The Flying Flapjack version 2, fits all sizes and base game versions.
Download Links:
XF5U-1 v2HD Default SkinAddon SkinsAir.ini:
XF5U-1 air.XF5U1 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
3D and everything else not mentioned below: 101tfs
Green Skin by max_thehitman
Cockpit is "stand in" based on other mod cockpits
Slot, Weapons, Flight Model, Cockpit Mod: SAS~Storebror
* *
* Installation: *
* *
Extract this file and copy the "XF5U1" folder to your game's modded files folder.
This is a subfolder of your IL-2 1946 game folder, the name differs depending
on the modpack you're using, for instance the folder name could be
"#SAS", "#WAW", "#DBW", "#UP#" or just "MODS".
Add the following line to your air.ini file.
The file usually can be found in the following location:
<Your IL2 game folder>/<your modded files folder>/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects/air.ini
Add this line:
XF5U-1 air.XF5U1 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
ATTENTION: You need some kind of "DiffFM" mod installed in your game.
CUP, Modact 5/6, DBW and UP3 ship with DiffFM included by default,
others need to make sure to have it installed, otherwise your game will crash at 60%.
Some links for DiffFM mods (not comprehensive):
4.10m (incl. UP3):,12169.0.html
4.11m (incl. HSFX 6):,24777.0.html
HSFX 7:,38980.0.html
ATTENTION²: You need "SAS Common Utils" mod installed in your game.
CUP and Modact 6 ship with SAS Common Utils included by default,
others need to make sure to have it installed, otherwise your game will crash when you fly this plane.
Get the latest SAS Common Utils here, it works for any base game version and causes no conflicts
with any other mod or mod pack, comes as a simple non-intrusive addon with no side effects:,40490.0.html
- Optional -
Add the following line to your "" or "" file:
XF5U-1 XF5U-1 Flying Flapjack, 1947
- Optional -
Add the following lines to your "" or "" file:
# XF5U-1
XF5U-1.default Default (6x cal.50s)
XF5U-1.20mm 4x20mm Hispano Cannons
XF5U-1.2x250 2x250lb Bombs + cal.50s
XF5U-1.20mm+2x250 2x250lb Bombs + Hispanos
XF5U-1.2x500 2x500lb Bombs + cal.50s
XF5U-1.20mm+2x500 2x500lb Bombs + Hispanos
XF5U-1.2x1000 2x1000lb Bombs + cal.50s
XF5U-1.20mm+2x1000 2x1000lb Bombs + Hispanos
XF5U-1.2xTinyTim 2xTiny Tim + cal.50s
XF5U-1.20mm+2xTinyTim 2xTiny Tim + Hispanos
XF5U-1.droptanks 2x150gal Droptanks + cal.50s
XF5U-1.20mm+droptanks 2x150gal Droptanks + Hispanos
XF5U-1.empty Empty
skin folder:
IL-2 4.09 Rebels need to have the "AircraftLH Stub Class Mod" installed.
If you don't have it yet, get it here:
* *
* Credits *
* *
3D and everything else not mentioned below: 101tfs
Green Skin by max_thehitman
Cockpit is "stand in" based on other mod cockpits
Slot, Weapons, Flight Model, Cockpit Mod: SAS~Storebror