod Jets (08/Feb./2017)
- All modded Control names and HUD informations use standard i18n/ multi laungage system (08/Feb./2017)
- Variable Geometry Wing can be FBW controlled and made virtual switch control (08/Feb./2017)
- When VG Wing function is borrowed as nozzle control on V/STOL Jets, HUD texts are changed into Nozzle ones (08/Feb./2017)
- Laser guided missile native code (16/May/2017)
- More Real EOTV/CCD seaker AGM and IR-Imaging seaker AGM homing code (16/May/2017)
- Multiple Laser designator objects ready (16/May/2017)
- AI flap operation evolve for modern Jets (04/Jun./2017)
- Ready for OrdinanceView optional mod (20/Oct./2017)
- Retrofit Storebror's less verbose startup errors option on Ships , Vehicles (20/Oct./2017)
- Full auto catapult power calculation is switched as default (04/Nov./2017)
- Semi Active Radar missile with Aircraft radar , Anti Ground missile with Ground search radar are realistic ready for aircraft side implement (04/Nov./2017)
- AI uses missile even unfinished (04/Nov./2017)
- AI landing process is made more smooth and realistic, and safer for modern Jets (24/Nov./2017)
- AI uses NavLights on a landing traffic pattern, not only final approach (24/Nov./2017)
- Static (non-Jetissonable in the sky) external fuel tanks , detachable on arming screen (24/Nov./2017)
- AI gunners can shoot against ground enemies (24/Nov./2017)
- Additional Chock 3d models with automatic replace function. US Jets / US carriers / Russian Jets 1950. (24/Jan./2018)
- Each aircrafts can have own custom Chock 3d model and offset values. (24/Jan./2018)
- Missiles' rocket motor or jet engine can have different flame / smoke / sound effects in each launch / sustain / shut-down stages. (08/Feb./2018)
- Radar Warning Receiver code is made as a Utility instead of cloning same codes in each aircraft classes. (19/Mar./2018)
- AI uses Chocks in parking time on the ground with Chock 3d models showing by conf.ini additional setting. (12/Apr./2018)
- Stationary Planes can use Chock 3d models , Stationary Planes can show some special styles like airbrakes or slats dropping.  (12/Apr./2018)
- AI turns on Nav-Lights in taxing times not only take-off / landing. (12/Apr./2018)
- Ground AI's Runway lights turn-on keep seconds from Player's request can be set in conf.ini from 60 seconds to 1800 seconds. (12/Apr./2018)
- Ground AAA firing to cruise missiles in its flag is set in technics.ini . (07/May/2018)
- Ground AAA firing air enemies through clouds when Radar flag is set in technics.ini . (07/May/2018)
- AAM can aim and shoot down WWII German V-1 rocket. (07/May/2018)
- 10x engines plane support is added. (26/Jul./2018)
- Modern Jets (having special flag enabled in FM file) AI make 360 degrees Over head Approach in narrow radius when landing waypoint is set Short-Left / Short-Right. A bit buggy. (26/Jul./2018)
- Supersonic Jets AI use Afterburner in Normal waypoints when its speed is supersonic range or need to go-over Sound barrier. (26/Jul./2018)
- Heavy planes' wheel brakes are made stronger. (26/Jul./2018)
- Multirole Fighter Jets AI choose dive attack or level bombing in enabling a new flag value in each aircraft classes , for guided bombs. (26/Jul./2018)
- Interface of TypeSACLOS is ready for TOW missile. (26/Jul./2018)
- Each aircraft classes can control canceling AI Ground-Attack soon when bombs or rockets are not left. (04/Aug./2018)
- Simulate older generation RWR functions like No RH-missile detecting or few sectors directions. (10/Sep./2018)
- More realistic Semi-Active Radar Homing AAM guidance (Fire-and-Forget impossible) and its RWR notice function. (13/Feb./2019)
- Implement TypeHelicopter and its small landing pattern. (13/Feb./2019)
- AI TypeHelicopter can take off smoothly. (08/Oct./2019)
- V/STOL planers or TypeHelicopter don't use catapults in taking-off from carriers. (08/Oct./2019)
- Bombing information getter methods for additional animation. (18/Oct./2019)
- Fuze option bombs are treated in the same group about Bomb select function. (Mk82 Daisy is treated as Mk82) (18/Oct./2019)
- Undercarriage break speed , Flaps jam speed values added in fmd. (08/Jan./2020)
- AIs keep wider space in formations before landing, especially with "Straight In" option. (21/Feb./2020)
- New flightmodel entry to define "Default" formation styles like FingerFour or Vic. (21/Feb./2020)
- Merge "Bomb Release Gear mod" function for Dive Bomber. (26/Feb./2020)
- Stock US Navy aircrafts use each own fit cable hook 3d models in carrier catapult take-off. (26/Feb./2020)
- Stock Royal Navy + some mod British / German / Italy carrier aircrafts use each own fit cable hook 3d models in carrier catapult take-off. (07/Mar./2020)
- Ready for ground laser designator objects like US / NATO JTAC with LLDR. (25/Jul/2020)

