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Author Topic: Tunisia 1942 (v.3.1) for JGSME  (Read 86546 times)

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Re: Tunisia 1942 (v.3.1) for JGSME
« Reply #120 on: April 18, 2011, 12:54:56 PM »

I'm not a man for team work.

The fun in life is when you learn by yourself. I like to take my time and explore many directions. Sometimes my path cruss the one of another guys, sometimes not. I got some very very nice collaborations with Agracier, Avala and Lejo (sorry man i allways forget you SAS code and since i know that with a bad spelling it means shit cake ... :D) but it was some kind of coincidences. Never something really prepared.

I guess Agracier/Ufflakke (? yes i forget something ...) are a real team, with Kapteeni. Well i guess they work like a team. I prefer to work alone, i'm a lonely man. But nothing forbid you to mod "my" maps once finished. I allways said my textures are free, free for DL and editing, you can change the names or whatever. The only thing i ask is make you own texture folder to avoid overwriting, that's all.

So wait the end of this map re-bild process and see what you can fix or change to your liking. You don't need my approval to publish a download link for your version of "my" desert_online repaint. I guess people will like that version too. I saw some nice things i will use maybe for my Final Version of Desert_Online.

And for Lybia map, I would suggest you to contact Bada and Lal, present them your work and maybe if you are lucky they will accept it. This map is looking good with these new MTO textures indeed. Ask to Bada. If you don't know where to find him maybe Mick could make the link.



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Re: Tunisia 1942 (v.3.1) for JGSME
« Reply #121 on: April 18, 2011, 12:57:39 PM »

Double "U", double "F", double "K"...shit...always forget that...my bad Uufflakke  :P. In french it's very hard to remember this.


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Re: Tunisia 1942 (v.3.1) for JGSME
« Reply #122 on: April 18, 2011, 01:34:59 PM »

And for Lybia map, I would suggest you to contact Bada and Lal, present them your work and maybe if you are lucky they will accept it. This map is looking good with these new MTO textures indeed. Ask to Bada. If you don't know where to find him maybe Mick could make the link.

so i'm here. J'attends toujours ton repaint de la Lybie que tu voulais m'envoyer (voir post sur la MTO).  ;) i know you worked on it!!!
Tout comme je n'aimais pas tes premières textures que tu avais montré sur FS , the last-ones looks very good, nice eye-catchers!Looks so much natural compared to the first ones you showed, day and night difference!
Would be tempted to check your work again.

Anyway, instead of making small maps of repaints of others, it would be soooo much better to start a new one, a big this time, something where men could fly from Marsa al brega to the gates of alexandria. Actual PC's can handle it, especially with the 4gig exe :D...especially that most of the land is empty, the objects would be only on the coast.
something like that, started some time ago and working on it when having time:


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Re: Tunisia 1942 (v.3.1) for JGSME
« Reply #123 on: April 18, 2011, 01:38:46 PM »

I'm not a man for team work.

The fun in life is when you learn by yourself. I like to take my time and explore many directions. Sometimes my path cruss the one of another guys, sometimes not. I got some very very nice collaborations with Agracier, Avala and Lejo (sorry man i allways forget you SAS code and since i know that with a bad spelling it means shit cake ... :D) but it was some kind of coincidences. Never something really prepared.

I guess Agracier/Ufflakke (? yes i forget something ...) are a real team, with Kapteeni. Well i guess they work like a team. I prefer to work alone, i'm a lonely man. But nothing forbid you to mod "my" maps once finished. I allways said my textures are free, free for DL and editing, you can change the names or whatever. The only thing i ask is make you own texture folder to avoid overwriting, that's all.

So wait the end of this map re-bild process and see what you can fix or change to your liking. You don't need my approval to publish a download link for your version of "my" desert_online repaint. I guess people will like that version too. I saw some nice things i will use maybe for my Final Version of Desert_Online.

And for Lybia map, I would suggest you to contact Bada and Lal, present them your work and maybe if you are lucky they will accept it. This map is looking good with these new MTO textures indeed. Ask to Bada. If you don't know where to find him maybe Mick could make the link.

OK man, sorry to hear that but I completely respect you and understand you :) I've been also always a loner also and my dedication to this is very random so it's difficult to work with me anyway. But with the years I've appreciated the advantages of working as a team.

I'm glad also to see that you understand that I respect you a lot and that if I try to reuse your work and modify it to my liking, I appreciate a lot all the trouble you've done to look for nice textures, object placing, editing diferent map_T.tga's etc. And how you've evolved and improved since your first trials on Okinawa etc (I've evolved too, thanks God)

Are you OK then I suppose for my publishing versions of your Desert, SandsofTime and MTO? No worries I'll try to be super respectful so don't overwrite textures, load.ini's etc.

Keep the good work! :)


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Re: Tunisia 1942 (v.3.1) for JGSME
« Reply #124 on: April 18, 2011, 01:44:49 PM »

And for Lybia map, I would suggest you to contact Bada and Lal, present them your work and maybe if you are lucky they will accept it. This map is looking good with these new MTO textures indeed. Ask to Bada. If you don't know where to find him maybe Mick could make the link.

so i'm here. J'attends toujours ton repaint de la Lybie que tu voulais m'envoyer (voir post sur la MTO).  ;) i know you worked on it!!!
Tout comme je n'aimais pas tes premières textures que tu avais montré sur FS , the last-ones looks very good, nice eye-catchers!Looks so much natural compared to the first ones you showed, day and night difference!
Would be tempted to check your work again.

