You finally got it working. That is great!

I am happy for you Huckebein.
I did not think about that "textures" part on my previews suggestion fix.
Since you do have a new game installed, you probably do not have PA_Jeronimos better wheels mod or his
other PA_Jeronimos Cowlings and props fixes. -- These 2 packages I HIGHLY RECOMMEND for any new game
You MUST have these 2 mods in your game! You will notice that practically all of your airplanes,
both stock and many mod-aircraft, will have many fixes done to them if you use these PA_Jeronimo´s mod-packs.
Inside these 2 packs there is a folder already named "Textures" and they contain the "Disc" and "Cobertes_Rodes" skins
and fixes for which all of the airplanes use.
This was why your airplane was not showing in your game, because even tho you do have these skins inside the KIKKA airplane folder,
the file is really calling out for a "Disc" skin+files which is placed inside a "textures" folder. - Inside the KIKKA folder there is
no Textures folder.
In my game when an airplane file calls out for a "textures" folder for these things, it already looks inside PA_Jeronimos files to use
them on the aircraft.
Do yourself a favor a use these 2 must-have mod-packs!
Download them all here...,25142.0.html-,34533.0.html-
for EXTRA detailed wheels and more detailed wheel-rims, overwrite
the files on BOTH of PA_Jeronimos mod-packs by installing my recent
upgrades to the skins

-,51272.0.htmlMy package ONLY Contains the skins for better details.
In your personal game , do place these mod-packs to load FIRST before ALL other mod-airplanes!!
Your KIKKA jet-fighters will look much nicer with these uogrades.