Known bugs waiting fixed
- Player cannot use full Autopilot carrier catapult launching. After jumped-to the catapult by Autopilot, Player has to disable Autopilot and release Chocks by manual.
- Once pushing Missile select key is needed after missions start, to avoid different missile will mis-fire.
(not a bug) - When modded aircrafts use danger TypeSemiRadar or TypeGroundRadar code, they will crash with today's safe version. It's aircraft side problem and fixing are needed on them.
- Very heavy aircrafts like Tu-95 cannot keep waypoints' altitude correctly (middle weight ones 100 ~ 300 meter lower, heavy weight ones 400 ~ 800 meters higher).
- Fast Jets / Heavy aircrafts continue nose-up and nose-down around waypoints' altitude.
(not a bug) - In moving Stationary Plane set position on FMB screen with Chock 3d visual enabled, Chock models are left on the first place instead of following the owner plane. Known issue only on FMB screen, but no damage to mission proceeding. No plan to fix (looks too difficult to do).
- Some Stationary Plane's Chock 3d models are set funny tilted. I cannot find the situation the bug comes. Hard to fix.
- AI Jets friendly-fire AAMs.
- AI Jets fire AAMs against ground targets.


In conf.ini , add these entries to enable Stab4all or Pablo's Chocks / Gears mod, etc.
Code: [Select]
Without the line of "Stab4all" , it is disabled (or written as =0 means disable).
Other lines also deleted or "=0" mean that line function is disabled. You can enable the functions only you like.

- NoNavLightsAI .... AI uses Navigation lights in taking-off and landing even daytime. (No decision by darkness)
- Stab4all .... Stabilizer for all aircrafts. 2.8.15 makes "1" as default enabled. Write "0" when you want disabling.
- PALShowChocks .... Pablo's Chocks mod, showing chocks model. (expanded settings are described in below)
- PALShowCatGear .... Pablo's Gear mod (early Beta testing), showing catapult gear model when the aircraft is set on the catapult.
- OldCatapultPowerCode .... "1" forces reading Catapults.ini Power and PowerJet values to decide catapult pushing power.
- DumpFuel .... Dump fuel.
- RealisticRadarSelect .... "1" needs Semi Active Radar Lock-on operation for SARH missiles AIM-7 etc.
- RunwayLightsKeepOnSeconds .... extend or shorten the seconds Runway lights made turn-off from last player's turn-on request. "300" means 300 seconds = 5 minutes. Stock game is 90 seconds, Engine mod 2.7 ~ 2.8.x default is 180 seconds. You can set this entry from "60" to "1800" (from 1 minute to 30 minutes).

