C.U.P. WORLD AT WAR PART-21RESTORE POINT INSTALL TYPE: Make sure you are up-to-date to WAW Part-20 from previously.
1) JSGME DISABLE everything
2) In your Main Il2 directory rem out (rename with a -) your current #WAW to -#WAW .
3) UnZIP/UnRAR 'C.U.P. WORLD AT WAR PART-21' direct to your Il2 Main Directory and allow overwrite.
4) ENABLE JSGME Options to taste.
5) Delete old -#WAW at your convenience.
C.U.P. WORLD AT WAR PART-21************************
#WAW_DCG_compatibility_mod_v1.1 By Moezilla & snipertonThese additions and changes, from the DCG Compatibility projects, have been permanently incorporated into #WAW.
For the DCG Community it will still be necessary to apply their JSGME addons and use their tools, since the DCG project is still ongoing. However, these fixes benefit everyone and move towards a tidier C.U.P.
Many thanks in particular for the new, great work by Moezilla & sniperton.
Ship and Vehicle Optimisation By Moezilla:,51513.0.html#WAW_MotorPool_Pt20
Many thanks to Moezilla for these well constructed improvements and tune-ups. No longer necessary as JSGME Addons, they are fully integrated into #WAW with Part-21. Features updated Ship Extension Mod (SEM) and also catches 12 ships in WAW which were not covered by the SEM's disappearing sailors mod.
In addition to sorting out several of the ship models, and resizing many ordnance textures for improved performance, Moezilla has also rationalised the various vehicle mods, from WngFlyr, Tomoose, SAS~Epervier and Western0221. The FMB Menus now provide several new variants for an even greater depth of Mission Builder experience. All the LODs have been sorted out too. Diorama makers are going to love this!
Halifax Rework By Ranwers,51354.0.htmlThe great classic Halifax has been refined and completed to this point. Its truly a work of art by Ranwers. For backwards compatibility we have also retained other Halifax models, even though this latest one is the best by far.
Ki-49-II Donryu By 101tfs,52615.0.htmlOur virtual Imperial Japanese Army Airforce goes from strength to strength with this fine aircraft from 101tfs. This is a superb quality mod all round with all manned crew positions working and a fully rated 412 bombsight working perfectly with PAL'S HUDMOD. So there's another one!

Nakajima Kikka and Trainer- Own Slots By Lone Wolf & CWatson,52698.0.htmlLone Wolf has made a very good model here and provided two very interesting aircraft for CUP. This is their natural home and I'm delighted to make them permanent fixtures in #WAW, many thanks to Lone Wolf. We are likely to be doing a lot more together, across all of the eras, in the near future.
Short Sunderland: (Readmes Included),50850.0.htmlBarnsey12 continues to provide a major contribution to the longevity and development of Il2 - He is a prolific and skilled 3D modeller who has introduced many new aircraft into the Il2 Simulator - These include: the Helldiver, Skyhawk, P82 Twin Mustang and the classic Short Sunderland.
In many cases other team members have assisted with additional code and fixes for the increasingly complex requirements of the, now highly modified, Il2 Sim-engine. Specifically; the SAS-EngineMOD is now a standard requirement for naval aircraft mods and much more besides.
However; these new Il2 aircraft are Barnsey's models first and foremost - His contribution cannot be under-stated. If in the past the impression has been given that Barnsey's role in their creation has seemed to be 'played down' - That was never my intention.
I say again - first and foremost - a big thank you to Barnsey12.With regard to this release of the Short Sunderland into CUP World at War (#WAW) we should also thank: CWatson, SAS~Storebror, SAS~Epervier and TON 414. To be working together again, as a community, can only be a good thing!
More skins for the Sunderland are available by downloading the original package from Il2 Freemodding. Say thanks to Barnsey12 while you are there.
Stationary Planes By Mission_bug,37950.0.htmlEssential Updates constantly maintained by Mission_bug - Thanks from all of us for your hard work.
JSGME OptionsJust a couple of minor switch ON/OFF features and fixes with clear documentation.
BACKED UP WITH SAFETY:Always remember that the #WAW SFS content is contained, away from the rest of the sim, inside SFS_WAW. As of #WAW Part-21 the new, replacement #WAW Mod folder is complete. #WAW Part-21 represents a complete backup (+all the previous SFS content) for #WAW. As long as you have this new #WAW Mod folder you are completely safe and backed-up. In other words, if you mess it up, just dump it and replace the entire #WAW folder in about 20 seconds.
Finally, my thanks and warmest regards for RDDR and eMeL, the mainstays of Team CUP, without whom none of this would happen.
November 2016
DOWNLOAD C.U.P. - WAW PART-21************************