I've been downloading CUP using the torrents.
Since the Module 1 and 2 finished first, I figured I'd get started installing those, make sure everything works.
I've been using this video as a guide:
So, what I did in short:
1- Clean install of the game
I test the game, it works.
2- I patch it to 4.12.2m
I test the game, it works.
3- I install the SAS ModAct thingy.
I test the game, it works.
4- I install Module 1
I test the game, it works.
5- I install Module 2 (DOF)
And here's where things went sideways.
I did pay attention to the "restore" points and acted as instructed, though I'd like confirmation if it's Part 12 of Module 1 that I'm supposed to use since there are other parts after it.
I installed parts 1 to 10 of Module 2, opened up the IL2 Selector and switched to DOF, I launch the game and it's at the lowest possible resolution. I do notice though that a few of the images changed (eg. the game says it's DOF as it's loading)
I go to the options, try to set it back to 2560x1440, the game changes resolution and promptly closes itself after 4/5 seconds. So I directly edit the resolution in conf.ini and that solved this little issue.
I start the game and check the single missions, the names of the countries changed but the missions are still the base game ones?
I check the campaigns and same issue there (and if I try to select one the whole game freaks out, the UI starts flashing like crazy and I have to terminate it).
If I try to enter the quick mission builder to at least check if the WW1 planes got added, the game freezes completely.
I'm quite stumped and confused. If necessary I can post the log file, just tell me what you want me to do (make it freeze with the quick mission builder? Go to the campaign screen and then close the game normally?).
I'm also confused because this guide here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,47647.0.html shows a different number of parts. I'm assuming it's because it's an old guide? But apparently it got updated in February? There is no "edit date" on the post though...
This is quite confusing. Which guide am I supposed to follow?
EDIT: In the Object viewer I can see a few WW1 planes and not a single WW2 one.
There's not a whole lot of planes though, 9 for "Red" (including the Fokker DR.I being repeated twice) and 2 for "Blue".
The other categories of the Object viewer from a cursory glance seem to still have the usual WW2 vehicles and equipment, though a few of the trucks have invisible wheels for some reason?