In using PALShowChocks with "1" or "11", the WARNING lines of many many "Shadow cannot scale" will be recorded in the logfile.
That is stock game bug and cannot fix in modding.


conf.ini entry to control Chock 3d models showing with ground staff , AI behaviors.
Code: [Select]
New conf.ini parameters for [Mods] Section:
   PALShowChocks = <XY>

XY means Two digit (decimal) integer.
X = blank or "1". Y = "1" / "2" / "3".
Total 6x patterns "1" / "2" / "3" / "11" / "12" / "13" you can choose. (+1 : no entry or "0" ---- not enabled any function about it.)

X (decimal 10 unit) means AI / Stationary Planes' Chock use with 3d visual.
Blank=No; "1"=Yes.

Y (decimal 1 unit) means Ground staff human model control.
"1"=Pablo's code with random human size variation, but HW shadow warning lines are recorded in the log.
"2"=No random human size variation; fixed size human model is used to avoid HW shadow warning lines, but sometimes Taxi to Take-off AI makes disturbed exception error or continues circling on the ground.
"3"=No Ground staff human model, only Chock 3d models are shown; no troubles but a bit boring in visual.


conf.ini entry to control Less verbose FM loading log and Objects (Ships, Tanks, Vehicles, Artillery) loading log.
Code: [Select]
New conf.ini parameters for [Mods] Section:
   fmloglevel = <n>
                n is an integer value from a binary array:
                You can choose those 5x logging cases Enable / Disable indivisually by one value.
                When you don't know enough about binary, please sum Decimal columns only you want to enable.
                Index 0: (Decimal   1) Log Errors
                Index 1: (Decimal   2) Log "Debug FM" loads
                Index 2: (Decimal   4) Log "Diff FM" loads
                Index 3: (Decimal   8) Log every flight model
                Index 7: (Decimal 128) Log every occurance (unset: Log only once per flight model)
                Example (binary index)
                1 = Log Errors enabled
                1 = Log "Debug FM" loads enabled
                0 = Log "Diff FM" loads disabled
                0 = Log every flight model disabled
                0 <don't care>
                0 <don't care>
                0 <don't care>
                0 = Log only once per flight model
                Hexadecimal representation of the values above = 0x03
                Decimal: 3
                conf-ini entry:
                Default value is "fmloglevel=1", this applies when no value is set in conf.ini

   ObjectsLogLevel = <n>
                n is an integer value 0 , 1 or 2.
                0 = No log lines even some objects contain serious loading errors.
                1 = Short lines for error logs.
                2 = Full lines as same as stock error logs.


Only about Full Throttle Flame versions:
When you write this line in your conf.ini , Full Throttle Flame visual effect becomes canceled.
No need to replace to non-Full Throttle Flame version at the time you don't want it.
Code: [Select]
Its default (no conf.ini entry) works Drawing its effect as same as "WepEffect=1".


 *** conflicts and limit ***

Not compatible single MOD of Stab4All.
Its feature is fully implemented in mine.
Not to install it or enable in JSGME.

Not compatible single MOD of Less verbose FM loading log.
Its feature is fully implemented in mine.
Not to install it or enable in JSGME.

Not compatible to benitomuso's old Chock's MOD , Gear MOD
All features of his MOD is now contained in mine.

Other Carrier Take-off (CTO) MODs or Catapult MOD also make conflicting, not to enable, even they are released in SASModAct contents in JSGME.

BT~wasted's CounterMeasures MOD
All features of his MOD is now contained in mine.
His old package makes a serious conflict to new mine.
Delete CounterMeasures folder.

 *** ***


Canopy closing needs aircraft side new parameter in FM files.
Old FM not having canopy parameter and it doesn't work.
Please use latest compatible FM.

00000_NoOpenCanopy was a very old code 4.10.1m time , nothing compatible and nothing work to 4.12.2 and SAS Engine MOD 2.7. Delete Delete Delete...

