Hi Tart,
Don't worry, everything's fine.
It's just a rule of thumbs that if you think about whether or not to post a log, the right answer is always "YES, do it!".
There's no such thing like too many logs in case of error reports.
I don't know where to get the mods which seemingly have to be installed before loading the new visual mod.
his post Gerax is referring to an "EngineMod version with Westerns latest Version".
western0221 maintains an own thread with an updated version of the Engine Mod 2.7, you can always find his latest "official" updated Engine Mod version in the opening post of his thread:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,52489.0.htmlThere's four versions available of western's updated engine mod at the time of typing this, they differ by the additional visual/sounds effects included.
For compatibility reasons I'd suggest to start trying the least intrusive version which is the one with no gongs and tinsel, the "no additional visual / sound effects version".
the previous visual mod has a structure with TGA,DOF and WAW subfolder, the new one not, does it matter?
It's not the "previous visual mod" that has this structure, it's the one integrated in CUP, which can be activated and deactivated through JSGME.
Naturally non-CUP mods don't have this structure.
During installation of such "dedicated" mods you just have to install them in the module folder you're intending to use them.
Let's say you want to try the Ordnance View in WAW, so you install the Ordnance View Visual Mod in your CUP's "#WAW" folder.
I installed the new visual mod in my WAW21 in place of the old one but it does not work.
You have to load the "Ordnance View" visual mod prior to the one shipped with CUP.
The CUP integrated Visual Mod installs into a folder called "00_PAL-VisualMOD9-v4122" whereas the "Ordnance View" version's foldername by default is "00_PAL-VisualMOD9", this is basically okay but you have to make sure that the "Ordnance View" Visual Mod loads prior to Engine mod, so please rename the "Ordnance View" Visual Mod folder to "!!!_PAL-VisualMOD9-OrdnanceTest".
I don't have the usual effects of the mod and there is no "ordinance view" on my control and command desk. Should I look at the log?
So your game doesn't crash anymore?
That's a step further than before.
Yes, the log always helps.
I get a CTD at 5% when I leave the game
Log please

At the moment I can't imagine what a 5% crash at
leaving the game should be at all...
Gerax asked whether it was possible to get an Ordnance view as extramod, Western0221 answered , but I don't understand his answer.
Western's answer says that the "Ordnance View" Visual Mod works perfectly fine with western's latest patched Engine Mod, as long as you rename the "Ordnance View" Visual Mod folder to make sure that it loads prior to the patched Engine Mod.
That's why I recommend renaming the "Ordnance View" Visual Mod folder to "!!!_PAL-VisualMOD9-OrdnanceTest".
Best regards - Mike