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Author Topic: F-18 BAT Debugging  (Read 7831 times)

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F-18 BAT Debugging
« on: January 08, 2017, 02:06:45 AM »

Hi guys,

I'm starting this new thread to get rid of F-18 issues being reported in the big BAT release thread.

So far bugs with the F-18 in BAT have been reported by jt189 here:
while playing the jet war notice the 18 does not start all the other jets do and weapons work but the 18 is the only one that does not start and fly. does anyone else have this issue
and by myself here.
Many other users reported that the plane is working just fine in their installation, so the issues reported must be something very special.

My issues occured on a fresh vanilla CUP installation, and on the same installation after applying Expansion Packs 1 and 2, and again on the same installation after applying Expansion Packs 3 and 4 (Preview) on top.

The Symptom is that when the F-18 spawns, you see a cockpit for a split second, and then the whole screen turns black.
The error log shows:
Code: [Select]
[5:31:34 PM] java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.F_18.getMachForAlt(F_18.java:1535)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.F_18.soundbarier(F_18.java:1548)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.F_18.update(F_18.java:1681)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.F_18C.update(F_18C.java:290)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.fm.FlightModelMain.update(FlightModelMain.java:1164)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.fm.FlightModel.FMupdate(FlightModel.java:558)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.fm.RealFlightModel.update(RealFlightModel.java:558)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.fm.FlightModelMain.tick(FlightModelMain.java:1196)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.Interpolators.tick(Interpolators.java:222)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.interpolateTick(Actor.java:434)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.InterpolateAdapter.msgTimeOut(InterpolateAdapter.java:174)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.rts.MsgTimeOut.invokeListener(MsgTimeOut.java:73)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:252)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
[5:31:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)

I've tried to edit that class to avoid this error, just to see that after exactly two "update" cycles the Flight Model's Altitude turns into "NaN" = Not a number.
It's unclear where this is coming from, apparently it doesn't happen inside the F-18 classes, on the other hand no other plane is affected by this issue.

I've tried to change DLLs, to no avail.
Using BAT DLLs Version 1 is not possible, HD planes turn pink or don't load at all.
BAT DLLs Version 2 are showing the issue reported here.
I've reverted to Stock IL-2 1946 DLLs and replaced all HD textures of the F-18 with SD ones, but the error stays the same.

I've raised and lowered the memory in IL-2 Selector (128MB, 256MB, 512MB (default), 768MB, 1024MB), each to no avail. Error stays the same.

I've downloaded and installed the US Marine Aviation pack v3.2 (the complete pack plus all patches) on top to override the content shipped within BAT, but the error stays exactly the same.

I've tried to get closer to the error's source in Java, but all I can see is that after two frames the complete Aircraft's Location value gets smashed.
This is the log output after adding two lines to the F-18's "getMachForAlt" method:
Code: [Select]
    public float getMachForAlt(float f)
        System.out.println("Time " + Time.current() + " Aircraft hash " + this.hashCode() + ", getMachForAlt(" + f + "), Loc x=" + FM.Loc.x + ", y=" + FM.Loc.y + ", z=" + FM.Loc.z);
        if (Float.isNaN(f)) return TypeSupersonic.fMachAltY[0];
// ... further unchanged code follows ...

