Dear Storebror, dear Monty,
I would like to explain a little more my demand.
On my hard disk I had 9 versions of Il2 : SAS with the buttons , DBW, HSFX, 4.13, VP Media, CUP modded by myself, CUP PUR partially modded by myself, CUP PUR PUR not modded as reference and BAT, just to show that I am a good client. I would like to stay with BAT. I think that I can erase SAS, DBW, HSFX, CUP PUR and CUP PUR PUR.
I like to rumage among in M4T looking for campaigns even old ones and install them in my game. I frequently meet problems of pink plane or plane exploding on the runway. I know it comes mainly from the loadout and on the logtext, not always easy to read, I have to search at the beginning of the serie of « at » after the sentence telling me what loadout is not valid for a given aircraft. I can also use FMB and check for each aircraft the loadout and correct the mission with the help of the weapons folder. I have always a great pleasure when finally the mission runs. So for this type of trouble I have a tool.
I also encounter a problem with fps. It is very frustrating in the middle of a mission to get the image suddenly freezing one or two seconds, it is just like a false note in a concerto, or worse, experiencing a very low fps in a combat flight due to the sudden great amount of aircrafts in the air, it is a disaster. I assume that the builder of the mission tested his work before editing. Either he neglected the poor fps or he had other settings or game or pc or I don't know what giving him acceptable fps .
Somewhere Monty said that in case of too many aircrafts the computer is not able to treat all the datas. Somewhere it is said that one has to change the settings e.g. effects=1 instead of effects=2 or to use just one core of the pc.
I tried to find a tool in order to make comparisons. I found that the mission « Black Death » has been used as basis and on the thread of Storebror I also found some interesting graphs allowing comparisons but the tool seems to be a little complicated for an amateur like me, but I am ready to learn.
Information on crashes are available in a clear text of SAS dated july 2009: ctd at 5%, ctd at 60%, ctd at 70% with remedies, I still have it. I don't remember if there is a text in case of pink plane or plane crashing on the runway but remedies are given among the threads. I didn't find a coherent text on sudden low fps or frame freezing. Didn't I look carefully enough ?
Sorry to bore you with that stuff.
Best regards