And I'd like to propose an encore - for another round of applause

Been playing 1946 since about 2008
Have gone through quite a few megamods
The first one - I cannot even remember the name of it.
All I know is I downloaded it from a site called AllAircraftArcade (I think

Then it was Dark Blue World
Then it was The Full Monty
Then I tried HSFX 7.0
Then after that was TFM The Next Level (I think)
Then came CUP
I tried so many times to get CUP working but never could
(May I please stress here, I am absolutely sure this was totally my fault. Either I did not follow the instructions properly. Or One of my many downloads was corrupt)
After that I gave up on '46 for a while.
After I got my new tower I thought I would check to see how good '46 looks on it
And I found BAT

Left the torrent going yesterday while I was at work.
When I came home - all ready to go

Have only tried a few hours of QMB so far - but it is looking frikkin amazing
Have been flying a Spit over South East England, and a Yak 1 over Stalingrad
Everything looks so beautiful, the aircraft handle just how I want them too, the special effects are lovely, the AAA is scary

Basically - absolutely outstanding work everyone
Massive, massive thanks to everyone who made BAT possible

That you could all take a game engine that is this old, and make it look, sound and feel this good is nothing short of amazing
Many many thanks everyone