Hi Monty and and Hanger19 team,
A request if possible, (not to sure if I should post this here ,feel free to move or delete)
This massive update contains enough aircraft,ships objects and updates etc., to keep IL2
going for years and years the most complete simulater EVER done.
The improvement over CUP is immense, including the massive speed increase that you can now use
for checking missions.(great time saver) or getting to a target quicker.
Anyway my one request :-Is it possible to maybe include a moving infantry object,
just one, be it Russian,German or Japanese, so long as it can be changed from red to blue army
This one addition would enable a lot of older campaigns and missions to be updated
to run in BAT , saving some good old campaigns to be preserved for future users.
I was thinking a lot of SCW and WAW2 campaigns that have used infantry and it would be good
to update them as near as possible to the original campaign. ( you never get that close to see the whites
of there eyes so uniforms shouldn't matter, but it can and does add to a mission if included.)
I know new Campaigns and missions should be made and will be but some older ones where brilliant!
Just a thought:-- I do enjoyed seeing if I can improve the look and playability of a campaign.
If it is not possible to add infantry because of class file problems etc so be it.
Cheers edc1 (stan)
My spelling is useless to old for school now and they don't like zimmer frames in the school yard at playtime
ps, Should be uploading a campaign shortly for TGA (not a SCW campaign)with original authors permission. .