I'm not a man for team work.
The fun in life is when you learn by yourself. I like to take my time and explore many directions. Sometimes my path cruss the one of another guys, sometimes not. I got some very very nice collaborations with Agracier, Avala and Lejo (sorry man i allways forget you SAS code and since i know that with a bad spelling it means shit cake ...

) but it was some kind of coincidences. Never something really prepared.
I guess Agracier/Ufflakke (? yes i forget something ...) are a real team, with Kapteeni. Well i guess they work like a team. I prefer to work alone, i'm a lonely man. But nothing forbid you to mod "my" maps once finished. I allways said my textures are free, free for DL and editing, you can change the names or whatever. The only thing i ask is make you own texture folder to avoid overwriting, that's all.
So wait the end of this map re-bild process and see what you can fix or change to your liking. You don't need my approval to publish a download link for your version of "my" desert_online repaint. I guess people will like that version too. I saw some nice things i will use maybe for my Final Version of Desert_Online.
And for Lybia map, I would suggest you to contact Bada and Lal, present them your work and maybe if you are lucky they will accept it. This map is looking good with these new MTO textures indeed. Ask to Bada. If you don't know where to find him maybe Mick could make the link.