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Author Topic: Fokker D.XXIII  (Read 22253 times)

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Re: Fokker D.XXIII
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2016, 08:00:44 AM »

Sounds like a german barber :P
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: Fokker D.XXIII
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2016, 08:12:40 AM »

Thank you Mike and Epervier!

It has annoyed me regularly, but I've always forgotten to ask. (I blame the glue from my boyhood plastic modelling for this).
Actually the name was "Tinted reticle dimmer", but that was close enough. Thanks again


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Re: Fokker D.XXIII
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2016, 08:34:46 AM »

Thanks a lot for a superb plane !

And good news : SSP made for old beta model works too ! Tested in 4.10 DBW and 4.12 CUP/WAW.


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Re: Fokker D.XXIII
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2016, 08:51:48 AM »

in my DBW based game I get a CTD when starting a mission.
Something about the cockpit I guess

Code: [Select]
[15:48:24] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/maddox/sas1946/il2/util/BaseGameVersion
[15:48:24] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitFokker_DXXIII.doFocusEnter(CockpitFokker_DXXIII.java:543)
[15:48:24] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Cockpit.focusEnter(Cockpit.java:327)
[15:48:24] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.setViewInside(Main3D.java:1474)
[15:48:24] at com.maddox.il2.game.AircraftHotKeys$73.begin(AircraftHotKeys.java:4136)


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Re: Fokker D.XXIII
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2016, 09:01:10 AM »

Code: [Select]
[15:48:24] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/maddox/sas1946/il2/util/BaseGameVersion

From the readme:
ATTENTIONĀ²: You need "SAS Common Utils" mod installed in your game.
            CUP and SAS Modact 5/6 ship with SAS Common Utils included by default,
            others need to make sure to have it installed, otherwise your game will crash when you fly this plane.
            Get the latest SAS Common Utils here, it works for any base game version and causes no conflicts
            with any other mod or mod pack, comes as a simple non-intrusive addon with no side effects:

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: Fokker D.XXIII
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2016, 09:31:27 AM »

thanks that was missing in this particular install.

But now I can fly but get a CTD whenever I try to switch from "regular" view to "aiming" view.
The log does not contain anything regarding errors.