Code: [Select]
[9:00:15 AM] Mission: QuickQMBPro/JTW-Edwards_AFB/JTW-Edwards_AFBbluescramble00.mis is Playing
[9:00:15 AM] INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
[9:00:16 AM] Time 30 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(2.192134), Loc x=45736.57773712208, y=44546.45456765993, z=2.192133903503418
[9:00:16 AM] Time 30 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(2.192134), Loc x=45736.57773712208, y=44546.45456765993, z=2.192133903503418
[9:00:16 AM] Time 30 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(2.192134), Loc x=45736.57773712208, y=44546.45456765993, z=2.192133903503418
[9:00:16 AM] Time 30 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(2.192134), Loc x=45736.57773712208, y=44546.45456765993, z=2.192133903503418
[9:00:16 AM] Time 30 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(2.192134), Loc x=45736.57773712208, y=44546.45456765993, z=2.192133903503418
[9:00:16 AM] Time 30 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(2.192134), Loc x=45736.57773712208, y=44546.45456765993, z=2.192133903503418
[9:00:16 AM] Time 60 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(2.1893086), Loc x=45736.577735508705, y=44546.454566282904, z=2.1893087579028574
[9:00:16 AM] Time 60 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(2.1893086), Loc x=45736.577735508705, y=44546.454566282904, z=2.1893087579028574
[9:00:16 AM] Time 60 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(2.1893086), Loc x=45736.577735508705, y=44546.454566282904, z=2.1893087579028574
[9:00:16 AM] Time 60 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(2.1893086), Loc x=45736.577735508705, y=44546.454566282904, z=2.1893087579028574
[9:00:16 AM] Time 60 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(2.1893086), Loc x=45736.577735508705, y=44546.454566282904, z=2.1893087579028574
[9:00:16 AM] Time 60 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(2.1893086), Loc x=45736.577735508705, y=44546.454566282904, z=2.1893087579028574
[9:00:16 AM] Time 90 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 90 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 90 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 90 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 90 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 90 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 120 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 120 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 120 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 120 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 120 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 120 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 150 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 150 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 150 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 150 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 150 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 150 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 180 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 180 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 180 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 180 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 180 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 180 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 210 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 210 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 210 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 210 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 210 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 210 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 240 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 240 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 240 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 240 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 240 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 240 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: VB.RoadsID!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 270 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 270 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 270 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 270 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 270 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 270 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 300 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 300 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 300 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 300 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 300 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 300 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 330 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 330 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 330 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 330 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 330 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 330 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 360 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 360 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 360 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 360 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 360 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 360 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 390 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 390 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 390 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 390 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 390 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 390 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 420 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 420 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 420 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 420 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 420 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 420 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 450 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 450 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 450 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 450 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 450 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 450 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 480 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 480 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 480 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 480 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 480 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 480 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 510 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 510 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 510 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 510 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 510 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 510 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 540 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 540 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 540 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 540 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 540 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 540 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 570 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 570 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 570 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 570 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 570 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 570 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 600 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 600 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 600 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 600 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 600 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 600 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 630 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 630 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 630 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 630 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 630 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 630 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 660 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 660 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 660 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 660 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 660 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 660 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 690 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 690 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 690 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 690 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 690 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 690 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 720 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 720 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 720 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 720 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 720 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 720 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 750 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 750 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 750 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 750 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 750 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 750 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: VB.RoadsID!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 780 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 780 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 780 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 780 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 780 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 780 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 810 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 810 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 810 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 810 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 810 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 810 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 840 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 840 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 840 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 840 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 840 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 840 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 870 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 870 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 870 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 870 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 870 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 870 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 900 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 900 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 900 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 900 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 900 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 900 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 930 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 930 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 930 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 930 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 930 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 930 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 960 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 960 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 960 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 960 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 960 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 960 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 990 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 990 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 990 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 990 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 990 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 990 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1020 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1020 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1020 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1020 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1020 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1020 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1050 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1050 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1050 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1050 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1050 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1050 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1080 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1080 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1080 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1080 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1080 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] Time 1080 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:16 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1110 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1110 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1110 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1110 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1110 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1110 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1140 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1140 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1140 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1140 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1140 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1140 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1170 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1170 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1170 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1170 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1170 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] Time 1170 Aircraft hash 1554, getMachForAlt(NaN), Loc x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: ?ò!
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !
[9:00:17 AM] WARNING: Render0TL: Exception When update lists: !

I've added more debugging code to get a Stack Trace on each call to that function, but apart from revealing some code which is not quite optimized for performance, nothing special happens in there and the Stack Traces are fine and reasonable.

I'm slightly lost here.
I can definitely rule out a general installation error, I did the install 2 times now to be on the safe side, hashes of the BAT parts are fine, installation went fine and I didn't see any other issue yet, it's just the F-18 that causes this scary error.

Oh, one more thing.
When I go to the arming screen and choose a custom "Low Density" 1024x1024 skin, I see this:

HD skins show fine, but in my book there shouldn't be any mapping issues just because a standard resolution skin has been chosen.

Next step will be to check the same BAT installation on different systems, probably tomorrow.

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: F-18 BAT Debugging
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2017, 02:18:14 AM »


2nd skin texture problem, it looks like HD / Full color mod side one.
 - Default summer/skin1o.tgb is 1024x1024 and user custom skins are 2048x2048 or 4096x4096 .... OK
 - Default summer/skin1o.tgb is 2048x2048 and user custom skins are 1024x1024 .... probably Out of expected by HD / Full color mod ?

