Posted by: farafonoff: Of course, fuck me for not automatically knowing everything about a behemoth of a mod that has tons of obsolete information floating around. I should be tracked down, kidnapped and murdered for being confused.
Nope. That's not at all rude... Merely Snarky, Snide, Sarcastic and completely Insulting to those trying to help you and those that spend untold hundreds of hours trying to make this all work. Poor little entitled you...
Rick W
PS. I may not post often here, but I've been here for years. Also I've been part of the Flight Sim community since Air Warrior by Kesmai was
$6.00 an hour to play in the early 90's and all we had were numbers and not even nicknames as identifiers. The order of the day online then was respect. An almost military sense of propriety and correctness. That all but disappeared with the advent of AOL, low cost internet and every 12 year old online trying to be more vulgar and moronic than all the other vulgar, moronic 12 year old's online. Some of them grew up and learned appropriate virtual interaction. Far too many others took vulgar and moronic to new levels of immaturity as they became 15, 20, 25, 30, 35. They've so lost touch with how to act within a group, they blame the group for their own failings when they get called out for speaking and acting inappropriately.
Your probably right, farafonoff.
You probably can't find anything you'd describe as rude. You've lost the ability to recognize it...