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Author Topic: Ultimate PC setup for BAT ... the way it needs to be played - please post pics of your rig  (Read 2541 times)

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I have decided to save up for a super hedonistic ninja kickass pc setup primarily for BAT . Major league graphics cards, 3 x curved monitors, seat , flightsticks.. I have a background in pc building and i jusrt can't wait.  etc etc .. I'd be happy to pay a lot of money if it means experiencing BAT the way it deserves to be. (No kids or mortgage - why the hell not?) If anyone has got this type of major league setup or anything near it DO PLEASE post pictures of it so we can drool and be inspired... Show it off...
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This one?


If you happen to optimize your PC for BAT or IL-2 in general, take care to keep an eye on the single thread performance since that's the first bottleneck you'll notice in IL-2 nowadays:

Best regards - Mike
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Oh memories . Learnt Cobol back in 1989 on one of those. Never had so much fun.   Thanks for the useful link mike.
"A day without slaughter is like a day without sunshine" ..Marcus Kincaid

ol' Navy

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I got my sons an Atari 800 "several" years ago, and that is what sat around our house for years.  But I don't have a picture.  Not even sure we had a camera. Just joking about the camera.  Not about that Atari.  It was hell on Pacman but I'm not so sure how it would have handled BAT.  Just adding a little humor.


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My first ever gaming was on an Amstrad 8086 - 12inch VGA , No hard disk (that was an optional extra)   and i played MS Flight Simulator 4 straight off the floppy. I got about 5 fps over built up areas 320x200 rez. But i loved it.
"A day without slaughter is like a day without sunshine" ..Marcus Kincaid

Mike Rudel

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Here's Mine I built it 2 years ago and it operates B.A.T. flawlessly



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Building my own rig after saving up enough. Should be later this year. A good site to help is   http://www.build-gaming-computers.com/    It helped me a lot to do my first build. Looking to spend about $1500 on the rig. Should be more than able to handle anything out there or coming out in the future. My old gaming rig has bit the dust so i'm using a high-end laptop-(pawn shop special) for now and it plays all my combat flight sims great.
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