BOMBSIGHTS - 413 or 412 CUP?I have recently spent some time getting to grips with the new Bombsight in TD 413. Partly for my own satisfaction, partly curiosity etc.
After working through a wall of text I started re-mapping keys. There are so many to apply that I was quickly running out of keyboard and had to make copious notes to remember what went where.
That's OK - All aircrews have to train, so let's learn. Of course, there are precious few bombers in 413 but some of the important ones are covered and off we went to bomb a Quick Mission Bridge.
The display on the B-24, for example, is still pretty basic. The numbers come up where you expect and the bombsight 'clutch' is designed to padlock a ground target and steer the aircraft over it. It's difficult though, and there are so many parameters to constantly adjust on the bombsight that its difficult to keep ahead of the picture.
The thing is; all of these bombsight representations in the sim are just that, representations. The real three dimensional tactile sensation, depth and additional data is not truly possible to reproduce on a flat screen.

But all those bloody numbers and keys! I'm stabbing away at the keyboard, totally dis-orientated and time is running out as we approach the target. Surely there is a better way!
Ironically yes, there was a better way in 410, and imported into 412 CUP, a long time ago. SAS~Benitomuso has designed many Il2 HUD improvements. Using a combination of text, position, function and colour he produced a representation of contemporary WWII bombsights that feels so much more intuitive, ie; easy to learn.
I would rather get to grips quickly with a concept and go bombing in the right 'spirit' if you like. SAS~Benitomuso's (PAL's HUDMOD) sight presents the same information but provides a clearer picture and a much faster visual solution.
Let's set up our approach to the target at a steady, known altitude, and a good regular airspeed. With the aircraft settled straight and level at your bridge, or in the next 412 test a very tricky ship convoy, you can simply adjust Bombsight Altitude (the adjustable numbers on the right hand side) to the known value (the RED text bottom left) and Bombsight Velocity (up on the right again) to match your true airspeed (also shown in the RED text).
That's it, maintain that height and speed and the Angle predicted in the Yellow text will bring the crosshairs over your hitpoint. Adjust the sight to the angle indicated, fly the crosshairs over the target and pickle!
So with three sets of key commands - Sight-Altitude, Velocity and Angle (aka Elevation) you can set up the sight in seconds while flying the plane from the Bomb-Aimer's seat! With a little practice you can get very accurate with this system and it seems to me a far better representation of what is going on.
TD 412 Code changes broke the modded bombsights in a lot of addon aircraft. 413 totally destroyed them, including mods like PAL's HUDMOD, which is so much better!
Many great modders, especially 412 conversion specialists like StefanSG, SAS~Gerax and SAS~Epervier, have repaired most of them and we now have a fleet of bombers in CUP, from all nations, to rival any sim collection anywhere.
Give it a go, the Mossies are good, most of the B25s, the B24J, the B-17, The Lancaster, Wellington, Halifax, He-111 family, Ju-88 family, the Dorniers etc.
Not all mods are bombsight fixed yet, although none of them are even present in 413 anyway! Working with what we have in 412 CUP (with more on the way and more being fixed for 412), there is already massive scope in CUP for any would be BN to start ground-pounding with deadly accuracy right away.
My conclusions? - Bollocks to the vaunted 413 Bombsight, with the greatest respect, we already have something far better right here.
Here's a few shots of what I'm talking about. These sights are using PAL's HUDMOD without Visual mod - I will make sure everyone has this option, through JSGME, with the next #WAW Part-21 update...

Here are some more shots from bomber types in CUP #WAW. This time we are also using the full PAL's Visual MOD 9. Either way, all these sights function properly and provide pinpoint bombing accuracy...