I have some skins for the F9F Panther with the Suez Operation Kadesh skins, but I was hoping who ever did those or whoever might have a Cougar Template could make a generic one with Israeli camo scheme Operation Kadesh fuselage stripe and Star of David emblem on it.
Pretty much like this paint scheme here, which is what I'm using the Panther and Cougar to duplicate the....... Mystere and Ouragan
I have Egyptian skins for pretty much everything used..... Mig 15/17, Meteors, there is one for the IL-28, except for the Egyptian Vampires and Sea Fury's...as seen on this page of aircraft used in the Suez campaign.
http://www.acig.info/CMS/?option=com_content&task=view&id=205&Itemid=47 .......... any Egyptian paint scheme of the period would be great.
These skins are for my Israeli campaign that starts in the 1948 war of Independence flying Spitfires in the closing days, all of Operation Kadesh "Sinai" campaign in 1956 and the opening days of the Six Day War in 1967............... Now that we have the Wyvern, Seahawk and Sea Vampire for the Royal Navy....F4F-5 for French Navy.... F-84 for French Air Force........ the Mirage III (Kfir), P-51 Mustang, Beaufighter, Mosquito, S-199, C-47 for the Israeli's I have a lot of the missing planes I was using other like aircraft as place holders. But there are still no Mystere's or Ouragans so I originally used F9F Panthers for the Ouragans and Sabers for the Mystere's..... I believe the Cougar will make a better Mystere. Whoever gets me the Israeli Cougar skin, and the Egyptian skin I'll send the campaign to to test. I know there were operations against the Jordanians using Hawker Hunters too but there are no Jordanian skins for it and it was during the Six Day War I believe.
http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww3/f/96/27/0 Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. This 20 mission campaign has waited about 5 years to see the light of day on the IL2 platform and it will be BAT built.