So....this is for test only, don't make any conclusion, this is all previous stages, i'm not shure to keep these textures, and i haven't fixed the colours, this is just for "concept".
Just textures, you can see the stock objects on the ground, i will have to remove this and use Lejo's pack of objects + more maybe.

And here is the problem and my question. The actual map describe the modern Tunis and if we consider what was the city in WW2 period i should remove those land parts in red here:

This a middle age urbanism stage for Tunis :

And the city until 1914 :

You see it seems that those land stripe weren't there. And the is also some fortification to create, as until the war the city was limitated to the old fortification system:
Just before the begining of the war:

Detail about fortification:

I will have to bild that too. If someone has more informations about the city before WW2 begins please share with us, and confirm that the land stripes must be eliminated from the map, it's my opinion. I will try to find more date from my side of course.
The second question is about the castle Oblongo added in the town, on my pics and in Oblong's version it's in the town as there is no fortification system. There it seems the catle is outside. IF i don't mistake it's the "Fort of Sidi-ben-Hassen"...