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Author Topic: Hawker Sea Hurricane MkII  (Read 5879 times)

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Hawker Sea Hurricane MkII
« on: October 08, 2016, 05:05:43 PM »

Hawker Sea Hurricane MkII

A handful of Hurricane Mk Is, mostly deemed surplus to RAF requirements, were reluctantly handed over for navalisation. These were redesignated Hurricane Mk IBs to denote the fact they were carrier fighters, not CAM-ship aircraft.

An A-frame arrester hook was fitted to a test aircraft in March 1941 and delivered to the RAE at Farnborough for evaluation. It was to become the prototype for the IB. The arrester hook was given a retaining spring to absorb some of the shock from grabbing a wire, as well as preventing the hook from bouncing up and damaging the fuselage. A green light in the cockpit would notify the pilot the hook was down and a carrier landing was possible. Some strengthening of the airframe was also found to be necessary to cope with the deceleration forces experienced when landing aboard a carrier.

Only the older carriers such as HMS Eagle and HMS Ark Royal could stow the unfolded Sea Hurricane  HMS Illustrious, Formidable and Victorious would be limited to deck parks of only six or so machines. Eventually 32 FAA squadrons were to be issued with the Sea Hurricane IB. It saw service in the Atlantic, the Russian Convoys and the Malta Convoys.

Many Mk IB’s would again be modified. They would be given four 20mm cannons and redesignated Mk ICs. These returned to operations early in 1942. About 70 also had their engines upgraded with the XX-series Merlins. These were reclassified Mk IICs.

"A green light in the cockpit would notify the pilot the hook was down and a carrier landing was possible."

The provision of a folding wing was examined in 1940. But the desperate need for aircraft designers for next-generation aircraft, as well as concerns over the Hurricane’s ability to accommodate the extra weight, soon saw this idea abandoned.

However, If the idea had been taken up then the entirely fictitious but equally plausable Sea Hurricane MkIId could have been put into service with the Fleet Air Arm in time to see service during WWII and shortly after.

Note : Tested in 4:12 but should work in most versions as it is effectively a stock aircraft with a couple of 3d refinements. The conflict with the Sea Hurricane in the "SAS Hurricane pack" has been resolved, so please note the amended "air.ini" entries. The additional skins are in HD (2048x2048, 24 bit)  format

- Original 3D & code by 1C/Maddox.
- 3D  prop by PA_Jeronimo
- Additional 3D etc by GJE52

Add to air.ini

Sea-HurricaneMkIIc    air.Sea_HurricaneMkIIc     1                          gb01  SUMMER
Sea-HurricaneMkIId    air.Sea_HurricaneMkIId     1                          gb01  SUMMER

Download from here :

If you don't run the HD skins mod then you may want to add these 1024² 8bit skins courtesy of "Bomberkiller"



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Re: Hawker Sea Hurricane MkII
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2016, 05:15:58 PM »

many thanks Glynn!  ;)
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Re: Hawker Sea Hurricane MkII
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2016, 06:23:52 AM »

Thank you very much for the updated version Glynn, excellent work. 8)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Hawker Sea Hurricane MkII
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2016, 10:54:33 AM »

Very interesting bird. Every Hurricane is always welcome. Thank you Glynn.  :)


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Re: Hawker Sea Hurricane MkII
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2016, 11:05:04 AM »

Many thanks Glynn!!!


  • It needs a tailhook.
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Re: Hawker Sea Hurricane MkII
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2019, 09:50:14 PM »

Very cool idea. Folding wings on a Sea Hurricane. Thanks for this!
"You seem to be disappointed in my efforts only because my efforts were disappointing"
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