Anyway, instead of making small maps of repaints of others, it would be soooo much better to start a new one, a big this time, something where men could fly from Marsa al brega to the gates of alexandria. Actual PC's can handle it, especially with the 4gig exe :D...especially that most of the land is empty, the objects would be only on the coast.
something like that, started some time ago and working on it when having time:

Hi Bada :) what do you think of my version of Redko's textures over your map then? want more screens of the different features, the big canyon at the South of the map, the dry rivers, the 'meteorite' craters? cheers :)


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Re: Tunisia 1942 (v.3.1) for JGSME
« Reply #125 on: April 18, 2011, 02:21:55 PM »

Double "U", double "F", double "K"...shit...always forget that...my bad Uufflakke  :P. In french it's very hard to remember this.

I think for modding a game you need to be a loner I guess.
Actually when I started repainting I did a few houses for fun after reading a post by Agracier he would like to have some typical Spanish houses for his SCW maps. But it turned out to be 70 or 80 houses at the end. Then I assisted him in creating all kind of templates for his maps. It was nice working with him 'cause I never had to wait a long time to see if something I did got added to a map or if something needed to be changed or whatever.
Creating the desert houses for your maps was fun to do also.
How about your 3D skills by the way? I remember you started learning how to create your own houses?
That's something I would like to master also but besides lack of time I don't want to learn it by reading posts here and there or watching YouTube tutorials. It is a kind of frustrating we don't have some more houseblocks in different shapes and heights. Something like Canonuk did. Then we could populate cities very quickly and still fps friendly.

In case you missed it; in another topic you were talking about the Aloha Tower repainted into a minaret for the Tunesia map.
Here is a first concept I posted in that thread.  ;)

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Re: Tunisia 1942 (v.3.1) for JGSME
« Reply #126 on: April 24, 2011, 02:43:14 AM »

Hi people.

First of all guys, by respect for Oblongo's map and thread, for all things not directly related to Tunis map and WIP, pleaso go to Mick's thread concerning my textures and other project here:


Let's not polute this thread please, thanks. Or it's gonna be hard to follow the wip work for this map.


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Re: Tunisia 1942 (v.3.1) for JGSME
« Reply #127 on: April 24, 2011, 03:00:44 AM »


I would love to do a campaign for this GORGEOUS map! Wonderful job!
Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: Tunisia 1942 (v.3.1) for JGSME
« Reply #128 on: April 24, 2011, 03:05:06 AM »

Nice minaret Uufflakke, here is mine, inspired from casablanca's minaret for the texture if i remembre well  ::).

I have to erase the kind of antena in the top..

Here the city Tunis, still under populating process:

I have been looking for the sectors covered by this map and what we can say is that this is most a classical mediterranean landscape. No big deserts areas here.

Tunis mounts:

There is lot of green there. Some textures i'm creating for these kind of woods:

Even the sectors is the south are never completly a desert, but a combination of green and sands.



By the way my 3d lessons are going slow  :P. I hope to able to show you my first objects soon.


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Re: Tunisia 1942 (v.3.1) for JGSME
« Reply #129 on: April 24, 2011, 03:08:22 AM »


I would love to do a campaign for this GORGEOUS map! Wonderful job!

Oh i think Oblogo would love it too man  :). I hope to release this fall may.


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Re: Tunisia 1942 (v.3.1) for JGSME
« Reply #130 on: April 24, 2011, 06:52:41 AM »

Hello again! Sorry for having been out of touch so long.  I really haven't even touched IL2 in the last couple of months - earthquakes, trips to NZ, study, work, house full of sick kids and parents - too much going on recently.
Anyway, Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzz that looks impressive.
Can you let me know what areas will need reworking to fit your new coastlines and stuff? Once I get time I want to use this map to the fullest.


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Re: Tunisia 1942 (v.3.1) for JGSME
« Reply #131 on: April 24, 2011, 08:59:18 AM »

Hello again! Sorry for having been out of touch so long.  I really haven't even touched IL2 in the last couple of months - earthquakes, trips to NZ, study, work, house full of sick kids and parents - too much going on recently.
Anyway, Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzz that looks impressive.
Can you let me know what areas will need reworking to fit your new coastlines and stuff? Once I get time I want to use this map to the fullest.

Hi Flat, that's so nice to hear from you again my friend. We were all a little worried about your situation, hope all is better now, we all need to have this japanese spirit which makes that whatever occured things must go on.

Wellcome back, we are all waiting your campain, and it seams Poltava his in the mood to make us another one. Lot of fun in perspective after COD's "the fishing simulator" disaster.

About the coast i can tell you for the moment = since there si a lot of diversity in tunisian landscapes i'm using right now the shallow water texture slot of the load.ini as a standard texture slot, for lands. Same for rivers so i can use 100% of textures slots to repaint the map. Haven't retouched the coast for the moment, i think i will, but not like what i made for Desert_online.

The best i think is that i send you a beta map to see this by yourself, in 2 weeks i will be working on this aspect of the map, the guess the whole work will be done for fall may...
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