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Author Topic: Back to issue with fuzes  (Read 5545 times)

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Re: Back to issue with fuzes
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2017, 06:03:03 AM »

All a bit beyond me but I might have a go...
On another note I did a search on bombs and fuses and these posts didn't come up....
Sorry to waste time and thank you again.
I suppose there is no quick way to make these class file edits!!


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Re: Back to issue with fuzes
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2017, 11:29:45 AM »

hello peachy!

well, in fact I succeeded, sort of...
you get back the fuzes for the british 500 and 1000lb bombs, but in the process you loose quite many of the loadouts in the modded Tiffies and Tempest.
so it is up to you what to do...

the solution though is rather simple, just delete 6 classfiles from your game and you are good to with delayed fuzes for the 500 and 1000 pounders again...
I did a quick test after erasing those classfiles using a FB VI Mossie and a Tempest...you can set the fuzes again to low level for example, I used 12 seconds and they work as they have done in the past...
as said, you loose nearly all loadouts on the Tiffies and the Tempest but if you do not use them and as an interim, that should work...

what you need to delete is the following classfiles, starting with:


do this ONLY AFTER A BACKUP (those files can be found in the ObjectsWeapons folder inside WAW2....

(I checked that on a modded module of my CUP install, not in BAT directly, but I suppose it also works there...)

AGAIN....DO THIS ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND HOW TO REVERT BACK TO STOCK .. I cannot guarantee that those bombs work for other aircraft then as I only tested the Tempest and the Mossie as said and view this only as a quick and dirty work around till DreamK releases his British bombs pack which will hopefully reintroduce fuze settings for the Brit bombs then...



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Re: Back to issue with fuzes
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2017, 02:05:50 PM »

Mate, you are a star.....I guess I can create a quick jgsme mod to add classfiles back in as and when I want them.....
Cheers, I'm off to post some letters through gestapo hq door


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Re: Back to issue with fuzes
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2017, 04:49:24 PM »

Unfortunately the 250lb bombs still had no fuse options but following your lead I have identified the culprit - It is classfiles associated with the 250lbE bomb. If you remove the class files below:


In addition to the ones posted by Griffon then you will get back all of the fuse settings for 250lb, 500lb and 1000lb british bombs

I do not know which mod loadout this bomb is associated with - I have just remmed out the classfiles and created a JGSME folder to add them back in if required.
Happy now :)



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Re: Back to issue with fuzes
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2017, 05:59:03 PM »

Thanks Phil and Peachy - What an interesting find.  With a Special instruction to remove the 9 classfiles and a new BATMODS JSGME Option #WAW_ALT TYPHOONS to restore them we have, once again, the best of all worlds!  I will include these options and details in the next Expansion Pack Six, currently under final testing before release...


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Re: Back to issue with fuzes
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2017, 10:20:55 PM »

Hey peachy! great find! I have to admit I was just out hunting for the 500lb and 1000lb bombs as you posted that these are missing the fuze settings...great you hunted further and found the 250lbs classfiles as well...
shame that the Tiffies loose most of their interesting rocket loadouts though but the classfiles can be easily swapped in again, so thats not a big deal...

Simon, pay attention though; I did my testing in CUP and found that two of the mentioned classfiles come in two versions if you compare the stock Tiffie mod and the ObjectsWeapons classfiles folder...the ones in the classfiles folder are the newer ones, while the ones from the stock Tiffie mod have an older date...
4C63 and 65C0 IIRC...and as said, I did not do a thorough testing for all british aircraft, I guess peachy is the guy with way more testing in that regard...
so if there is additional loadouts that cause problems I cannot say...might be interesting for campaigns that feature missions with Tiffies and Mossies and maybe also some QMB sets with both aircraft in at the same time....


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Re: Back to issue with fuzes
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2017, 03:03:23 AM »

I certainly didn't test all Brit planes but I looked at the ones with the most heavily modded loadouts. The whirlwind and the seahurries still work as does the Hudson with its AS bombs. The heavies still have their loadouts and now we have fuzes back on stock bombs. So I could not find which plane the 250lbE bomb loadouts came from....the only real issue seems to be the typhoons and tempests.


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Re: Back to issue with fuzes
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2017, 04:14:45 AM »

I meant that if a mission requires a certain loadout from a plane thats not available any more, the mission usually crashes the game...had this happen quite often;
the available loadouts should work, it is the not available loadout options that might cause problems for certain campaigns and missions....
well, here is hoping that DreamK will solve this problem with his pack once and for all....
if not, we still have the JSGME option of swapping the 9 classfiles in and out and as a last resort it is quite easy to rewrite some missions that might cause troubles....


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Re: Back to issue with fuzes
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2017, 04:38:29 PM »

Couldn't resist!

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