 *** ***

Enabling Ships' Guns and Missiles to aim and shoot enemy cruise missiles ---- is a part of AI/Torpedo Ship Extension mod 2.22.0 .

 *** ***

For developers ....

expanded FM entries are described in the superschool topic.


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On 26th/Dec./2016, benitomuso(Pablo) released newer Cockpit sound mod.
It is compatible to simple Engine MOD 2.8.20w and Merge Effect + Engine MOD 2.8.20w .... without Full Throttle Flame.
But your hand-maid copy operation is needed in some versions, I write about it below.

Based on benitomuso(Pablo)'s Cockpit sound mod for v4.12.2 on 26th/Dec./2016.
Need installing his package first.


Without start-up / full-throttle flame visual effect branch.

+ SAS Engine MOD 2.8.20w and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
No need special download.
You have to install Pablo's mod and my Engine MOD 2.8.20w simple version (and its patch if exists).
After them, you have to copy 2x classfiles from Pablo's folder "00_PAL-CockpitSounds" into my Engine MOD folder "!SAS_Engine_Mod".
9147012A04461808 and C1175F8CD8B28230

+ JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.8.20w and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
No need special download.
You have to install Pablo's mod and my "JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.8.20w, but no others" version (and its patch if exists).
After them, you have to copy 2x classfiles from Pablo's folder "00_PAL-CockpitSounds" into my Engine MOD folder "!SAS_Engine_Mod_MergeEffects_20151031R".
9147012A04461808 and C1175F8CD8B28230


Containing all today's outside effects applying, Pablo's cockpit sound and start-up / full-throttle flame visual effect.

+ SAS Engine MOD 2.8.20w and full-throttle flame, Pablo's cockpit sound.


+ JapanCat's Merge Effects, Engine MOD 2.8.20w and full-throttle flame, Pablo's cockpit sound.


By those Pablo's Cockpit sound mod versions, you'll see those error lines in your logfile.
Code: [Select]
exception at <83>
Those lines will be written in times of enemy shells hit or under heavy G-stress.
I think Pablo's mod side edit is needed to fix them.
When that will be done, I'll import it into my works.
Or ..... only install his newer fixed version will be OK.


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Re: SAS Engine MOD 2.7.3 western Full-pack 07 - 09/Feb/2017
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2016, 05:48:04 AM »

Patching existing Jets to make compatible of Refuel / FuelTank code.
Latest patch8 is released on 13th/Feb./2017.

KNOWN BUG on 13th/Feb./2017:
 - F-16 radar screen sometimes buggy.
 - F-16 left HDD in Engine Status shows incorrect values in some lines.
 - F-16 left HDD in Fuel Status shows incorrect remain amounts by each internal tanks. (Total and External Droptanks are correct.)

Limited feature on 13th/Feb./2017:
 - The function of "Open/Close Receptacle cover" is omitted on A-7D and F-16.
 - F-100's Gear Damage FX code is once omitted till unsafe "static" problem will be solved.

Patch ready in above link for those Jets.
+ Probe and Drogue refuel system
 - 1956 The JetEra 1.33 component and its upgrade by Vega .... FJ-3 and A-1H Tanker (with new D-704 refuel store model and animation)
 - F9F pack by Vega .... F9F-8 and F9F-8T
 - F-100D/F pack upgrade by Vega
 - F-105D/F pack
 - A-4 skyhawk update by Vega .... merging western's A-4E buddy tanker with new D-704 refuel store model and animation
 - A-7 CorsairII update by Vega
+ Flying-Boom refuel system
 - KB-29 and F-84G3 ThunderJet
  -- and its update by Vega
 - F-16 v5
 - A-7D CorsairII US Air Force version (contained in above A-7 update pack)

Provided in a Full package style
- USMC Aviation pack v3.7 Beta .... F/A-18C/D and AV-8B+ : https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,52496.0.html
- Yakovlev Yak-36 Freehand VTOL and SMF V/STOL v3.12 : https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,51007.0.html


New D-704 Refuel store model screenshots.