When preparing some other testing aircrafts their summer/skin1o.tgb is 2048x2048 , choosing 1024x1024 user custom skins on them .... what happen ?
If no error , no problem ---> F-18 has some trouble around texture , not HD / Full color mod
Similar error of F-18 ---> this problem is related to HD / Full color mod , not F-18


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Re: F-18 BAT Debugging
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2017, 02:40:28 AM »

Please note that the mapping issue is just a side effect.
As mentioned in my post, I've converted all textures to standard resolution and used stock game's DLLs and the error (crashing on spawn) is exactly the same.

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: F-18 BAT Debugging
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2017, 05:16:40 AM »

About skins issue... I made myself a "LoRez" package, and it works fine. I do not have this skin issue anymore (not only with F-18, but other planes are solved too).

I would like to attach it to this post, but can't...


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Re: F-18 BAT Debugging
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2017, 05:29:50 AM »

As for me I did some tests, with BATDLLS-01 everything works fine however with BATDLLS-02, F18 fails to appear even in QMB viewer.
Its not that the model is simply invisible.
If I already have F18 selected as a plane from previous session, and click fly, the model wont be there, just and empty map.
If in QMB I have already F18 selected and click loadout, the window with loadout selection wont even open.
If on loadout screen I select F18 it will be just an empty window.

Also, you say some BATshit insane shit happens after two cycles, what does in game terms happens after two cycles?
I was guessing the issue is DLL's on particular system with 32/64 bit memory (since its look like memory conflict) or maybe even HUD in aircraft tries to update stuff and instead screws thing, its just a hunch, nothing more tho.

In any case, with default and first set of DLL's the game works fine, with the second set aircraft wont even appear as a model in a QMB, if I have it already selected and click loadout button the view wont even open and if i click fly, just an empty map.
Since you cant use first set it is possible that the issue in your case is because of second set of DLL's that are conflicting with that one particular aircraft somehow.


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Re: F-18 BAT Debugging
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2017, 06:09:30 AM »

About textures,
F-18 C and D  's the biggest damage layer TGAs named damage1o.tga and damage2o.tga are also 2048x2048 resolution.
How is it related to ?


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Re: F-18 BAT Debugging
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2017, 06:50:10 AM »

Guys, let's end the DLLs and texture size discussion.
I've answered that part myself in the opening post:
I've reverted to Stock IL-2 1946 DLLs and replaced all HD textures of the F-18 with SD ones, but the error stays the same.

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: F-18 BAT Debugging
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2017, 07:22:54 AM »

And I am telling you its DLL's, fight me  :P
Now seriously, install BATDLL set 2 and paste this one over it.
If it works I'll explain why reverting to stock didnt work, if it doesn't, I'll take a raincheck on that fight.


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Re: F-18 BAT Debugging
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2017, 07:38:49 AM »

No sir, that dll doesn't change a thing.
I know you want to tell me that the DLL has a different size compared to the others, but that's okay.

For the moment I have the F-18 working "the hard way" by simply disabling "Classes-!SAS-EngineMod_2.7.1W" from BAT and putting "!SAS_Engine_Mod_2.7.1W" from my working CUP installation in place instead.
Note that "Classes-!SAS-EngineMod_2.7.1W" from BAT has 36.5 MB while "!SAS_Engine_Mod_2.7.1W" is only 11.6MB (!!).
Something's seriously wrong with the current Engine Mod as implemented in BAT.

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: F-18 BAT Debugging
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2017, 07:43:25 AM »

Not exactly what I wanted to say, after I switched BATDLL to second set I got an issue with F18 but after I switched back to stock DLL's from stock IL2 game the same error persisted.
This DLL comes from BAT part 27 and with this F18 works correctly with either set of DLL's.

As to the engine mod, its not just the case of TJW having different engine mod that all the recip props?


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Re: F-18 BAT Debugging
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2017, 07:49:45 AM »

Comparing "SAS-EngineMod_2.7.1W" folder sizes...

CUP: 11.6MB
BAT (without EPs, folder is in BAT26.zip): 11.3MB
BAT EP2: 36.5MB

Reverting the folder "Classes-!SAS-EngineMod_2.7.1W" from Expansion Pack 2 version to original BAT version solves the issue too.
It's definitely an engine mod thing.

As to the engine mod, its not just the case of TJW having different engine mod that all the recip props?
I'm only talking about Engine Mod folders residing in #JTW2 (BAT) / #JTW (CUP) of course.

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: F-18 BAT Debugging
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2017, 08:38:51 AM »

Only getMachForAlt() method crashing problem,
fixing in
US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.6.4 Beta Java pack

Thanks, Mike.
Your report and assistance help it.
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