This is a mod, making V-1 available as regular non-flyable AC in the game, and adding V-4 piloted version.
FM & DM tweaks was done in attempt to make it technicaly correct, some effects added, like rotating odometer fan and engine exhaust.

Craft may be useful as suicide bomber (kamikaze) and as flying target.
As V-1 is unmanned, it cannot launch itself, so U have to designate strike point with no specific target for carrier aircraft.
No sense to set strike point for V-1. V-1 executes 45-degree dive upon reaching its final waypoint, whatever it designated as strike point or not. I'm not recommend to set a specific target for V-1, as it will running circles around, trying to hit. If target will be dectroyed prior V-1 arrival, it will just running circles around, or will try to RTB with disastrous consequences

V-1 features:
- craft will detonate on any contact with ground or water, so possible mission start options is follows -
air start, air start with carrier (He-111H2, for ex.), ground runway start with the carrier;
- steep dives causes craft engine to stall (simulates early version of V-1);
- speed rises with fuel exhausting.
V-1 limitations:
- craft has no trottle control (only engine starting & shutting is possible);
- craft has limited roll control to simulate gyro override in overturn
(historical prototype was not having roll control at all, but I was forced to implement it,
since the AI proved not to be able to maintain course to waypoint without some roll control);
- due to limitations listed above, formation flying is difficult, so I recommend to send V-1's on mission as separate flights, however, formation flying is possible.
V-4 behaves itself as regular piloted AC, so U have to set its final waypoint as strike point to make craft to commit kamikaze attack.
FM slightlly differs from V-1 through larger tailplane & rudder, and having full roll control. Formation flying possible.
Note: with "none" loadout, craft has no warhead, just ballast. Good for training

Credits for exterior 3D model to
Credits for interior cockpit 3D to
TTLinks to download:old 4.09 version (also posted on AAS)
4.10 version : (link by Gumpy)
carrier He-111H-2 link in the attachment at the end of this post.
To install Fi-103 mod unpack the Fi_103_110911 RAR file to your IL-2 directory, then add this lines:
Fi-103_V1 air.FI_103_V1 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Fi-103R-IV air.FI_103RIV 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMERto your
air.ini file, located, probably in
\MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects folder inside your IL-2 directory
(!) Don't forget to delete this line, if you decide to remove the mod).
and this lines (optional):
Fi-103_V1 Fiesler Fi-103 V-1, 1942
Fi-103R-IV Fiesler Fi-103 R-IV V-4, 1944to your file, located, probably in
\files\i18n\ folder inside your IL-2 directory.
To install carrier sub-mod unpack He_111H2_carrier RAR file to mods directory.
Here,12546.0.html U can find a similar mod, but with aditional weapon loadouts.
He-111Z also can serve as carrier for pair of Fi-103's with this mod:,12325.0.htmlThree sample missions, demonstrating air launch and Fi-103 kamikaze attack, can be found in Single Missions > Germany > V-1 and V-4 (don't judge too harsh, it's my first two FMB missions).
Have a fun !