Modelize in historical size and shape with nose Ram-Air Turbine.

Better LOD models in low polygons and shadows.

Ram-Air Turbine becomes rotating in flying speed.

The folded drogue is shown.
Refuel status indicator is ready.

Orange and Green lights show refuel status.

Refueling is decided by flying height and speed.
Height: 1000 meters or above
Speed: 325km/h ~ 580km/h IAS


About difference of internal refuel working from old refuel codes.

The tanker uses droptanks' fuel first to send instead of main tank only.
The receiver fills main tank first, and droptanks next. Instead of main tank only.
The fuel sending rate is variable by 2 way interface between the tanker and the receiver ---- request and send.


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Optional mod of SAS Engine MOD 2.7.5 / 2.8.2-5 western
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2016, 05:48:30 AM »

* Optional mod of SAS Engine MOD 2.7.5 / 2.8.2 - 2.8.5 western

This mod is an optional one for Engine MOD 2.7.5 / 2.8.2 - 2.8.5 western.
In ONLY the time you want , install it.

- Ordinance View mod , 19th/Oct./2017

Add Ordinance View (cut-out from 4.13m stock game function).
This mod conflicts to Pablo's Visual mod V9 or other External View tweak mods like Camera mod. NO way to avoid that conflicting.
When you want to use Pablo's Visual mod V9 or Camera mod etc. , not to install this mod.
No future plan to solve the conflicting in my side.
Exclusive selection.

~~~~~ Engine 2.8.5 western PRE release Beta version ~~~~~

Last update on 28th/Apr./2018 .
Patch to 2.8.4w on 23rd/Apr./2018 version.

Standard -

Merge Effect -

Previous versions looked like supporting 8x engines , but that implementing was incomplete one.
Today's 2.8.5w finishes 8x engines implement.


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Here are backups of stable SAS Engine MOD 2.8.3 western on 19th/Mar./2018 and its Beta patch 03rd/Apr./2018.


Full packages released between 18th/Dec./2017 ~  19th/Mar./2018 contain Beta AI patch of 06th/Dec./2017 inside.

And this newer Beta patch on 03rd/Apr./2018 has reworked AI Jets taking-off codes, but not enough tested as guaranteed stable.

When you'll feel some uncomfortable new AI behaviors,
you can revert AI workings into 24th/Nov./2017 or 06th/Dec./2017 ones .... and update to 03rd/Apr./2018's again by this archive.

Those 6x classfiles are common to all main full packs.



+ Simple Engine MOD 2.8.3w , no additional visual / sound effects version.


+ JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.8.3w, but no others.


Adding start-up and full-throttle flame visual effect.

+ Engine MOD 2.8.3w and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.


+ JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.8.3w and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.


Without start-up / full-throttle flame visual effect branch.

+ SAS Engine MOD 2.8.3w and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
No need special download.
You have to install Pablo's mod and my Engine MOD 2.8.3w simple version (and its patch if exists).
After them, you have to copy 2x classfiles from Pablo's folder "00_PAL-CockpitSounds" into my Engine MOD folder "!SAS_Engine_Mod".
9147012A04461808 and C1175F8CD8B28230

+ JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.8.3w and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
No need special download.
You have to install Pablo's mod and my "JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.8.3w, but no others" version (and its patch if exists).
After them, you have to copy 2x classfiles from Pablo's folder "00_PAL-CockpitSounds" into my Engine MOD folder "!SAS_Engine_Mod_MergeEffects_20151031R".
9147012A04461808 and C1175F8CD8B28230


Containing all today's outside effects applying, Pablo's cockpit sound and start-up / full-throttle flame visual effect.

+ SAS Engine MOD 2.8.3w and full-throttle flame, Pablo's cockpit sound.


+ JapanCat's Merge Effects, Engine MOD 2.8.3w and full-throttle flame, Pablo's cockpit sound.



Here are backups of stable SAS Engine MOD 2.7.5 western on 25th/Oct./2017.


+ Simple Engine MOD 2.7.5w , no additional visual / sound effects version.


+ JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.7.5w, but no others.


Adding start-up and full-throttle flame visual effect.

+ Engine MOD 2.7.5w and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.


+ JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.7.5w and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.


On 26th/Dec./2016, benitomuso(Pablo) released newer Cockpit sound mod.
It is compatible to simple Engine MOD 2.7.5w and Merge Effect and Engine MOD 2.7.5w .... without Full Throttle Flame.
But your hand-maid copy operation is needed in some versions, I write about it below.