Code: [Select]
[16:26:33] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadMain(Mission.java:795)
[16:26:33] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:444)
[16:26:33] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:129)
[16:26:33] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:405)
[16:26:33] at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
[16:26:33] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
[16:26:33] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:437)
[16:26:33] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[16:26:33] Load bridges
[16:26:33] Load static objects
[16:26:35] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Furniture/Sandbag_Wall/live.sim)
[16:26:35] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/BaseSegment/live.sim)
[16:26:35] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/46/Trench1/live.sim)
[16:26:35] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/46/Trench2/live.sim)
[16:26:35] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/46/Trench7/live.sim)
[16:26:35] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/46/Trench4/live.sim)
[16:26:35] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Furniture/Sandbag_Wall/live.sim)
[16:26:35] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/46/Trench8/live.sim)
[16:26:37] INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file 'PaintSchemes/decals/Japanese/10.tga'
[16:26:37] WARNING: object 'PaintSchemes/decals/Japanese/10.tga' of class 'TTexture2D' not loaded
[16:26:37] INTERNAL ERROR: Texture required
[16:26:37] WARNING: object 'PaintSchemes/Cache/psFM04JAPCNUM0005.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
[16:26:37] INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file 'PaintSchemes/decals/Japanese/10.tga'
[16:26:37] WARNING: object 'PaintSchemes/decals/Japanese/10.tga' of class 'TTexture2D' not loaded
[16:26:37] INTERNAL ERROR: Texture required
[16:26:37] WARNING: object 'PaintSchemes/Cache/psFM04JAPCNUM0005.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
[16:26:37] House: Section House$PR12rus not found
[16:26:37] House: Section House$PR12rus not found
[16:26:37] House: Section House$PR12rus not found
[16:26:37] House: Section House$46Furniture5 not found
[16:26:37] House: Section House$MapBoard_01 not found
[16:26:37] House: Section House$AirplaneTires01 not found
[16:26:37] House: Section House$AirplaneTires01_low not found
[16:26:37] House: Section House$BoxesDrink_Bier not found
[16:26:37] House: Section House$RedCrossBoxes not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$RIDER_M not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$RIDER_M1 not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$RIDER_M not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$RIDER_M1 not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$PR12rus not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$PR12rus not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$WoodCrosses_02 not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$WoodCrosses_03prop not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$MapBoard_01 not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$AirplaneTires01 not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$AirplaneTires01_low not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$RedCrossBoxes not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$PR12rus not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$PR12rus not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$PR12rus not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$46Furniture5 not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$MapBoard_01 not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$AirplaneTires01 not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$AirplaneTires01_low not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$RedCrossBoxes not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$PR11rus not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$PR11rus not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$PR11rus not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$PR11rus not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$PR12rus not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$PR12rus not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$RIDER_M1 not found
[16:26:38] House: Section House$RIDER_M not found
[16:26:38] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWW1$FordLenderAA' not found
[16:26:38] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWW1$FordLenderAA' not found
[16:26:38] Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.PlaneFokker_EIII$Fokker_EIII' not found
[16:26:38] Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.PlaneFokker_EIII$Fokker_EIII' not found
[16:26:38] Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.PlaneFokker_EIII$Fokker_EIII' not found
[16:26:38] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB4b$HART_T38_75_ch2' not found
[16:26:38] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB4b$HART_T38_75_ch2' not found
[16:26:38] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB4b$HART_T38_75_ch2' not found
[16:26:38] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB3$Chariot03' not found
[16:26:38] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB3$Chariot03' not found
[16:26:38] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB3$KitchenDE_H' not found
[16:26:39] Mission: class 'vehicles.aeronautics.Aeronautics$ObservBalloon02_90m' not found
[16:26:39] Mission: class 'vehicles.aeronautics.Aeronautics$ObservBalloon02_90m' not found
[16:26:39] Mission: class 'vehicles.aeronautics.Aeronautics$ObservBalloon02_90m' not found
[16:26:39] Mission: class 'vehicles.aeronautics.Aeronautics$ObservBalloon02_90m' not found
[16:26:39] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryCY6$Mortar_80mm' not found
[16:26:39] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryCY6$Mortar_80mm' not found
[16:26:39] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryCY6$DugInInfantry' not found
[16:26:39] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryCY6$DugInInfantry' not found
[16:26:39] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryCY6$DugInInfantry' not found
[16:26:39] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB4b$HART_T38_75_ch2' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB4b$HART_T38_75_ch2' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB4b$HART_T38_75_ch2' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB4b$HART_T38_75_ch2' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB4b$HART_T38_75_ch2' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB4b$HART_T38_75_ch2' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB4b$HART_T38_75_ch2' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB4b$HART_T91_105_ch2' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryCY6$Mortar_80mm' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryCY6$Mortar_80mm' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryCY6$Mortar_80mm' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.aeronautics.Aeronautics$ObservBalloon02_90m' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.aeronautics.Aeronautics$ObservBalloon02_90m' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.aeronautics.Aeronautics$ObservBalloon02_90m' not found
[16:26:40] Mission: class 'vehicles.aeronautics.Aeronautics$ObservBalloon02_90m' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_Mk1m' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:41] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWWI$WWI_BeutepanzerIV' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.PlaneFokker_EIII$Fokker_EIII' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWW1$FordLenderAA' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWW1$FordLenderAA' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWW1$FordLenderAA' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWW1$FordLenderAA' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.PlaneFokker_EIII$Fokker_EIII' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.PlaneFokker_EIII$Fokker_EIII' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.PlaneFokker_EIII$Fokker_EIII' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.PlaneFokker_EIII$Fokker_EIII' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWW1$FordLenderAA' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWW1$FordLenderAA' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.PlaneFokker_EIII$Fokker_EIII' not found
[16:26:42] Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.PlaneFokker_EIII$Fokker_EIII' not found
[16:26:43] Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.PlaneFokker_EIII$Fokker_EIII' not found
[16:26:43] Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.PlaneFokker_EIII$Fokker_EIII' not found
[16:26:43] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWW1$FordLenderAA' not found
[16:26:43] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWW1$FordLenderAA' not found
[16:26:43] Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryWW1$FordLenderAA' not found
[16:26:44] Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Station


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Re: Fokker D.XXIII
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2016, 09:32:40 AM »

Thanks a lot for a superb plane !

And good news : SSP made for old beta model works too ! Tested in 4.10 DBW and 4.12 CUP/WAW.

Yes indeed.
I am also seeing the Self-Stationary-Plane version (from Mission_Bug)  in the VP-Modpack (4.12 game version).
Very nice upgrade for a very cool little fighter.

Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening ! Welcome to SAS1946


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Re: Fokker D.XXIII
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2016, 10:34:31 AM »

The log does not contain anything regarding errors.
The log has more than enough errors in, albeit none related to the Fokker.
The log clearly teels that your game is FUBAR.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Fokker D.XXIII
« Reply #20 on: December 21, 2016, 10:53:07 AM »

No it just tells that the QMB Mission is on a WW1 map (somme) while not in a WW1 environment. The objects in the mis are not there. But that's no issue, missing objects in the mis are just ignored.

the thing with the CTD when trying to switch to aiming view happens no matter on what map.
(all other planes, even DXXI variants work well. Even on the Somme map)


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Re: Fokker D.XXIII
« Reply #21 on: December 21, 2016, 11:01:02 AM »

I have now added some Dutch roundels to my aircraft.


Hello Max,

Since this plane currently has no markings at all, could you please share your Dutch ones with us ...?  :P



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Re: Fokker D.XXIII
« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2016, 11:26:53 AM »

Do I assume that this is a new DXXIII, distinct from the one that Zflyer released a few months back?



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Re: Fokker D.XXIII
« Reply #23 on: December 21, 2016, 11:35:54 AM »

Do I assume that this is a new DXXIII, distinct from the one that Zflyer released a few months back?


... yep, you are assuming correctly ...  ;)

Skins for the previous version are totally incompatible for ex ...  ;)
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