The most important features are landscape textures, i.e. mixture of Tunisian textures... Who needs perfect city if we have "repetitive" texture paterns at 3000m altitude view?
(These are PC dogfight maps - not a turist agency maps )
Agree. That's why i'm using only one texture for cities and the rest for landsacpe. Luckily Oblongo used many time the same texture on 1-2 textures slots on his load.ini, which means that starting back to 0 it's possible to reassign one texture per slot and increasy divesity.
Most par of this map will be culture or very dry cultures, the real desert is more in the sout. Oblongo's map stop before. Gil repaint of Maraz Central goes more into the desert.
In the other hand i will try to make a Tunis people could recognize, just a little at least, but fyable. I send a pre pre pre pre beta to Mick for test. The size of the city is historical but i will have to make it smaller to make it flyable. There is any french gamers here and some may now the city, it's important to make it look a little to the real one. Hand a historical city could be sexy for missions maker= bomb the harbour, sink ships in La Goulette detroit; bomb the little train rails..or protect this or that sector....
To finish i'm agree too about the roads...i would remove it but it could make problems for some missions. I remember many missions of Battle OF EL Alamein using Desert_Online map use road, many missions have for objective colums of trucks destruction and they use the roads. It would be necessary to create more way points...
But it's possible. Most of gamers here post immediatly help request without trying to solve their problems alone or by using serach function...if i remove road i just can't image how polluted threads would be, i don't have time to make technical support, just a little enough to make for my own maps...
But i like you idea....and you what...people is saying that most of tga values are used to make.........roads, yeas those shity road...remove it could maybe unlock these tga values....for TEXTURES

As i already said some where, give me 40 textures slots (well 50, be friendly), i make you the world