Based on benitomuso(Pablo)'s Cockpit sound mod for v4.12.2 on 26th/Dec./2016.
Need installing his package first.


Without start-up / full-throttle flame visual effect branch.

+ SAS Engine MOD 2.7.5w and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
No need special download.
You have to install Pablo's mod and my Engine MOD 2.7.5w simple version and its patch.
After them, you have to copy 2x classfiles from Pablo's folder "00_PAL-CockpitSounds" into my Engine MOD folder "!SAS_Engine_Mod".
9147012A04461808 and C1175F8CD8B28230

+ JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.7.5w and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
No need special download.
You have to install Pablo's mod and my "JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.7.5w, but no others" version and its patch.
After them, you have to copy 2x classfiles from Pablo's folder "00_PAL-CockpitSounds" into my Engine MOD folder "!SAS_Engine_Mod_MergeEffects_20151031R".
9147012A04461808 and C1175F8CD8B28230


Containing all today's outside effects applying, Pablo's cockpit sound and start-up / full-throttle flame visual effect.

+ SAS Engine MOD 2.7.5w and full-throttle flame, Pablo's cockpit sound.


+ JapanCat's Merge Effects, Engine MOD 2.7.5w and full-throttle flame, Pablo's cockpit sound.


By those Pablo's Cockpit sound mod versions, you'll see those error lines in your logfile.
Code: [Select]
exception at <83>
Those lines will be written in times of enemy shells hit or under heavy G-stress.
I think Pablo's mod side edit is needed to fix them.
When that will be done, I'll import it into my works.
Or ..... only install his newer fixed version will be OK.


Here are backups of stable SAS Engine MOD 2.7.3 western on 19th/Apr./2017.


+ Simple Engine MOD 2.7.3w , no additional visual / sound effects version.


+ JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.7.3w, but no others.

Adding start-up and full-throttle flame visual effect.

+ Engine MOD 2.7.3w and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.


+ JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.7.3w and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.


Based on benitomuso(Pablo)'s Cockpit sound mod for v4.12.2 on 26th/Dec./2016.
Need installing his package first.


Without start-up / full-throttle flame visual effect branch.

+ Update SAS Engine MOD 2.7.2w and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
No need special download.
You have to install Pablo's mod and my Engine MOD 2.7.2w simple version and its patch.
After them, you have to copy 2x classfiles from Pablo's folder "00_PAL-CockpitSounds" into my Engine MOD folder "!SAS_Engine_Mod".
9147012A04461808 and C1175F8CD8B28230

+ Update JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.7.1w and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
No need special download.
You have to install Pablo's mod and my "JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.7.2w, but no others" version and its patch.
After them, you have to copy 2x classfiles from Pablo's folder "00_PAL-CockpitSounds" into my Engine MOD folder "!SAS_Engine_Mod_MergeEffects_20151031R".
9147012A04461808 and C1175F8CD8B28230

Containing all today's outside effects applying, Pablo's cockpit sound and start-up / full-throttle flame visual effect.

+ SAS Engine MOD 2.7.3w and full-throttle flame, Pablo's cockpit sound.


+ JapanCat's Merge Effects, Engine MOD 2.7.3w and full-throttle flame, Pablo's cockpit sound.



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Re: SAS Engine MOD 2.7.1 western Full-pack 23/Sep/2016
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2016, 02:37:39 PM »

Hello western0221.

I just make a first test with  + Update JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.7.1w, but no

And as usual with the Merge Effects i lose the laser spot on the ground (SU 25,F 16,F 18).

 I do not have this problem with + Simple update Engine MOD 2.7.1w , no additional visual / sound

effects version.

412.2 MA 5.3.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards.


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Re: SAS Engine MOD 2.7.1 western Full-pack 23-24/Sep/2016
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2016, 08:53:30 PM »

Thanks your feed back, taskf53.

I replace JapanCat's Merge Effect packages with same effect files of standard ones.
The archive names are changed into "_20160924_".
Please re-download and test.


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Re: SAS Engine MOD 2.7.1 western Full-pack 23-24/Sep/2016
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2016, 01:52:33 AM »

Thanks for the Update.
My Greatest and Best Regards KT503


