i can only see it on the full mission builder not on the quick one. Other thing, If i reinstall do i need to reinstall the whole pack?
a) If the maps are available in the FMB, you have them installed correctly.
Use the JSGME option #CUP_MissionProCombo-v4122 to make it possible to see all the maps
in the FMB and make life easier in general when building from the FMB.
I believe ALL the maps will only show up if you have done the CUP install correctly, because the latest
config files are found in each modules MAPMODS folder within the #XXX folders, which are installed
at the final restore points
The responsibility for the correct files lies with the person/s who compiles the final restore points and
subsequent module parts, (who we must trust), the clarity of the install instructions and finally YOU
who must perform the steps correctly. There plenty of scope for error in such a complex installation!
SFS files you should see in your final SFS_Maps folder :

b) Good question! After installing the MME module, there are #XXX folders that will over-write files after
your last restore point install from the various modules. In light of that fact, it would be prudent to re-install
any modules you have from the LAST restore point of those particular modules, (first deleting the #XXX folders
affected), as if you were finishing off the install for that/those modules. If in any doubt, re-install everything,
but you don't need to if you have a clear understanding that you are deleting everything in the #XXX folder
prior to the last restore point and replacing it with the restore point's new #XXX folder, (plus any newer parts).
This also raises another question, because the CUP install instructions are ambiguous as to the final part of MME.
I quote it here :
"Always check for this piece last of all:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,50076.0.htmlThis latest SAS-MME Component is always kept up-to-date
MME is not a standalone mod. You must install at least one of the modules below
(WAW,DOF,TGA,JTW) to get CUP running correctly."
So, do we update that last part of MME before or after the final parts of our other modules?
This may be important, because the "static.ini" (and possibly other files) you end up with is
different depending on the install order !
Without any solid advice on the matter, I chose to take the CUP install instructions quite
literally, and I installed the "Last" part of MME before installing any further modules. This
will cause parts of that "Last" MME update to be over-written by the modules further down,
at the last restore points and beyond. But that may not be correct !
Depending on what order you do it in, you may find some objects in the FMB are not visible!
Maybe someone can clarify the procedure for us

Until then, as I was advised almost a year ago when I first installed CUP, follow the instructions!