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Re: SAS Engine MOD 2.7.1 western Full-pack 23-24/Sep/2016
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2016, 03:19:06 AM »

A, western, there is a problem with Japancat merge effects. I shoot a Aircraft and it stops. I don't know what happened, I keep a normal ones. The Simple update Engine MOD 2.7.1w , no additional visual / sound effects version is OK, No problem for this one.
My Greatest and Best Regards KT503


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Re: SAS Engine MOD 2.7.1 western Full-pack 23-24/Sep/2016
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2016, 03:51:21 AM »

Code: [Select]
[9:39:08 AM] Loading map.ini defined airfields:
[9:40:01 AM] Load bridges
[9:40:01 AM] Load static objects
[9:40:02 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Fw-190D-9Late.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[9:40:02 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Jumo213.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[9:40:02 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 5
[9:40:02 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 5
[9:40:02 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Fw-190D-9Late.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[9:40:05 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Blenheim_MkI.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[9:40:05 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Bristol-Mercury.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[9:40:05 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[9:40:05 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[9:40:05 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Bristol-Mercury.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[9:40:05 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[9:40:05 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[9:40:05 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Blenheim_MkI.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[9:40:05 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Blenheim_MkI.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[9:40:05 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Bristol-Mercury.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[9:40:05 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[9:40:05 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[9:40:05 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Bristol-Mercury.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[9:40:05 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[9:40:05 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[9:40:05 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Blenheim_MkI.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[9:40:22 AM] INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 1024 -> 512 (delta = -512) to Range 1..512
[9:40:25 AM] ERROR file: File users/doe/Icons not found
[9:40:25 AM] Mission: QuickQMBPro/Pacific_CoralSea_Akagi_Class/Pacific_CoralSea_Akagi_ClassBlueNoneA00.mis is Playing
[9:40:26 AM] warning: no files : music/inflight
[9:40:52 AM] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
[9:40:52 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.Bullet.showExplosion(Unknown Source)
[9:40:52 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.Bullet.collided(Unknown Source)
[9:40:52 AM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.MsgBulletCollision.invokeListener(MsgBulletCollision.java:39)
[9:40:52 AM] at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
[9:40:52 AM] at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
[9:40:52 AM] at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
[9:40:52 AM] at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
[9:40:52 AM] at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:252)
[9:40:52 AM] at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
[9:40:52 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
[9:40:52 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
[9:40:52 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
My Greatest and Best Regards KT503


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Re: SAS Engine MOD 2.7.1 western Full-pack 23-24/Sep/2016
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2016, 05:53:16 AM »

Thank you about your error report.

I'll check and fix it. Need some days.


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Re: SAS Engine MOD 2.7.1 western Full-pack 23-24/Sep/2016
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2016, 05:59:11 AM »

Thank you about your error report.

I'll check and fix it. Need some days.
Thanks Western, I know you are the Best.
My Greatest and Best Regards KT503
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